Dorman Home Meet #1 2024

Spartanburg, SC
Hosted by Dorman

Dorman Home Meet #1 2024 vs Dorman Home Meet #1 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -78 74 152
Overall Average -31.12 24:08.34 24:39.45
1st-10th Place +43.90 19:02.40 18:18.50
1st-25th Place +1:06.44 20:21.24 19:14.80
1st-50th Place +1:59.96 22:21.74 20:21.78
1st-100th Place -4:25.72 17:51.77 22:17.49
Common Athletes -- -- 36
Ran Faster -- 18 18
Ran Season Best 1 1 --
Average Time +2.97 23:07.44 23:04.47
Median Time +59.00 23:41.00 22:42.00
Middle 80% Times +17.72 23:19.17 23:01.45
Top 10% Times -29.00 18:28.25 18:57.25
Top 25% Times -28.67 19:04.56 19:33.22
Top 50% Times -27.50 20:16.17 20:43.67
Bottom 50% Times +33.44 25:58.72 25:25.28
Bottom 25% Times -21.89 26:49.67 27:11.56
Bottom 10% Times -1:18.25 27:16.75 28:35.00
Average Difference +2.97 -- --
Median Difference +1:51.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +34.83 -- --
Top 10% Difference -53.75 -- --
Top 50% Difference -23.00 -- --
Top 25% Difference -17.33 -- --
Top 50% Difference -23.00 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +28.94 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +41.33 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:15.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Clay Ollinger Dorman +53.00 19:16.00 18:23.00
Joseph McBride Dorman -1:34.00 18:24.00 19:58.00
Cam Bailey Dorman -1:39.00 18:24.00 20:03.00
Tyler Davis Dorman -1:34.00 18:25.00 19:59.00
Lucas Brown Dorman -1:20.00 18:40.00 20:00.00
Ryan Smith Dorman +1:54.00 20:39.00 18:45.00
William Womick Dorman +1:53.00 20:39.00 18:46.00
Liam Griswold Dorman -1:53.00 19:10.00 21:03.00
Noah Cothran Dorman -1:23.00 19:23.00 20:46.00
Carter Smith Dorman -6:08.00 19:36.00 25:44.00
David Feig Dorman +34.00 20:29.00 19:55.00
Ben Jurek Dorman +13.00 20:23.00 20:10.00
Banks Metcalf Dorman -2.00 20:23.00 20:25.00
Austin Owens Dorman -3:13.00 20:30.00 23:43.00
Avery Johnson Dorman -2:36.00 21:33.00 24:09.00
Isaac Soto Dorman -1:19.00 22:24.00 23:43.00
Ella Blount Dorman +2:46.00 25:13.00 22:27.00
Ella Tombuelt Dorman +4:20.00 26:48.00 22:28.00
Lexsy Barrientos Dorman +3:55.00 26:24.00 22:29.00
Haley Ruth Dorman +3:56.00 26:25.00 22:29.00
Ella Bowen Dorman +4:19.00 26:49.00 22:30.00
Kalli Faulkner Dorman +3:54.00 26:24.00 22:30.00
Victor Johnson Dorman +3:22.00 26:04.00 22:42.00
Peyton Watkins Dorman +1:06.00 23:50.00 22:44.00
Avalie Workman Dorman +3:39.00 26:50.00 23:11.00
Malachi Weber Dorman -2:51.00 23:12.00 26:03.00
Aiden Dillard Dorman -4:07.00 23:21.00 27:28.00
Noah Burgess Dorman -4:41.00 23:41.00 28:22.00
Alyce "Coco" Harrison Dorman +2:58.00 26:45.00 23:47.00
Aggie Romansky Dorman +1:51.00 25:39.00 23:48.00
Peyton Grace Kellett Dorman -1:33.00 24:41.00 26:14.00
Ruth Chavez Medina Dorman +20.00 25:24.00 25:04.00
Anna Reid Nelson Dorman -1:32.00 25:38.00 27:10.00
Addison Laney Dorman -14.00 26:00.00 26:14.00
Audrey Womick Dorman +13.00 26:22.00 26:09.00
Emma Puckett Dorman -2:40.00 28:40.00 31:20.00