South Carolina Cross Country State Qualifiers Hub

State Qualifier Frequently Asked Questions by SCTCCCA

Are spectators allowed at the qualifier?
Sadly no, spectators will not be allowed at the qualifiers.

Will spectators be allowed at the STATE meet?
Spectators WILL be allowed at the state meet.  All spectators will be expected to follow COVID protocol per the South Carolina High School League.

Will the races be live-streamed so parents can watch?
At this point, we don't have an answer to this question.  The association doesn't have the manpower or the technology available to live stream the event.  Todd Lea with the timing company (CKET) is working to try to get a live feed from the finish line of each race.  From what we understand, internet access and cell service are spotty at best near the finish lines, so Todd is going to try, but it will likely be a last-minute decision whether or not this is possible.  We will send out a message WHERE the races will be streamed if it works, but there will be no promises that we can make it work for sure. 

Our parents are really upset that they can't be there to watch what may be their athlete's last race, are we SURE we can't live stream?
We understand that perspective completely, and as a parent, we would feel the same way. Having said that, we need to keep in mind that there was a large number of athletes that spent their senior track season at home watching Netflix and didn't even get the opportunity to compete. As coaches, we need to assure parents that we are trying to best we can to help them see the race, but our first priority is making sure the athletes get to compete. The next question may offer a solid alternative to appease parents.....

Can my AD or Principal attend the race?
If your principal or AD would like to attend the race, they can attend as long as they enter the facility WITH your team.  I would encourage you to ask your principal/AD to stream the race on Facebook Live and that might appease some of the parents of your athletes.

Will courses be available for teams to access prior to race day?
My understanding is that Crooked Creek is an open public park, so I don't know that there's any reason you couldn't access the park ahead of time.  The Chapin staff has asked us to communicate for no one to park at the church that is adjacent to the park property at any time - race day or not.  Sandhills Research Facility is closed to the public, so there will be no access to the course except for race days.

Can we bring an alternate with us?  Can we bring our entire team with us?
Each team may bring one alternate per gender with them.  Teams will not be allowed to bring more than 8 athletes per gender to the qualifying meets.

What do we do if parents are driving athletes to the meet?
The expectation for Sandhills and Crooked Creek is that teams will ride on a bus to the facility.  Understanding that sometimes this is not feasible, we will put out a plan regarding what to do if parents are dropping athletes off at the meet.  This will be released with the parking plan.

When will we receive this parking plan you speak of?
The parking plan will be sent out sometime today after school.  This will include parking maps, parking instructions, what to do if parents drop off athletes, etc.

When will my team know if we qualified for state?
Results will likely come pretty quickly, but we will not be posting results as we have in the past to avoid crowds.  As soon as final results are completed, they will be posted to SCRunners and a list of qualifying teams will be posted to Sports You and emailed to coaches.

What will we do in the event of bad weather?
Right now it looks like things will be clear by Friday, so we should be okay both days. We will use Sports You as our first line of communication for inclement weather.  If you have not joined the Sports You App (even if you are not a member of the coaches' association), please do so.