Meet Information


I have placed the starting box assignments uner results. There will not be assignments in the packet (PRINT YOUR OWN or make note of your #). We will have copies taped to the registration tables. Box #1 is closest to the road and Box #24 is closest to the finish line.


1. Athletes are allowed to be on the State Meet Course on Friday
SCHSL Handbook. pg 27-7-h. Teams are allowed to walk or jog the course the day before the championship
2. National Federation Rules shall govern all contests
3. Medals will be awarded to the first three finishers in each race (SCHSL) and ribbons to 3rd-15th (SCTCCCA)
4. Top 2 Teams in each race will be awarded Trophies (SCHSL)
5. Top 15 in each race will be named All-State (SCTCCCA)
6. Shrine Bowl Team will be announced following the event (SCTCCCA) from those that applied
(see alist of those that applied on Mike Moore Shrine Bowl Run page)
7. Parking is $8 per vehicle
8. Any athlete that is wearing a cast, the cast MUST be wrapped per Rule 4-4 Art 1
9. Any coach in an Off-Limit area, can cause your athletes to be DQed
a. Starting line when it is announced for coaches to clear, 5 min prior to start (unless you are working)
b. Inside the finish ropes at any time (unless you are working)
c. Inside the ropes at the top of the hill (unless you are working)
10. We will have USATF officials (6) on the course monitoring each race.
These are meet officials and have full authority, along with the SCTCCCA VP's
No teams can setup on the parking lot strip of grass, or on the finish line side of the building. This is a request from Clemson.
12. Please keep your team out of the corn fields, bamboo fields, lake, etc....
We are guests of the Sandhills and we do not want to lose this wonderful venue.
13. There will be a designated area (just before the mile and 600m past the 2 mile) where teams can hand water to their athletes.
Please be aware, that there will be an official there and if the runner (receiving water) or the person handing water, interferes
with another runner in the race, the runner in the race will be DQed.
Calling for cool Friday night (45) and a high of only 71 Saturday. We do not see this as necessary, but the option is there.
This is the only place where this could be done on the course.
14. ONE FOR ONE SWAPS (Qualified Teams only, not individuals) will be allowed AT LEAST 30 MINUTES prior to your scheduled race.
You will use your team roster in your packet and cross out the name and grade of the person and write in the new runners name
and grade. It must be legible for any swap to occur. You will give your swap to the person working the packet pickup.
DO NOT TAKE TO THE TIMERS. The roster will not be returned to the coach.
15. DO NOT TAKE ANY BIB NUMBERS INSIDE THE ROPED OFF AREA. This area is off-limits (see #9 above), and no coach should be
inside this area anyways.

7:45 am........................................................Begin Picking up Packets
8:15 am........................................................Course closes (per SCHSL handbook)
9:00 am .......................................................Class AAAAA Girls
9:30 am .......................................................Class AAAA Girls
10:00 am .....................................................Class AAAAA Boys
10:30 am .....................................................Class AAAA Boys
11:15 am .....................................................Presentation of Awards
12:00 noon ..................................................Class AAA Girls
12:30 pm .....................................................Class AA/A Girls
1:00 pm .......................................................Class AAA Boys
1:30 pm .......................................................Class AA Boys
2:00 pm .......................................................Class A Boys
2:45 pm .......................................................Presentation of Awards

Please be sure you are in compliance with the uniform policy for this weekend.

Teams will be checked in 15 minutes prior to the start of scheduled race. Races will not be held up to allow teams to get within compliance. Last year, teams were pulled from the line after not being able to get within compliance. Please do not put your team in this situation. THIS IS THE COACHES RESPONSIBILITY.

South Carolina follows NFHS rules when dealing with uniforms. Rule 4-2 Section 3 (page 22-24). READ AND BE IN COMPLIANCE

Some points that keep getting asked and that some coaches do not understand.

1. Nike PRO shorts (with wording on waistband) ARE NOT allowed. You cannot color them in or roll the waistband.
2. Shorts CAN NOT be rolled. (Boys and Girls will be asked to raise the bottom of their jersey if not tucked in)
3. Shorts have to be same color and design (either: all boy-shorts, all loose legged, all split seam). They can be different lengths
4. Undergarments (worn under uniform) do not have to match as long as they are above the knee
5. Headbands, must be soft elastic...single color and 1 logo is allowed. Teams do not have to match. Hats are not allowed
6. Jewelry is allowed.
7. GPS devices ARE NOT allowed. This includes Garmin, Fitbit, Apple Watches, etc.....
8. Sunglasses are not allowed unless the coach has a doctors letter for that athlete.
9. Leg Compression/socks have no rules if below the knee
10. Arm compression have to be single solid color with one logo only
11. Manufacture logos cannot be bigger than 2.25 x 2.25 inches.
12. Meet management has the right to allow gloves/hats the morning of the race based on the weather. (SCHSL)

Eric J. Cummings, CAA
Riverside High School
Assistant Athletic Director-Transportation
Boys & Girls Cross Country/T&F