USATF S.C. first year president Brian McCue passed a note Saturday at day one of the Southern Conference to scrunners, wanting to thank everyone that sent messages of support during his December surgery for colon cancer.
Mt. Pleasant runner Jacob Spencer recaps his USATF season from Nov. 15 at the state meet in Spartanburg until the end of regionals on Nov. 22 in Virginia.

USATF S.C. Association is hosting the 2008 cross country championships Saturday morning at the Roger Milliken Center in Spartanburg. Also scheduled is a masters race at 9 a.m. Meet registration is available in the morning.
South Carolina USATF association inducted four into the assocation's hall of fame in late September on the campus of USC Upstate in Spartanburg during the annual meeting. The association also announced three presidential awards.
Wando sophomore Timothy Tyler talks about his role as no. 1 runner for the Warriors, defending Class AAAA champions, and how the team has pushed to their limits while missing to two key runners due to injury. Tyler also talks about the importance of senior Josh Fitts' leadership.