McBee XC Home #2 2021

McBee, SC
Hosted by McBee
Timing/Results Van Deman Timing

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Tylique Lamar
Bixler, Caleb Lamar
Tyson, Jason Cheraw
Price, Jeremy Lamar
Morales-Rojas, Enrique Lamar
Dullanty, Charles Governor's School
Gower, Gabriel Cheraw
Colf, Noah Chesterfield
Logan, Ronnie Lamar
Lowe, Kinnick 18:28.39 Chesterfield
Murphy, Na'Shar 19:29.99 Chesterfield
Sackmann, Grant 19:35.55 Governor's School
Gower, Joshua 19:52.92 Cheraw
Chauhan, Sanjeev 19:56.63 Governor's School
Smith, Dominique 19:57.11 Governor's School
Barefoot, Ty 20:13.90 McBee
Newton, Zachary 20:36.93 Cheraw
Anderson, Ethan 20:42.62 Governor's School
Baggott, Payton 21:00.80 Governor's School
Stafford, Logan 21:39.07 Chesterfield
Thibodeau, Tobyn 21:41.60 Governor's School
Clark, Jeremy 21:54.13 McBee
Brewer, Hayes 21:58.25 Governor's School
Baker, Lex 22:00.01 Governor's School
Xanthakos, Nikolaos 22:02.49 Governor's School
Cauthen, Caden 22:14.75 Cheraw
Goodwin, Landon 22:19.14 Cheraw
Segars, Reese 22:21.69 Cheraw
Howle, Noah 23:00.39 McBee
Keith, William 23:04.86 Chesterfield
Najera, Nathan 23:06.59 Chesterfield
Pritchard, Cole 23:13.69 McBee
Bradshaw, Wesley 23:25.58 Cheraw
Cox, Gabriel 23:31.98 Chesterfield
Senkier, Logan 24:06.89 Governor's School
Hiers, Eli 24:12.65 Cheraw
Pedrin, Rahko 24:26.05 McBee
Proffitt, Jace 24:29.69 McBee
Chaney, Cameron 24:58.10 McBee
Pruitt, Jacob 24:59.48 Chesterfield
Tucker, Jackson 26:41.57 Chesterfield
Fuqua, Joshua 27:21.00 Governor's School
Mignogna, Luke 27:22.05 Chesterfield
Chambers, Hunter 27:34.20 Governor's School
Ainsworth, Nathan 27:37.03 Cheraw
Rollings, Cooper 27:47.00 McBee
Daw, Nicholas 27:59.76 Chesterfield
Hood, Elijah 28:28.60 Governor's School
Sabin, Aidan 28:46.10 Governor's School
Vigorita, Michael 28:49.97 Chesterfield
Summers, Manuel 29:11.40 Governor's School
Combs, Josh 29:15.51 McBee
Reid, Cohen 29:31.60 McBee
Norris, Evan 29:52.47 McBee
Patel, Shubham 32:27.11 McBee
Emerson, Ryder 32:58.80 Governor's School
Tribble, Kevius 32:59.70 Governor's School
Peavey, Hayden 55:00.00 McBee
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Colf, Emma Chesterfield
Helms, Caitlyn Chesterfield
Lanahan, Elise 19:48.10 Governor's School
Lowe, Amrie 23:51.20 Chesterfield
Hipple, Isabelle 24:50.11 Governor's School
Byford, Anna 27:46.69 Governor's School
Dease, Ionika 28:04.09 McBee
Jackson, Baylee 28:14.79 McBee
Leonard, Kaylee 28:19.08 Chesterfield
Helms, Abigail 28:36.10 Chesterfield
Feith, Emma 28:45.78 Governor's School
Smith, Kaitlin 29:41.90 Chesterfield
Frias, Guadalupe 30:09.56 Governor's School
Ochoa, Jasmine 30:30.12 Chesterfield
Bertok, Marilyn 30:30.36 Governor's School
Floyd, Keegan 32:35.31 Governor's School
Egner, Zada 33:34.33 Chesterfield
Tyner, Blazley 35:54.48 McBee
Lane, Alexia 36:07.20 McBee
Dixon, Kaelyn 37:18.05 McBee
Aquino, Ava 42:20.88 McBee
James, Sarah 44:25.00 McBee
James, Hannah 47:23.18 McBee
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