South Pointe meet 5 2022

Rock Hill, SC
Hosted by South Pointe
Timing/Results Mitchell Timing

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fields, Jordan Lewisville
Flowers, Aileem 11.30 South Pointe
Sanders, Jaevan 11.46 South Pointe
Robinson, Channing 11.50 South Pointe
Thompson, Zmori 11.65 South Pointe
McCray, Sean 11.68 Indian Land
Baxter II, Derrick 11.75 Nation Ford
Mays, Donovan 11.83 South Pointe
Peoples, Jaden 11.90 Indian Land
Petiote, Rohahn 11.90 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Knight, Jeremiah 11.90 Indian Land
Ross, Johntavis 11.92 South Pointe
Black III, Richard 11.93 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Barksdale, Derrick 11.93 South Pointe
Peeler, Blake 11.94 Nation Ford
Idehen, Dumkele 11.96 Indian Land
Robinson, De'Adrian 11.98 Lewisville
Stephens, Khristian 12.02 South Pointe
Rodriguez, Anthony 12.05 Indian Land
Strong, Jordan 12.05 Lewisville
Esparcia, Ross 12.10 Nation Ford
Evans, Dalton 12.11 Indian Land
Ervin, Evan 12.12 South Pointe
Curbeam, Jordan 12.14 South Pointe
Visor-Hemphill, Si-Jason 12.27 South Pointe
Barnette, Jaden 12.29 South Pointe
Dorsey, Jasiah 12.43 Lewisville
Walker, Mylieke 12.45 South Pointe
Singletary, Jaden 12.45 Indian Land
Kendrick, Demari 12.47 South Pointe
Sackiel, Aden 12.49 South Pointe
Garcia, Denari 12.51 Lewisville
Leary, Chad 12.63 Lewisville
Sims, Caleb 12.72 South Pointe
Barber, Raymond 12.74 South Pointe
Roddey, Jace 12.78 South Pointe
Barz, Lucas 12.84 Nation Ford
Lucas, Malcolm 12.93 South Pointe
Cabbagestalk, Nick 13.09 Lewisville
Harris, RiQuarius 13.11 Lewisville
Wells, James 13.15 Nation Ford
Davis, Kentez 13.15 Lewisville
Hunter, Darryl 13.22 South Pointe
Ennzo, Huerta 13.28 Nation Ford
Fils-Aime, Emerson 13.40 South Pointe
Bennett, Raphel 13.54 Nation Ford
Strong, Dantrell 13.61 South Pointe
Dillingham, Chase 13.63 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Robinson, Kyle 13.77 South Pointe
Angel, Ethan 14.90 South Pointe
Bush, Malik 15.02 Lewisville
Giles, Vicent 15.06 Nation Ford
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vinson, Kenneth Indian Land
Fil-aime, Zamar 15.49 South Pointe
Hill, Connor 16.68 Nation Ford
McIver, LJ 17.74 Nation Ford
Powers, Christian 18.68 Nation Ford
Miller, Denarion 18.90 South Pointe
Delozier, Branson 20.16 Indian Land
Wolter, Greyson 20.20h Nation Ford
Luley, Marcos 21.20 Indian Land
Schultz, Tucker 21.70 Indian Land
Caldwell, Devon 21.92 Indian Land
Butts, Christian 23.60 Indian Land
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chandarana, Devan Indian Land
Regalado, Ostin Indian Land
Cabatit, Samuel Indian Land
Rocca, Preston South Pointe
Ledford, Braden Indian Land
Thomas, Devin South Pointe
Banks, Jayden Indian Land
Slepokura, Blake Indian Land
Yegge, Maddox 4:51.84 Indian Land
Sinkler, Joshuah 4:53.36 South Pointe
Flachman, Nathan 5:00.88 South Pointe
Barringer, Jaxon 5:06.25 Indian Land
Rigoni, Dominic 5:10.02 Nation Ford
Touchstone, Jacob 5:15 Nation Ford
Pohlheber, David 5:16.95 Indian Land
Carroll, Ben 5:23.31 Indian Land
Moran, James 5:30.36 Indian Land
Newsom, Robert 5:31.21 South Pointe
Graham, Stuart 5:34.20 Indian Land
Dayrit, Logan 5:38.26 Nation Ford
Brown, Garrett 5:38.88 South Pointe
Recore, Chase 5:39.27 Indian Land
Moton, Treyton 5:51.37 South Pointe
Mercado, Ivan 5:56.54 Indian Land
Bailey, Dalton 5:57.49 Lewisville
Cherry, Simon 5:57.72 Indian Land
Miller, Dean 6:22.53 Nation Ford
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Porter, Bentley Indian Land
Cherry, Joseph Indian Land
Perez, Tyler South Pointe
Stinson, Myles Indian Land
Fields, Jordan Lewisville
Hamrick, Micheal Indian Land
Leary, Chad Lewisville
Thomas, Az-Hakim Indian Land
Robinson, De'Adrian Lewisville
McCray, Sean Indian Land
Scheidt, Jaxon Indian Land
Ross, Johntavis 22.37 South Pointe
Flowers, Aileem 23.00 South Pointe
Petiote, Rohahn 23.75 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Idehen, Dumkele 24.02 Indian Land
Black III, Richard 24.05 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Thompson, Zmori 24.11 South Pointe
Barksdale, Derrick 24.21 South Pointe
Peoples, Jaden 24.41 Indian Land
Hall, Michael 24.50 South Pointe
Lucas, Malcolm 24.55 South Pointe
Mays, Donovan 24.59 South Pointe
Peeler, Blake 24.79 Nation Ford
Curbeam, Jordan 24.88 South Pointe
Bennett, Raphel 25.00h Nation Ford
Barz, Lucas 25.00h Nation Ford
Wells, James 25.20h Nation Ford
Stephens, Khristian 25.22 South Pointe
Arnold, Kayden 25.32 Indian Land
Ennzo, Huerta 25.50h Nation Ford
Esparcia, Ross 25.50h Nation Ford
Sanders, Jaevan 25.54 South Pointe
Douglas, Cameron 25.55 South Pointe
Davis, Kentez 25.58 Lewisville
Visor-Hemphill, Si-Jason 25.84 South Pointe
Barber, Raymond 25.88 South Pointe
Kendrick, Demari 25.93 South Pointe
Garcia, Denari 26.00 Lewisville
Sackiel, Aden 26.30 South Pointe
Mwakapusya, David 26.38 Indian Land
Walker, Mylieke 26.74 South Pointe
Giles, Vicent 27.20h Nation Ford
Singletary, Jaden 27.28 Indian Land
Hunter, Darryl 27.64 South Pointe
Sims, Caleb 28.08 South Pointe
Roddey, Jace 28.28 South Pointe
Cabbagestalk, Nick 28.31 Lewisville
Hart, Zion 28.60 South Pointe
Harris, RiQuarius 28.64 Lewisville
Dillingham, Chase 28.72 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Fils-Aime, Emerson 29.30 South Pointe
Robinson, Kyle 29.63 South Pointe
Angel, Ethan 30.92 South Pointe
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Joyner, Gavin South Pointe
Touchstone, Jacob Nation Ford
Moran, James Indian Land
Miller, Dean Nation Ford
Brown, Garrett 10:50.06 South Pointe
Flachman, Nathan 11:06.60 South Pointe
Barringer, Jaxon 11:21.66 Indian Land
Carroll, Ben 11:37.30 Indian Land
Newsom, Robert 11:58.36 South Pointe
Graham, Stuart 12:02.90 Indian Land
Pohlheber, David 12:10.40 Indian Land
McSwain, Gavin 12:31.08 South Pointe
Dayrit, Logan 12:34.66 Nation Ford
Cherry, Simon 12:44.40 Indian Land
Rigoni, Dominic 13:00.51 Nation Ford
Mercado, Ivan 13:37.10 Indian Land
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Porter, Bentley Indian Land
Hamrick, Micheal Indian Land
Cherry, Joseph Indian Land
Bailey, Dalton Lewisville
Smith, Austen Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Harris, RJ 1:00.21 Lewisville
Frew, Connor 1:00.43 Indian Land
Sackiel, Aden 1:00.63 South Pointe
Sanders, Jaevan 1:00.74 South Pointe
Boulware, R.J 1:01.41 Lewisville
Fewell, Elijah 1:01.91 South Pointe
Barber, Raymond 1:02.25 South Pointe
Stephens, Khristian 1:03.17 South Pointe
Hunter, Darryl 1:03.37 South Pointe
Roddey, Jace 1:03.55 South Pointe
Threatt, Zion 1:04.36 Indian Land
Fils-Aime, Emerson 1:04.78 South Pointe
Fields, Jordan 1:06.69 Lewisville
Cabbagestalk, Nick 1:11.00 Lewisville
Davis, Donovan 1:13.56 Lewisville
Visor-Hemphill, Si-Jason 3:20.43 South Pointe
Baxter II, Derrick 49.68 Nation Ford
Adams, Brian 52.27 Indian Land
Ross, Johntavis 52.39 South Pointe
Davis, Malikius 53.49 Indian Land
Moore, Jacob 53.73 Nation Ford
Hall, Michael 54.90 South Pointe
Perez, Tyler 56.48 South Pointe
Douglas, Cameron 57.03 South Pointe
Curbeam, Jordan 57.29 South Pointe
Dillingham, Chase 57.36 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Barz, Lucas 57.95 Nation Ford
Thompson, Zmori 58.11 South Pointe
Mwakapusya, David 58.12 Indian Land
Walker, Mylieke 58.51 South Pointe
Rodriguez, Anthony 58.55 Indian Land
Arnold, Kayden 59.76 Indian Land
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HS Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Butts, Christian Indian Land
Fil-aime, Zamar 1:01.24 South Pointe
Hill, Connor 1:03.32 Nation Ford
McIver, LJ 1:06.89 Nation Ford
Miller, Denarion 1:07.66 South Pointe
Luley, Marcos 1:09.41 Indian Land
Powers, Christian 1:12.00h Nation Ford
Delozier, Branson 1:13.62 Indian Land
Caldwell, Devon 1:14.05 Indian Land
Wolter, Greyson 1:15.00h Nation Ford
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.12 Nation Ford
Relay Team D 44.16 South Pointe
Relay Team A 44.16 South Pointe
Relay Team E 44.16 South Pointe
Relay Team B 44.16 South Pointe
Relay Team C 44.16 South Pointe
Relay Team A 44.70 Indian Land
Relay Team B 46.00h Indian Land
Relay Team C 47.00h Indian Land
Relay Team A 48.06 Lewisville
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lewisville
Relay Team A 3:34.78 Nation Ford
Relay Team C 3:41.28 South Pointe
Relay Team D 3:41.28 South Pointe
Relay Team A 3:41.28 South Pointe
Relay Team E 3:41.28 South Pointe
Relay Team B 3:41.28 South Pointe
Relay Team A 3:46.80 Indian Land
Relay Team B 3:50.00h Indian Land
Relay Team C 3:55.00h Indian Land
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 9:03.41 Indian Land
Relay Team B 9:06.95 South Pointe
Relay Team A 9:06.95 South Pointe
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cabatit, Samuel Indian Land
Miller, Kendrick South Pointe
Newsom, Robert South Pointe
Regalado, Ostin Indian Land
Ledford, Braden Indian Land
Moran, James Indian Land
Banks, Jayden Indian Land
McSwain, Gavin South Pointe
Slepokura, Blake Indian Land
Chandarana, Devan Indian Land
Andrews, Micah 2:07.55 South Pointe
Sinkler, Joshuah 2:10.67 South Pointe
Barringer, Jaxon 2:11.77 Indian Land
Moton, Treyton 2:18.28 South Pointe
Yegge, Maddox 2:20.81 Indian Land
Pohlheber, David 2:22.24 Indian Land
Bayley, William 2:22.51 Indian Land
Joseph, Jordon 2:22.76 South Pointe
Patel, Man 2:23.00h Nation Ford
Recore, Chase 2:24.15 Indian Land
Huyett, Ian 2:24.99 Indian Land
Brown, Garrett 2:26.23 South Pointe
Meyer, Cayden 2:27.16 Nation Ford
Smith, Austen 2:27.39 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
Joyner, Gavin 2:27.69 South Pointe
Bailey, Dalton 2:31.29 Lewisville
Rocca, Preston 2:34.54 South Pointe
Harris, RJ 2:40.91 Lewisville
Boulware, R.J 2:47.63 Lewisville
Thomas, Devin 2:58.07 South Pointe
Flachman, Nathan 3:04.05 South Pointe
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HS Boys Discus Throw 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McMoore, Alexavier 143-2 South Pointe
Rygol, Clayton 120-3 Nation Ford
Romec, Marcus 111-2 Nation Ford
Ramirez, Morgan 110-9 Nation Ford
Fewell, Jadon 106-6 South Pointe
Bey, Dakota 104-10 Nation Ford
Brackett, Boyd 104-5 South Pointe
Mondesir, Wilkenson 104-5 Indian Land
Rodriguez, Flavio 92-4 Indian Land
Drayton, Savyion 90-11 Nation Ford
Gillcrese, James 89-8 Lewisville
Goodwin, Tamatri 88-11 South Pointe
Minarro, Alan 87-5 Nation Ford
RayDavis, Harley 84-11 Lewisville
Mitchell, Beau 84-4 South Pointe
Adams, Davon 84-1 South Pointe
Gower, Jack 80-11 Nation Ford
Patterson, Micah 77-4 South Pointe
Goree, Victor 72-2 South Pointe
Foster, Cade 70-11 Lewisville
Moore, Devin 65-3 South Pointe
Craine, Jacob 54-1 Lewisville
Hart, Zion South Pointe
Clendenin, Conor Indian Land
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HS Boys High Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Adams, Brian 6-2 Indian Land
Robinson, Channing 6-0 South Pointe
Westbrook, Cire 5-8 South Pointe
Lucas, Malcolm 5-4 South Pointe
Adedeji, Daniel 5-0 Indian Land
Rodriguez, Anthony Indian Land
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HS Boys Javelin 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rygol, Clayton 136-7 Nation Ford
Perez, Tyler 126-7 South Pointe
Brackett, Boyd 121-10 South Pointe
Minarro, Alan 114-1 Nation Ford
Gower, Jack 108-8 Nation Ford
Sims, Caleb 108-1 South Pointe
Bey, Dakota 103-11.2 Nation Ford
Goodwin, Tamatri 96-4 South Pointe
Rocca, Preston 95-10 South Pointe
Strong, Dantrell 87-8 South Pointe
Thomas, Devin 85-3 South Pointe
Fewell, Jadon 77-2 South Pointe
Gillcrese, James 74-11 Lewisville
Angel, Ethan 60-1 South Pointe
Miller, Kendrick 57-7 South Pointe
Robinson, Kyle 33-0 South Pointe
Foster, Cade Lewisville
RayDavis, Harley Lewisville
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HS Boys Long Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robinson, Channing 19-5.5 South Pointe
Knight, Jeremiah 19-4 Indian Land
Kendrick, Demari 18-1 South Pointe
Fewell, Elijah 18-0 South Pointe
Barz, Lucas 17-9.5 Nation Ford
Stinson, Myles 17-8 Indian Land
Lucas, Malcolm 17-7 South Pointe
Ervin, Evan 17-2 South Pointe
Baxter II, Derrick 17-2 Nation Ford
Adedeji, Daniel 17-1 Indian Land
Adams, Brian 17-0 Indian Land
Peeler, Blake 16-7.5 Nation Ford
Strong, Dantrell 15-3 South Pointe
Fils-Aime, Emerson 14-9 South Pointe
Cabbagestalk, Nick 13-4 Lewisville
Esparcia, Ross 12-11 Nation Ford
Angel, Ethan 12-4 South Pointe
Barnette, Jaden South Pointe
Barksdale, Derrick South Pointe
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HS Boys Pole Vault 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McSwain, Gavin 9-0 South Pointe
Peeler, Blake 9-0 Nation Ford
Joyner, Gavin 8-6 South Pointe
Mays, Donovan 7-6 South Pointe
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HS Boys Shot Put 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McMoore, Alexavier 46-9 South Pointe
Brackett, Boyd 39-5 South Pointe
Romec, Marcus 38-11 Nation Ford
Mondesir, Wilkenson 38-10 Indian Land
Gillcrese, James 36-6 Lewisville
Drayton, Savyion 35-11 Nation Ford
Ramirez, Morgan 35-4 Nation Ford
Fewell, Jadon 34-8.5 South Pointe
Minarro, Alan 34-0 Nation Ford
Adams, Davon 32-11 South Pointe
Goodwin, Tamatri 31-10 South Pointe
Goree, Victor 31-1 South Pointe
RayDavis, Harley 30-0 Lewisville
Patterson, Micah 29-8 South Pointe
Rodriguez, Flavio 29-1 Indian Land
Mitchell, Beau 28-11 South Pointe
Foster, Cade 27-0 Lewisville
Moore, Devin 25-7 South Pointe
Hart, Zion 25-0 South Pointe
Craine, Jacob 21-3 Lewisville
Clendenin, Conor Indian Land
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HS Boys Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knight, Jeremiah 41-2 Indian Land
Fewell, Elijah 39-0.5 South Pointe
Ervin, Evan 36-5 South Pointe
Stinson, Myles 35-8 Indian Land
Adedeji, Daniel 35-3 Indian Land
Vinson, Kenneth Indian Land
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richardson, Lexi Indian Land
Mckeown, Addison Indian Land
Whitlock, Amaiya 13.02 South Pointe
Davis, Amariah 13.05 Nation Ford
Johnson, Destiny 13.14 South Pointe
Evans, Harmony 13.20 Lewisville
Fosu, Sahara 13.26 Indian Land
McClure, Makayla 13.82 South Pointe
Brown, Chelsei 13.85 South Pointe
Shipp, Adria 13.88 Nation Ford
Watson, Raelyn 14.06 South Pointe
Frohlich, Megan 14.20 Indian Land
Thames, Larissa 14.20 Nation Ford
Shabazz, Ke'aujah 14.26 South Pointe
Barber, Victoria 14.27 South Pointe
Whitlock, Jya 14.29 South Pointe
Robinson, Janai 14.40 South Pointe
Price, Trinity 14.47 Lewisville
Cureton, Kimora 14.49 South Pointe
Patel, Reyah 14.50 Indian Land
Mae Rabsatt, Vanita 14.70 Indian Land
Maybank, Aaliyah 14.81 Nation Ford
Anderson, Dashia 14.98 Indian Land
Mckinney, Brooklyn 15.00 Indian Land
Starr, Kori 15.20 South Pointe
Thompson, Natalie 15.36 South Pointe
Gordon, Chemere 15.75 South Pointe
Berry, Amiyah 17.44 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bidin, Hailey Indian Land
Cousar, DeeEra 16.62 South Pointe
Gaston, Icesis 17.06 South Pointe
Tripp, Caroline 19.01 Indian Land
James, Christina 19.83 South Pointe
Randolph, Aniah 20.28 Indian Land
Mescher, Koren 22.48 Indian Land
Thielk, Addy 24.15 Indian Land
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Ashley Indian Land
Smith, Leanne Indian Land
Sewell, Keiley South Pointe
Dunn, Morgan Indian Land
Rogers, Kathrine Indian Land
Zermeno, Jennifer 5:57.92 Nation Ford
Stevenson, Katie 5:59.37 South Pointe
Kiger, Isabella 6:06.26 Indian Land
Graham, Rachel 6:15.59 Indian Land
Rushing, Aja 6:18.91 South Pointe
O'Flynn, Megan 6:22.22 Nation Ford
Gresham, Grace 6:26.54 South Pointe
Greenwald, Heather 6:34.58 Indian Land
Horne, London 6:38.69 South Pointe
Basik, Ally 6:45.13 Indian Land
Terry, Caprielle 6:46.20 Indian Land
Watson, Haley Savanna 6:47.25 South Pointe
Rasfeld, Stephanie 6:47.27 Indian Land
Dillman, Maggie 6:51.87 Indian Land
Wright, Taylor 6:55.58 Indian Land
Clark, Catherine 7:18.01 Indian Land
Scott, Emma 7:21.04 Indian Land
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mae Rabsatt, Vanita Indian Land
Cureton, Ariyanna Indian Land
Gordon, Chemere South Pointe
Byrd, Shania Indian Land
Smith, Melissa Indian Land
Whitlock, Amaiya 26.47 South Pointe
Frohlich, Megan 26.69 Indian Land
Patel, Reyah 26.98 Indian Land
Anderson, Kavae 26.99 South Pointe
Davis, Amariah 26.99 Nation Ford
Johnson, Destiny 27.18 South Pointe
Evans, Harmony 28.55 Lewisville
Mckeown, Addison 28.63 Indian Land
Richardson, Lexi 29.05 Indian Land
Brown, Chelsei 29.53 South Pointe
Robinson, Janai 29.65 South Pointe
Watson, Raelyn 29.68 South Pointe
Basnight, Jinea 29.86 Indian Land
Shabazz, Ke'aujah 30.07 South Pointe
McClure, Makayla 30.18 South Pointe
Shipp, Adria 30.21 Nation Ford
Price, Trinity 30.24 Lewisville
Whitlock, Jya 30.24 South Pointe
Thames, Larissa 30.37 Nation Ford
Cureton, Kimora 30.56 South Pointe
White, JaMya 31.00 South Pointe
Starr, Kori 32.01 South Pointe
Anderson, Dashia 32.39 Indian Land
Mckinney, Brooklyn 32.56 Indian Land
Thompson, Natalie 32.85 South Pointe
Berry, Amiyah 36.80 Westminster Catawba Christian Sc
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sewell, Keiley South Pointe
Zermeno, Jennifer 13:02.09 Nation Ford
Stevenson, Katie 13:04.70 South Pointe
O'Flynn, Megan 13:12.29 Nation Ford
Graham, Rachel 13:22.10 Indian Land
Kiger, Isabella 13:48.50 Indian Land
Rushing, Aja 14:16.90 South Pointe
Dillman, Maggie 14:30.06 Indian Land
Terry, Caprielle 14:43.98 Indian Land
Gresham, Grace 14:51.07 South Pointe
Horne, London 15:15.56 South Pointe
Watson, Haley Savanna 15:48.42 South Pointe
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gordon, Chemere South Pointe
Anderson, Kavae 1:02.99 South Pointe
Bangoura, Bellamy 1:03.65 Indian Land
Davis, Amariah 1:04.90 Nation Ford
Tully, Killiah 1:05.12 Indian Land
Dembkoski, Kelsey 1:05.22 Indian Land
Robinson, Janai 1:06.45 South Pointe
Barber, Victoria 1:07.61 South Pointe
Orr, Jacinda 1:07.87 South Pointe
Idehen, Noye 1:07.92 Indian Land
Whitlock, Amaiya 1:08.35 South Pointe
Starr, Kori 1:09.28 South Pointe
Patel, Reyah 1:10.17 Indian Land
White, JaMya 1:10.29 South Pointe
Mckinney, Brooklyn 1:12.56 Indian Land
Mae Rabsatt, Vanita 1:12.81 Indian Land
Richardson, Lexi 1:15.72 Indian Land
Thompson, Natalie 1:18.88 South Pointe
Whitlock, Jya 1:27.84 South Pointe
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HS Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bidin, Hailey Indian Land
Cousar, DeeEra South Pointe
James, Christina 1:15.90 South Pointe
Gaston, Icesis 1:18.75 South Pointe
Thielk, Addy 1:32.71 Indian Land
Mescher, Koren 1:32.85 Indian Land
Randolph, Aniah 1:39.96 Indian Land
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 51.72 South Pointe
Relay Team A 51.72 South Pointe
Relay Team A 53.82 Indian Land
Relay Team B 53.82 Indian Land
Relay Team C 53.82 Indian Land
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 4:28.91 Indian Land
Relay Team A 4:28.91 Indian Land
Relay Team A 4:44.75 South Pointe
Relay Team B 4:44.75 South Pointe
Relay Team C 4:44.75 South Pointe
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:14.41 Indian Land
Relay Team A 11:30.46 South Pointe
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Ashley Indian Land
Rushing, Aja South Pointe
Smith, Leanne Indian Land
Dunn, Morgan Indian Land
Gresham, Grace South Pointe
Rogers, Kathrine Indian Land
Kiger, Isabella 2:44.38 Indian Land
Urquhart, Anna 2:47.83 Indian Land
Stevenson, Katie 2:48.80 South Pointe
Faircloth, Catherine Rose 2:49.00 South Pointe
Basik, Ally 2:51.29 Indian Land
Graham, Rachel 2:53.34 Indian Land
Greenwald, Heather 2:56.96 Indian Land
Watson, Haley Savanna 2:58.29 South Pointe
O'Keefe, Liliana 2:58.33 Nation Ford
Sewell, Keiley 2:58.85 South Pointe
Horne, London 3:00.60 South Pointe
Matters, Taylor 3:00.77 Nation Ford
Dillman, Maggie 3:01.11 Indian Land
Clark, Catherine 3:02.00 Indian Land
Rasfeld, Stephanie 3:03.53 Indian Land
Gude, Dhanvi 3:08.02 Nation Ford
Terry, Caprielle 3:09.13 Indian Land
Modla, Maddie 3:09.16 South Pointe
Wright, Taylor 3:11.15 Indian Land
Pallennagari, Harshitha 3:12.60 Nation Ford
McDonald, Olivia 3:19.26 Nation Ford
Scott, Emma 3:37.42 Indian Land
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HS Girls Discus Throw 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nichols, Shakiya 107-1 South Pointe
Bell, Zaria 106-10 South Pointe
Valdez, Lael 95-0 Nation Ford
Faucette, Anbriel 90-2.5 Indian Land
Miller, LeeAnn 76-10 South Pointe
Eudy, Kaitlyn 71-8 Nation Ford
Richardson, Tazara 66-5 Indian Land
Boger, Brilliance 66-1 Nation Ford
Talley, De'Aveon 64-10 Nation Ford
Hayward, Grace 60-9 South Pointe
Cook, Brianna 51-8 South Pointe
Kandil, Hana 49-6 Nation Ford
Reagan, Annie 41-11 Nation Ford
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HS Girls High Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anderson, Kavae 5-0 South Pointe
Orr, Jacinda 4-6 South Pointe
Driscoll, Kelsey 4-4 Indian Land
Shipp, Adria 4-4 Nation Ford
Hunter, Sierra 4-2 South Pointe
Cousar, DeeEra 4-2 South Pointe
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HS Girls Javelin 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nichols, Shakiya 91-0 South Pointe
Valdez, Lael 73-2 Nation Ford
Bell, Zaria 63-10 South Pointe
Boger, Brilliance 58-1 Nation Ford
Hayward, Grace 55-4 South Pointe
Miller, LeeAnn 47-0.5 South Pointe
Cook, Brianna 45-5 South Pointe
Eudy, Kaitlyn Nation Ford
Kandil, Hana Nation Ford
Reagan, Annie Nation Ford
Talley, De'Aveon Nation Ford
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HS Girls Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cousar, DeeEra 15-7.5 South Pointe
Basnight, Jinea 15-5.5 Indian Land
Cureton, Ariyanna 15-4 Indian Land
Orr, Jacinda 15-1.75 South Pointe
Stewart, Nykhia 14-11 Indian Land
Driscoll, Kelsey 14-8.5 Indian Land
Fosu, Sahara 14-5.5 Indian Land
Davis, Amariah 14-5 Nation Ford
Randolph, Aniah 14-1.5 Indian Land
Faucette, Anbriel 14-0.5 Indian Land
Shipp, Adria 14-0 Nation Ford
Byrd, Shania 13-5 Indian Land
Hunter, Sierra 13-4.5 South Pointe
White, JaMya 12-9 South Pointe
Barber, Victoria 12-6 South Pointe
Watson, Raelyn 12-1 South Pointe
Modla, Maddie 10-10 South Pointe
Thompson, Natalie 9-4 South Pointe
Smith, Melissa Indian Land
Price, Trinity Lewisville
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HS Girls Pole Vault 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Faircloth, Catherine Rose 6-6 South Pointe
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HS Girls Shot Put 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nichols, Shakiya 34-5.5 South Pointe
Boger, Brilliance 34-5.5 Nation Ford
Richardson, Tazara 31-2 Indian Land
Bell, Zaria 30-0 South Pointe
Miller, LeeAnn 28-1.5 South Pointe
Hayward, Grace 25-1 South Pointe
Eudy, Kaitlyn 23-0 Nation Ford
Talley, De'Aveon 22-6 Nation Ford
Cook, Brianna 21-5 South Pointe
Reagan, Annie 18-0.5 Nation Ford
Kandil, Hana 16-11 Nation Ford
Faucette, Anbriel Indian Land
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HS Girls Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cureton, Ariyanna 33-1.5 Indian Land
Gaston, Icesis 33-1 South Pointe
Orr, Jacinda 32-2 South Pointe
Stewart, Nykhia 31-8.5 Indian Land
Basnight, Jinea 30-7 Indian Land
Fosu, Sahara 30-4 Indian Land
Faucette, Anbriel 28-4.5 Indian Land
Hunter, Sierra 28-0.5 South Pointe
Byrd, Shania 27-0 Indian Land
Randolph, Aniah Indian Land
Modla, Maddie South Pointe
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