Stratford Home Meet 2024

Goose Creek, SC
Hosted by Stratford
Timing/Results Go Race Productions

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 85 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burgess, Nzyveir Timberland
Otalora, Kai Stratford
Manigo, Reginald Colleton County
Gaillard, Amair Stratford
Crawford, Donelle Stratford
Tiller, Emari Stratford
Jenkins, Javion Timberland
Staverman, Kylan Stratford
Aucker, Ayden Stratford
Furby, CJ Stratford
Taylor, Ke'Shaun Stratford
Pryor, Landin Stratford
Flanagan, Daishawn Colleton County
Jones, Adrian Stratford
Lee, Raymond Stratford
McMillan, Ahnrei Stratford
McCormick, Tyler Timberland
Javier, Hunter Stratford
Wallace, Brycen Stratford
Addison, Montez Timberland
Morris, Mason Stratford
Singleton, Christian Colleton County
Callen, Malik Berkeley
Wernicke, Ethan Stratford
Stegall, Ethan Stratford
Sabback, Xavier Stratford
Holmes, Darrell Stratford
Hearne, Jarrett Stratford
Ladson, Hykeem Colleton County
Phillips, James Stratford
Ford, Bryson Stratford
Bailey, Isaiah Timberland
McCormick, Jahiem Colleton County
Everette, Avery Berkeley
Howell, Nassir Stratford
Mitchell, Richard Stratford
Scott, Ziaire 11.00 Stratford
Timmons, Jorden 11.26 Timberland
Nesbitt, Jayden 11.29 Colleton County
Haynes, Ja'quez 11.29 Colleton County
Wilder, Rodney 11.33 Colleton County
Bell, Michael 11.42 Stratford
Green, Mah'ky 11.45 Cross
Bookhart, Emory 11.49 Cross
Harris, Quashawn 11.56 Stratford
Milligan, Amir 11.58 Timberland
Palmer, Jayshawn 11.60 Stratford
Steele, Brandon 11.62 Stratford
Collins, Justin 11.62 Stratford
Jones, Tariq 11.71 Stratford
Grant, William 11.81 Cross
Montgomery, Patrick 11.83 Cross
Goodman, Malik 11.89 Timberland
Palmer, Bryant 11.92 Stratford
Lee, Jayden 11.96 Stratford
Goss, Jordin 11.97 Stratford
Morgan, Jeremiah 11.98 Stratford
Saxby, Ashton 11.99 Stratford
Jenkins, Travoi 11.99 Stratford
Squire, Kerwin 12.00 Stratford
Smith, Sincere 12.03 Stratford
Williams, Ezra 12.12 Stratford
Wilson, Corinthian 12.15 Cross
Hunley, Dominic 12.20 Stratford
Lee, Kyo 12.22 Stratford
Jamsion, Justus 12.22 Colleton County
Ancrum-Gibbs, Keytron 12.26 Stratford
Mitchell, Daevion 12.30 Stratford
Palmer, Zamaurie 12.30 Stratford
Alston, Patterson 12.33 Stratford
Ramsey, Caden 12.45 Cross
Laster, Jervaris 12.50 Stratford
young, dominic 12.50h Berkeley
Brown, Joshua 12.75 Timberland
Simmons, Jakari 12.85 Timberland
Kelly, Dameon 13.00h Berkeley
Davis, Chancey 13.00h Berkeley
Delesline, Daemontri 13.00h Berkeley
Harris, Christopher 13.31 Stratford
Hall, Emaurii 13.46 Timberland
White, Jeleel 13.50h Berkeley
Washington, Lawrence 13.54 Berkeley
McKnight, Amir 13.76 Stratford
Taylor, Ja'Vaun 14.04h Stratford
Johnson, Alexander 14.81 Stratford
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Milligan, Malachi 15.62 Timberland
Goodman, Malik 17.44 Timberland
Copeland, Shaun 17.54 Stratford
Killingbeck, Jesse 20.82 Stratford
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Ransom Timberland
Keller, Jackson Stratford
Dephouse, Zachary Berkeley
Jones, Ashton Cross
Desouza, Lukas Stratford
White, Jordan Timberland
Montoya, Sebastian Stratford
Smith, Jensen Berkeley
Gibson, Bobby 4:45.98 Stratford
Miller, Rodney 4:52.35 Stratford
Kunitsa, Dmitriy 4:58.08 Stratford
Smith, Sullivan 5:01.92 Stratford
Bedoya, Kealen 5:06.74 Berkeley
Smith, Daniel 5:21.73 Stratford
Lampkin, Dominic 5:29.19 Cross
Yaka, Alimasi 5:30.10 Stratford
Johnson, LaShombre 5:33.30 Colleton County
Knox, Elliott 5:36.97 Stratford
Pattison, James 5:43.38 Stratford
Kunitsa, Daniel 5:46.56 Stratford
Garcia, Joshua 5:50.19 Stratford
Gibson, Nolan 5:53.51 Stratford
Desouza, Nickolas 5:53.76 Stratford
Hales, Kaden 6:00.19 Timberland
Kern, Parker 6:03.43 Stratford
Johnson, Owen 6:08.87 Stratford
Hatfield, Bryce 6:12.11 Stratford
Shuler, Jalen 6:39.83 Cross
Bartelle, D'Andre 6:41.10 Cross
Heusinger, Ryan 6:58.41 Stratford
Rosa, Junior 6:58.88 Stratford
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 83 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Taylor, Ja'Vaun Stratford
Nesbitt, Jayden Colleton County
Tiller, Emari Stratford
Everette, Avery Berkeley
Staverman, Kylan Stratford
Delesline, Daemontri Berkeley
Davis, Tyler Stratford
Jenkins, Javion Timberland
Daniels, Q'ari Colleton County
Goodman, Malik Timberland
Davis, Chancey Berkeley
Gaillard, Amair Stratford
Phillips, James Stratford
Ball, Lance Stratford
Palmer, Zamaurie Stratford
Kelly, Dameon Berkeley
Jones, Adrian Stratford
Scott, Clarence Timberland
Daniels, Donell Colleton County
Flanagan, Daishawn Colleton County
Taylor, Ke'Shaun Stratford
Scott, warren Berkeley
Capers, Major Stratford
Saxby, Ashton Stratford
Koger, Deshawn Colleton County
Bailey, Isaiah Timberland
Ladson, Hykeem Colleton County
Sabback, Xavier Stratford
White, Jeleel Berkeley
Wernicke, Ethan Stratford
Simmons, Jakari Timberland
Mitchell, Richard Stratford
Wiggins, Khamren Colleton County
Lindstrom, Kyle Stratford
McCormick, Jahiem Colleton County
Ford, Bryson Stratford
Callen, Malik Berkeley
Eay, Ivan Stratford
Squire, Kerwin Stratford
Green, Kavon Timberland
Gaskins, Mason Timberland
Otalora, Kai Stratford
young, dominic Berkeley
Burgess, Nzyveir Timberland
Javier, Hunter Stratford
Manigo, Reginald Colleton County
Wilder, Rodney 23.44 Colleton County
Green, Mah'ky 23.50 Cross
Palmer, Jayshawn 23.60 Stratford
Goss, Jordin 23.80 Stratford
Collins, Justin 23.90 Stratford
Bookhart, Emory 24.13 Cross
Copeland, Shaun 24.20 Stratford
Jenkins, Travoi 24.30 Stratford
Grant, William 24.44 Cross
Jones, Karmello 24.46 Cross
Timmons, Jorden 24.47 Timberland
Jamsion, Justus 24.73 Colleton County
Morgan, Jeremiah 24.80 Stratford
Montgomery, Patrick 24.83 Cross
Coleman, Coby 24.85 Cross
Wilson, Corinthian 24.85 Cross
Ferguson, Jayden 24.88 Colleton County
Smith, Sincere 25.00 Stratford
Hunley, Dominic 25.00 Stratford
Milligan, Amir 25.03 Timberland
Mungin, Tyler 25.05 Cross
Campbell, Micah 25.32 Berkeley
Stegall, Ethan 25.50 Stratford
Winfield, Shawn 25.60 Colleton County
Cuttino, Javion 25.67 Berkeley
Addison, Montez 25.68 Timberland
Dabney, Christavion 25.70 Stratford
Fuller, Preston 25.85 Cross
White, Harold 26.07 Berkeley
Allen, Keandre 26.22 Colleton County
Brown, Joshua 26.28 Timberland
Mitchell, Daevion 26.60 Stratford
Ancrum-Gibbs, Keytron 26.95 Stratford
Timmons, Kameron 27.41 Timberland
Laster, Jervaris 28.17 Stratford
Hall, Emaurii 28.26 Timberland
Carriker, Miguel 28.79 Stratford
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bedoya, Kealen 12:51.51 Berkeley
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 63 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pickney, Tyler Berkeley
White, Jordan Timberland
Foster, James Colleton County
Carriker, Miguel Stratford
Timmons, Kameron Timberland
Furby, CJ Stratford
Daniels, Donell Colleton County
Taylor, Ke'Shaun Stratford
Harris, Christopher Stratford
Green, Kavon Timberland
Mcgreggor, Jonathan Berkeley
Campbell, Micah Berkeley
Frazier, Travarius Colleton County
Phillips, James Stratford
Taylor, Ja'Vaun Stratford
Wiggins, Khamren Colleton County
Wallace, Brycen Stratford
Stegall, Ethan Stratford
Hales, Kaden Timberland
Bryant, Tony Berkeley
Pinckney, Evan Berkeley
Koger, Deshawn Colleton County
Wernicke, Ethan Stratford
Kinard, Parker Timberland
Kelly, Dameon Berkeley
Ford, Bryson Stratford
Mitchell, Richard Stratford
Hall, Emaurii Timberland
McCormick, Tyler Timberland
Ball, Lance Stratford
Daniels, Q'ari Colleton County
Smith, Ja'Mari 1:00.04 Cross
Lane , Michael 1:00.61 Colleton County
Harris, Tyler 1:01.14 Cross
Bradley, Jonathan 1:02.25 Cross
Bailey, Isaiah 1:03.35 Timberland
Fuller, Preston 1:04.07 Cross
Powers, Lucas 1:04.23 Timberland
Ferguson, Corey 1:05.26 Cross
Fowler, Jackson 1:09.27 Berkeley
Brown, Joshua 1:09.76 Timberland
White, Harold 1:11.23 Berkeley
Ramsey, Caden 52.68 Cross
Bell, Michael 54.00 Stratford
Gibson, Bobby 54.00h Stratford
Scott, Ziaire 54.60 Stratford
Kunitsa, Dmitriy 55.00h Stratford
Steele, Brandon 55.50 Stratford
Cuttino, Ja'Quez 55.58 Berkeley
Gaskins, Mason 55.70 Timberland
Williams, Ezra 56.30 Stratford
Coleman, Coby 56.68 Cross
Morgan, Jeremiah 56.80 Stratford
Alston, Patterson 56.98 Stratford
Palmer, Bryant 57.00 Stratford
Mungin, Tyler 57.21 Cross
Jones, Karmello 57.25 Cross
Singleton, Christian 57.93 Colleton County
Lindstrom, Kyle 58.00 Stratford
Dabney, Christavion 58.00 Stratford
McCormick, Jahiem 58.61 Colleton County
Miller, Rodney 59.00h Stratford
Way, Jamez 59.21 Cross
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HS Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barger, Jacob Stratford
Milligan, Malachi Timberland
Lee, Jayden 1:05.00h Stratford
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cross
Relay Team A 44.86 Stratford
Relay Team B 45.00 Stratford
Relay Team A 45.02 Berkeley
Relay Team B 45.02 Berkeley
Relay Team A 45.40 Colleton County
Relay Team B 45.40 Colleton County
Relay Team A 46.07 Timberland
Relay Team B 46.07 Timberland
Relay Team C 47.00 Stratford
Relay Team D 48.00 Stratford
Relay Team E 49.00 Stratford
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Colleton County
Relay Team A Cross
Relay Team A 3:43.80 Stratford
Relay Team B 3:43.80 Stratford
Relay Team A 3:58.38 Berkeley
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Colleton County
Relay Team A Cross
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Montoya, Sebastian Stratford
Samuel, Elijaquan Cross
Kunitsa, Daniel Stratford
Aucker, Ayden Stratford
Wiggins, Khamren Colleton County
Gilliard, Tyler Cross
Kern, Parker Stratford
Forbes, Martrell Cross
Smith, Ja'Mari Cross
Bryant, Tony Berkeley
Scott, Jason Colleton County
Fuller, Robert Cross
Hales, Kaden Timberland
Koger, Deshawn Colleton County
Jones, Ashton Cross
Young, Ja'Mijae Cross
White, Jordan Timberland
Pattison, James Stratford
Bradley, Jonathan Cross
Kinard, Parker Timberland
Heusinger, Jason 2:08.00h Stratford
Hoppock, Chase 2:08.15 Stratford
Shelton, Jordan 2:09.00h Stratford
Jones, Tariq 2:16.00h Stratford
Johnson, LaShombre 2:19.52 Colleton County
Gaskins, Mason 2:19.84 Timberland
Keller, Jackson 2:21.94 Stratford
Foster, James 2:25.13 Colleton County
Hatfield, Bryce 2:26.44 Stratford
Lampkin, Dominic 2:26.79 Cross
Williams, Ransom 2:28.31 Timberland
Smith, Sullivan 2:29.17 Stratford
Brown, Mason 2:34.30 Colleton County
Dephouse, Zachary 2:35.00h Berkeley
Youmans, Ronald 2:35.08 Colleton County
Howell, Nassir 2:35.18 Stratford
Knox, Elliott 2:36.48 Stratford
Desouza, Nickolas 2:37.07 Stratford
Garcia, Joshua 2:38.67 Stratford
Powers, Lucas 2:43.09 Timberland
Smith, Daniel 2:43.84 Stratford
Rosa, Junior 2:48.00h Stratford
Johnson, Owen 2:51.40 Stratford
Smith, Jensen 2:58.00h Berkeley
Heusinger, Ryan 3:16.62 Stratford
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HS Boys Discus Throw 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bouges, Shawn 90-3.07 Colleton County
Wright, Keyon 89-7.98 Timberland
Middleton, Jayden 88-3.84 Cross
Milligan, Ethan 76-8.08 Timberland
Carpenter, Jerimiah 68-6.84 Timberland
Britt, Zion 68-1 Berkeley
Wheeler, Taquan 64-9 Berkeley
Crocker, Akyren 45-4 Berkeley
Green, Charles Colleton County
Bennett, Michael Cross
Bradley, Hezekiah Cross
Broughton, Jailyn Cross
President, Dakari Cross
Sutter, Devaughn Cross
Wigfall, David Cross
Green, Desmond Timberland
Liferidge, Kaseam Timberland
Gardner, Otis Stratford
Bryant, TJ Stratford
Carr, Silas Stratford
Crawford, Donelle Stratford
Felder, Caillou Stratford
Holmes, Darrell Stratford
Johnson, Tyler Stratford
Johnson, Donavin Stratford
McCoy, JaCorey Stratford
Mack, Anthony Stratford
Brown, David Stratford
McKnight, Amir Stratford
Newton, Caleb Stratford
Pryor, Landin Stratford
Smith, McKai Stratford
Yon, Keshawn Stratford
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HS Boys High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jenkins, Kamren Berkeley
Bates, Jourdyn Berkeley
Foster, Riley Berkeley
Green, Kavon Timberland
Timmons, Kameron Timberland
Williams, Ransom Timberland
Jamsion, Justus Colleton County
McMillan, Ahnrei Stratford
Felder, Stamar Stratford
Baldwin, Zan Stratford
Barger, Jacob Stratford
Javier, Hunter Stratford
Killingbeck, Jesse Stratford
Lee, Kyo Stratford
Johnson, Alexander Stratford
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HS Boys Javelin 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Felder, Caillou Stratford
Bryant, TJ Stratford
McKnight, Amir Stratford
McCoy, JaCorey Stratford
Lee, Raymond Stratford
Pryor, Landin Stratford
Mack, Anthony Stratford
Morris, Mason Stratford
Hearne, Jarrett Stratford
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HS Boys Long Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harris, Quashawn 19-7.04 Stratford
Faison, Antaun 18-9.59 Timberland
Nesbitt, Jayden 18-7 Colleton County
Felder, Stamar 18-6.44 Stratford
Hawkins, Carter 17-8.21 Timberland
McMillan, Ahnrei 16-6.03 Stratford
Haynes, Ja'quez 16-4.75 Colleton County
Mitchell, Daevion 16-4.06 Stratford
Johnson, Alexander 13-8.96 Stratford
Taylor-Walker, Q'hkeymahre Berkeley
Everette, Avery Berkeley
Callen, Malik Berkeley
Bates, Jourdyn Berkeley
Jenkins, Kamren Berkeley
Ferguson, Jayden Colleton County
Jenkins, Javion Timberland
McCormick, Tyler Timberland
Scott, Clarence Timberland
Barger, Jacob Stratford
Capers, Major Stratford
Copeland, Shaun Stratford
Davis, Tyler Stratford
Eay, Ivan Stratford
Gaillard, Amair Stratford
Holmes, Darrell Stratford
Mitchell, Richard Stratford
Otalora, Kai Stratford
Pryor, Landin Stratford
Stegall, Ethan Stratford
Steele, Brandon Stratford
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HS Boys Pole Vault 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Doty, Gavin 10-6 Berkeley
Rosas, Carlos 8-0 Berkeley
Mack, Jaden Berkeley
Lopez-Sanchez, Angel Berkeley
Kowlok, Lukas Stratford
Shelton, Jordan Stratford
Lee, Raymond Stratford
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HS Boys Shot Put 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Britt, Zion 40-3 Berkeley
Green, Desmond 38-8.96 Timberland
Middleton, Jayden 37-2.06 Cross
Carpenter, Jerimiah 34-10.9 Timberland
Wright, Keyon 34-8.93 Timberland
Milligan, Ethan 34-6.96 Timberland
Bouges, Shawn 33-5.18 Colleton County
Sutter, Devaughn 31-7.13 Cross
Liferidge, Kaseam 30-6.14 Timberland
Crocker, Akyren 29-9 Berkeley
Wheeler, Taquan 28-11 Berkeley
Green, Charles 28-8.88 Colleton County
Wigfall, David 25-5.12 Cross
Bennett, Michael Cross
Bradley, Hezekiah Cross
Broughton, Jailyn Cross
President, Dakari Cross
Holmes, Zaire Colleton County
Holmes, Darrell Stratford
Gardner, Otis Stratford
Newton, Caleb Stratford
Brown, David Stratford
Crawford, Donelle Stratford
Bryant, TJ Stratford
Felder, Caillou Stratford
Carr, Silas Stratford
Johnson, Tyler Stratford
Johnson, Donavin Stratford
McCoy, JaCorey Stratford
Mack, Anthony Stratford
Baldwin, Zan Stratford
Yon, Keshawn Stratford
Smith, McKai Stratford
Pryor, Landin Stratford
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HS Boys Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Faison, Antaun 39-9.56 Timberland
Hawkins, Carter 38-8.17 Timberland
Scott, Clarence Timberland
Harris, Quashawn Stratford
Felder, Stamar Stratford
Capers, Major Stratford
Davis, Tyler Stratford
Killingbeck, Jesse Stratford
Lee, Kyo Stratford
Palmer, Jayshawn Stratford
Staverman, Kylan Stratford
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bartell, Aaliyah Timberland
Riley, Selena Stratford
Mood, Londyn Stratford
Harney, Tah'layjah Colleton County
Smalls, Kaylin Stratford
Russell, Canelia Colleton County
Felton, Makayla Stratford
Young, Alaysha Colleton County
Clark, Kaleigh Stratford
Roberts, Emari Colleton County
Davis, Aaliyah Cross
Davis, Malia Stratford
Goodwine, Kemaurie Colleton County
McKune, Raniyah Stratford
Yates, Laila Colleton County
Warren, Morgan Berkeley
Johnson, Brooklynn Stratford
Outen, Madalynn Timberland
Palmer, Mariah Stratford
Holmes, Au'Nyriah Colleton County
Aiken, Andrea Colleton County
Williams, Olivia Stratford
Chapman, Azaria Colleton County
Everette, Alana Berkeley
Frierson, Malayshia Stratford
Small, Talea Cross
Christian, Jaylnn Colleton County
Clunis, Nahla Stratford
Yates, Khanasia Colleton County
Camel, Mikayla Stratford
Magwood, Jeriyiah Colleton County
Williams, Malenah Stratford
Farmer, Jarrlaysha Colleton County
Grant, Patience 12.70 Stratford
Nelson, Diamonique 12.91 Cross
Prezzy, Zareya 13.11 Berkeley
Mustapher, Ciara 13.12 Stratford
Schuchert, Alaina 13.31 Stratford
Dillard, Paris 13.34 Stratford
Jefferson, Tiana 13.44 Timberland
Caldwell, Brooke 13.46 Colleton County
Polite, Sianya 13.50 Stratford
Bennett, Michayla 13.54 Cross
Greene, China 13.58 Timberland
Prezzy, Nevaeh 13.59 Timberland
Kinlaw, Dasani 13.59 Timberland
Hill, Destinee 13.60 Stratford
Ellis, Krysten 13.81 Stratford
Camel, Jordan 13.90 Stratford
Chandler, Dalaysia 13.91 Stratford
Washington, Jermanee 13.92 Timberland
Mack, Kahlia 14.00h Berkeley
Quick, Nicole 14.00h Berkeley
Cohen, Brianna 14.28 Cross
Fuller, TaLancia 14.29 Cross
Herrera, Gabriella 14.45 Stratford
Manigo, Keynasha 14.46 Colleton County
Nelson, Ariyana 14.50h Berkeley
Ayers, Jasmine 14.50h Berkeley
Hawkins, Kayla 14.75 Berkeley
Faison, Nadia 15.15 Timberland
White, Samiah 15.62 Stratford
Boyd, Dereon 15.70 Stratford
Linen, Keiara 15.91 Stratford
McCray, Hayden 17.10 Stratford
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Prezzy, Nevaeh 16.24 Timberland
Kinlaw, Dasani 18.52 Timberland
Richardson Wood, Aaliyah 18.76 Stratford
Faison, Nadia 19.79 Timberland
Green, Alashia 19.85 Colleton County
Mack, Kahlia 20.23 Berkeley
Almond, Tiana 22.83 Timberland
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Estrada, Mellissa Berkeley
Davila, Sefrina Stratford
Hale, Avery Berkeley
Runion, Cloe 5:31.94 Stratford
Knox, Emily 5:45.60 Stratford
Thill, Sophia 5:47.98 Stratford
Lovelady, Haley 5:55.05 Stratford
Wooten, Lindsey 6:05.45 Stratford
Withers, Anne 6:14.33 Stratford
Parker, Maggie 6:24.43 Stratford
Leighty, Paige 6:24.83 Stratford
Lowe, Katelyn 6:48.12 Stratford
Montoya, Isabella 7:31.12 Stratford
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Palmer, Mariah Stratford
Chapman, Azaria Colleton County
Camel, Mikayla Stratford
Jenkins, Rhaniya Timberland
Simmons, Tashayla Stratford
Fryar, Amarie Colleton County
Riley, Selena Stratford
Lumsden, Charlotte Berkeley
Clunis, Nahla Stratford
Holmes, Xaria Colleton County
Felton, Makayla Stratford
Weldon, Madilyn Berkeley
Porto-Cesca, Maria Stratford
Christian, Jalynn Colleton County
Joiner, Neveah Berkeley
Davis, Malia Stratford
Mizzell, Kayauna Timberland
Lane, Mylan Colleton County
Johnson, Brooklynn Stratford
Hickman, Imonee Berkeley
Williams, Malenah Stratford
Aiken, Andrea Colleton County
Everette, Alana Berkeley
Williams, Olivia Stratford
Smalls, Kaylin Stratford
Hill, Destinee Stratford
Williams, Kamari Colleton County
Frierson, Malayshia Stratford
Baker, Ava Berkeley
Washington, Jermanee 27.74 Timberland
Daniel, Akeelyah 28.00 Colleton County
Ellis, Krysten 28.20 Stratford
Fuller, TaLancia 28.23 Cross
Jefferson, Tiana 28.33 Timberland
Roberts, Roniya 28.40 Stratford
Kinlaw, Dasani 28.60 Timberland
Bennett, Michayla 28.62 Cross
Mitchell, Malayah 28.72 Stratford
Hudson, Zariona 28.90 Colleton County
Herrera, Gabriella 29.00 Stratford
Dillard, Paris 29.04 Stratford
Ingram, Abigail 29.35 Cross
Bartell, Aaliyah 29.90 Timberland
Chandler, Dalaysia 29.94h Stratford
Ayers, Jasmine 30.00h Berkeley
Mack, Kahlia 30.22 Berkeley
Davis, Aaliyah 30.55 Cross
Almond, Tiana 30.59 Timberland
Cohen, Brianna 30.65 Cross
White, Samiah 30.97 Stratford
Manigo, Keynasha 31.09 Colleton County
Small, Talea 31.25 Cross
Hawkins, Kayla 31.64 Berkeley
Brown, Lauren 32.41 Berkeley
Starks, Amiya 32.64 Berkeley
Linen, Keiara 34.46 Stratford
Caldwell, Brooke 34.70 Colleton County
Outen, Madalynn 35.53 Timberland
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arnold, Charlee Berkeley
Parker, Maggie 12:59.63 Stratford
Tucker, Keilee 13:55.97 Berkeley
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Brooklynn Stratford
Baker, Ava Berkeley
Porto-Cesca, Maria Stratford
Peter, Nydia Colleton County
Williams, Olivia Stratford
Arceneaux, Mackenzie Berkeley
Johnson, Armani Timberland
Frierson, Malayshia Stratford
Lumsden, Charlotte Berkeley
Palmer, Mariah Stratford
Croker, Leilani Timberland
Outen, Madalynn Timberland
Camel, Mikayla Stratford
Warren, Morgan Berkeley
Tucker, Ember Colleton County
Joiner, Neveah Berkeley
Clunis, Nahla Stratford
Scott, Samara Timberland
Felton, Makayla Stratford
Hickman, Imonee Berkeley
Smalls, Kaylin Stratford
Foster, Hope Colleton County
Mood, Londyn Stratford
Jenkins, Rhaniya Timberland
McCray, Hayden Stratford
Magwood, Jakira 1:06.32 Colleton County
Richardson Wood, Aaliyah 1:06.47 Stratford
Washington, Jermanee 1:06.48 Timberland
Gladstone , Emma 1:07.19 Colleton County
Roberts, Roniya 1:07.21 Stratford
Runion, Cloe 1:08.89 Stratford
Jefferson, Tiana 1:09.82 Timberland
Camel, Jordan 1:10.00h Stratford
Wooten, Lindsey 1:10.00h Stratford
Knox, Emily 1:12.95 Stratford
Suggs, Gabrielle 1:12.97 Timberland
Bartell, Aaliyah 1:13.00 Timberland
Frazier, Aniah 1:15.00h Berkeley
Quick, Nicole 1:15.00h Berkeley
Starks, Amiya 1:16.59 Berkeley
Brown, Olivia 1:17.90 Berkeley
Mizzell, Kayauna 1:20.61 Timberland
Linen, Keiara 1:23.74 Stratford
Ingram, Abigail 1:29.15 Cross
Hokett, Aniyah 1:30.25 Cross
Young, Zaniyah 1:30.35 Cross
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HS Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Green, zaria Berkeley
McKnight, Zyhae Berkeley
Cooper, Kaysey Berkeley
Prezzy, Nevaeh Timberland
Forest, Amera Berkeley
Almond, Tiana Timberland
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cross
Relay Team C 1:00.00 Stratford
Relay Team B 52.69 Berkeley
Relay Team A 52.69 Berkeley
Relay Team A 52.96 Timberland
Relay Team C 53.25 Colleton County
Relay Team A 53.25 Colleton County
Relay Team A 54.00 Stratford
Relay Team B 55.00 Stratford
Relay Team B 55.50h Colleton County
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Colleton County
Relay Team A 4:22.13 Berkeley
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peter, Nydia Colleton County
Hale, Avery Berkeley
Tucker, Keilee Berkeley
Campbell, Laura Cross
Scott, Allyson Colleton County
Davila, Sefrina Stratford
Scott, Madison Colleton County
Foster, Hope Colleton County
Arnold, Charlee Berkeley
Knox, Emily 2:39.97 Stratford
Thomas, Alayah 2:40.75 Stratford
Grant, Patience 2:42.00h Stratford
Schuchert, Alaina 2:42.00h Stratford
Lovelady, Haley 2:44.05 Stratford
Suggs, Gabrielle 2:44.90 Timberland
Souza, Aiyanna 2:47.04 Colleton County
Thill, Sophia 2:54.16 Stratford
Leighty, Paige 3:11.44 Stratford
Scott, Zyon 3:20.33 Berkeley
Lowe, Katelyn 3:21.53 Stratford
Prioleau, Savannah 3:22.54 Berkeley
Montoya, Isabella 3:25.15 Stratford
Withers, Anne 3:25.73 Stratford
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HS Girls Discus Throw 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roberts, Tashee 66-4.85 Timberland
Magwood, Jeriyiah 66-2.88 Colleton County
Koger , Makiyah 56-5.17 Colleton County
Bradley, Caylee 53-2.19 Cross
Croker, Leilani 48-7.07 Timberland
Scott, Kayla 30-6 Berkeley
Sumpter, Jonniya 30-1.81 Timberland
Bryant, Rikyha Berkeley
Small, Ebony Cross
McCray, Tamia Cross
Levey, Imani Berkeley
Sullivan, Keyaira Berkeley
Kelly, Jasmin Stratford
Cheeseborogh, Rea'Miyah Stratford
Crawford, DaNya Stratford
Crawford, Iyanna Stratford
Conyers, Nylah Stratford
George, Lily Stratford
Hamilton, Elisia Stratford
Litke-Johnson, Zoe Stratford
Wright, Jayden Stratford
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HS Girls High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Forest, Amera 4-10 Berkeley
Johnson, Armani 4-7.91 Timberland
Hudson, Zariona 4-7.91 Colleton County
Harrell, Tayla Berkeley
Robbins, Christiana Berkeley
Singleton, Skyler Berkeley
Stepney, Sydnie Stratford
McKune, Raniyah Stratford
Simmons, Tashayla Stratford
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HS Girls Javelin 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hamilton, Elisia Stratford
Kelly, Jasmin Stratford
Cheeseborogh, Rea'Miyah Stratford
George, Lily Stratford
Crawford, Iyanna Stratford
Wright, Jayden Stratford
Litke-Johnson, Zoe Stratford
Conyers, Nylah Stratford
Crawford, DaNya Stratford
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HS Girls Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Forest, Amera 15-9 Berkeley
Daniel, Akeelyah 15-7.01 Colleton County
Harrell, Tayla 14-7.5 Berkeley
Faison, Nadia 14-6.8 Timberland
Johnson, Armani 14-2.47 Timberland
Robbins, Christiana 14-0 Berkeley
Greene, China 13-10.14 Timberland
Mizzell, Kayauna 11-8.94 Timberland
Scott, Samara 10-0.08 Timberland
Capers, Olivia Colleton County
Mosley, Kh’Mya Colleton County
Mustapher, Ciara Stratford
Mitchell, Malayah Stratford
McCray, Hayden Stratford
Clark, Kaleigh Stratford
Davis, Malia Stratford
Boyd, Dereon Stratford
Porto-Cesca, Maria Stratford
Polite, Sianya Stratford
Simmons, Tashayla Stratford
McKune, Raniyah Stratford
Riley, Selena Stratford
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HS Girls Pole Vault 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Doty, Ava Berkeley
Franklin, Emalee Stratford
Glavach, Kara Stratford
Kinlaw, Madilyn Stratford
Olson, Cadence Stratford
Sheppard, Jenna Stratford
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HS Girls Shot Put 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roberts, Tashee 26-8.87 Timberland
Magwood, Jeriyiah 25-0 Colleton County
Bradley, Caylee 23-1.17 Cross
Koger , Makiyah 21-1.54 Colleton County
Croker, Leilani 18-8.8 Timberland
Scott, Kayla 17-1 Berkeley
Sumpter, Jonniya 15-5.83 Timberland
Levey, Imani Berkeley
Bryant, Rikyha Berkeley
McCray, Tamia Cross
Small, Ebony Cross
Sullivan, Keyaira Berkeley
Stepney, Sydnie Stratford
Hamilton, Elisia Stratford
Crawford, DaNya Stratford
Cheeseborogh, Rea'Miyah Stratford
Kelly, Jasmin Stratford
Crawford, Iyanna Stratford
George, Lily Stratford
Riley, Selena Stratford
Wright, Jayden Stratford
Litke-Johnson, Zoe Stratford
Conyers, Nylah Stratford
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HS Girls Triple Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Forest, Amera 32-1.5 Berkeley
Capers, Olivia 30-1.42 Colleton County
Greene, China 28-0.61 Timberland
Scott, Samara Timberland
Pearson, Serenity Stratford
Stepney, Sydnie Stratford
Polite, Sianya Stratford
Boyd, Dereon Stratford
Clark, Kaleigh Stratford
Davis, Malia Stratford
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