Lake Murray Invitational 2024

Chapin, SC
Hosted by Chapin

Meet Information

2024 Lake Murray Invitational

The Lake Murray Invitational is one of the fastest 5K's in South Carolina. Chapin High School is hosting the event this year. We are excited about continuing this tradition. 

We will have commemorative shirts for sale. 

Race Times:

8:00am - Varsity Girls

8:45am - Varsity Boys

9:30am - Junior Varsity Girls

10:15am - Junior Varsity Boys (12th, 11th and 10th grades)

11:00am - Junior Varsity Boys (9th, 8th, and 7th grades)

There will not be "calls" for race times. Runners should be aware of the current time and when their race begins.

Registration: We will be limiting this years event to 38 teams. You may enter 10 in the varsity race and the JV race is unlimited registrations. Registration is open until we reach 38 teams and then it will close. 

Cost is $125 per school. In the off chance that a male or female team is coming individually, please reach out to me and we will discount this fee.

Payment: Checks should be made payable to Chapin Eagle Club, due no later than Friday, August 31, 2024. An email will be sent to teams that we have not received their checks by August 31 and those must be brought the day of the race to participate. Checks cannot be mailed after August 31st. 

Please mail to:

Ryan Plexico

304 Stoney Pointe Cir

Chapin, SC 29036

Awards -

Varsity: Trophies will be awarded to the top 3 teams and medals awarded to the top 25 individuals for both boys and girls. 

JV Girls - Trophy will be awarded to the top team who finishes in 1st place and medals will be awarded to the top 12 individuals.

JV Boys (12th, 11th, and 10th) - Trophy will be awarded to the top team who finishes in 1st place and medals will be awarded to the top 12 individuals.

JV Boys (9th, 8th, and 7th) Trophy will be awarded to the top team who finishes in 1st place and medals will be awarded to the top 12 individuals.

Directions: Crooked Creek Recreational Park, Chapin SC

Take exit 91 (Chapin Exit) from I-26 towards Chapin. Take third left past Chapin High School, cross railroad tracks and go straight through the traffic light. Crooked Creek park is 2 miles from the traffic light. Follow signs to the race area in the park.

Bus Drop Off - In the past buses pulled into the Crooked Creek Park Entrance and dropped off there which made a further walk to the racing field. We are now asking that you pull into Chapin Baptist Church located next door to the right if you are facing Crooked Creek and pull all the way around back to offload your athletes. This will be a short walk through the woods and they will be at the racing field. Buses will then move to Melvin Park (Located on the Map) and park near the baseball fields there. A shuttle will pick you up and bring you back to Chapin Baptist. It will run the duration of the day.

Spectator Parking will be at Chapin Baptist and Crooked Creek Park. When those fill the next spot will be at Chapin Elementary but this will require some walking. We recommend carpooling and have full cars. There should be absolutely no parking at Chapin Intermediate School as part of the race course goes through there. 

Contact Information:

If you have any questions about the meet, please contact:

Coach Ryan Plexico, Chapin High
