Gaffney High Meet 2024

Gaffney, SC
Hosted by Gaffney
Timing/Results CKET Timing LLC

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 93 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spencer, Dallas Gaffney
Shands, Tristan Byrnes
Cash, Jackson Chesnee
Barnett, Kamron Byrnes
Waugh, Parker Spartanburg
Eaton, Knox 15:57.00 Spartanburg
Nunes, Walker 16:10.00 Spartanburg
Rhoden, Nick 16:34.00 Spartanburg
Salley, Bennett 16:58.00 Spartanburg
Willbanks, Chap 16:59.00 Spartanburg
Jaynes, Cameron 17:25.54 Spartanburg
Crosland, Silas 17:46.25 Spartanburg
Krook, Casey 18:13.40 Byrnes
Trizzino, John-Parker 18:15.00 Byrnes
Calvert, Jackson 18:32.40 Gaffney
Cartwright, Sebastian 18:47.34 Spartanburg
Schafer, Benjamin 18:49.21 Spartanburg
Leon, Luis 18:54.50 Byrnes
Fox, Jack 18:57.48 Gaffney
Edmonds, Luke 19:05.21 Chesnee
Proffitt, Jace 19:05.45 Chesnee
Zemp, Matthew 19:08.34 Spartanburg
Flippin, Cal 19:23.59 Spartanburg
De la Pena, Morrison 19:30.50 Byrnes
Brown, Joseph 19:32.79 Spartanburg
Merchant, Carter 19:34.01 Spartanburg
Williams, Jacob 19:42.90 Byrnes
Jones, Garrett 19:49.61 Spartanburg
Foster, Samuel 19:57.04 Spartanburg
Crocker, Clayton 19:57.54 Spartanburg
Strickland, Sam 19:58.60 Spartanburg
Brooks, Austin 19:58.87 Chesnee
Schrock, Easton 19:59.60 Byrnes
Delon-Shay, Phillip 20:03.00 Gaffney
Neely, Ben 20:06.93 Spartanburg
Mitchell, Cannon 20:08.79 Spartanburg
Battocchio, Eric 20:11.40 Spartanburg
Rubio, Johnny 20:11.40 Spartanburg
Hughes, Brayden 20:22.90 Gaffney
Seegars, James 20:31.72 Spartanburg
Held, Hayden 20:41.54 Chesnee
Profitt, Garrett 20:54.60 Chesnee
Brown, Ford 21:18.25 Spartanburg
Vaughn, Jesse 21:21.00 Byrnes
Ellis, Andrew 21:25.60 Gaffney
Wilson, Henry 21:43.91 Spartanburg
Smith, Trevor 21:44.37 Gaffney
Rybak, Will 22:00.48 Byrnes
Lewis, Joshua 22:04.08 Spartanburg
Long, David 22:04.18 Gaffney
Asaro, Camden 22:14.00 Byrnes
Beaty, Cavan 22:22.00 Byrnes
Bucherri, Alexander 22:23.45 Gaffney
Cash, Andrew 22:28.61 Chesnee
Barnette, Kamron 22:29.00 Byrnes
Grinder, Hyrum 22:45.44 Spartanburg
Herr, Andy 23:03.00 Byrnes
Hoffman, Dillon 23:08.03 Byrnes
Strain, Zavior 23:08.46 Gaffney
Stone, Everett 23:09.90 Spartanburg
Hadden, Seegar 23:22.58 Byrnes
Clyburn, Jonathan 23:32.52 Byrnes
Feather, Scott 23:43.80 Spartanburg
Crosland, Miani 23:55.30 Spartanburg
Burton, James 24:01.50 Spartanburg
Hadden, Seeger 24:11.63 Byrnes
Boucher, Kaese 24:13.00 Spartanburg
Blalock, Ayden 24:16.53 Spartanburg
Sumerel, Tyler 24:53.33 Chesnee
Luzniak, Grayson 24:54.00 Chesnee
Bunner, Levi 24:57.00 Byrnes
Fowler, Hayze 25:18.79 Chesnee
Blackwell, Alex 25:24.76 Gaffney
McBride, Austin 25:29.00 Byrnes
Rousey, Jefferson 25:29.93 Spartanburg
Ballew, Matvei 25:38.55 Chesnee
Santiago, Dominic 25:41.10 Byrnes
Brewington, Thomas 25:47.33 Spartanburg
Hutchinson, Andrew 25:51.13 Spartanburg
Barre, Dixon 25:51.23 Spartanburg
Valldarnes, Alex 26:20.00 Spartanburg
Day, Parker 26:45.40 Byrnes
Mabry, Tucker 26:46.00 Byrnes
Fortenberry, Michael 26:51.00 Byrnes
Grimes, Michael 27:17.00 Byrnes
O'Neal, Reid 27:34.85 Chesnee
Jefferies, Javion 27:53.90 Gaffney
Muruganathan, Nandhan 28:43.46 Spartanburg
Peeler, Caleb 29:31.15 Gaffney
Bagwell, Louis 30:30.50 Spartanburg
Dunlap, Peyton 32:21.00 Spartanburg
Tilley, Santiago 33:25.80 Chesnee
Birch, Carey 40:11.37 Byrnes
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ratterree, Betsy Spartanburg
Kitchens, Jordyn Byrnes
Alexandria, Rice Byrnes
Flippin, Elloree 19:01.00 Spartanburg
Hanna, Lillian 20:16.30 Spartanburg
Seay , Emma 20:25.93 Byrnes
Dyar, Ensley 20:34.00 Spartanburg
Colbath, Helen 21:04.27 Spartanburg
Saad, Marianna 21:31.00 Spartanburg
Arrowood, Lanie 21:40.52 Chesnee
Barnica, Jennifer 21:47.00 Spartanburg
Davis, Anabelle 22:07.00 Spartanburg
Chastain, Katherine 22:19.15 Byrnes
Walker, Claire 22:38.50 Chesnee
Dyar, Emmy 22:57.45 Spartanburg
Abbott, Halle 22:58.07 Spartanburg
Clark, Lola 23:04.14 Byrnes
Salerno, Morgan 23:04.80 Byrnes
Crosland, Evie 23:35.42 Spartanburg
Smith, Faith 23:44.94 Spartanburg
Brown, Kaia 23:47.13 Spartanburg
LeBon, Abigail 23:55.49 Spartanburg
Okolichany, Sydney 24:04.00 Spartanburg
Schafer, Ellie 24:11.41 Spartanburg
Clyburn, Keniya 24:26.00 Byrnes
Franke, Charlotte 24:32.10 Spartanburg
Hannon, Claira 24:38.71 Gaffney
Lewis, Tessa 24:58.96 Spartanburg
Meili, Gosnell 25:08.79 Byrnes
Pierson, Farrah 25:18.91 Byrnes
Cobb, Anna 25:25.83 Chesnee
Oliver, Mary Helen 25:28.24 Byrnes
Stratton, Carlee 25:29.41 Byrnes
Doung, Marilyn 26:29.52 Spartanburg
Ocampo, Valentina 26:48.06 Byrnes
Painter, Morgan 26:49.00 Gaffney
McDowell, Madelyn 27:03.30 Chesnee
Tatu, Estella 27:03.38 Spartanburg
DeRuvo, Alivia 27:04.00 Gaffney
Cloonan, Ally Grace 28:04.40 Byrnes
Bringer, Ashlyn 28:06.00 Byrnes
McBride, Anna 28:30.30 Westgate Christian School
Saad, Clara 28:39.87 Spartanburg
Shirokova, Victoria 28:46.90 Byrnes
Strain, Starlit 29:04.60 Gaffney
Mendez-Mata, Estrella 29:05.70 Chesnee
Abee, Wells 29:06.59 Spartanburg
Custer, Madison 29:14.30 Byrnes
Rice, Alexandria 29:18.00 Byrnes
Ratterree, ME 29:38.13 Spartanburg
Sanandres Oliden, Blanca 29:41.20 Gaffney
Little, Chloie 29:43.61 Chesnee
Brewington, Emily 29:46.19 Spartanburg
Mullman, Hadley 30:56.19 Spartanburg
Gomez, Evelyn 31:01.20 Spartanburg
Hanson, Gabrianna 31:24.90 Byrnes
Diaz, Evelynn 32:16.70 Spartanburg
Davidson, Abigail 33:13.72 Byrnes
Keith, Lilly 33:29.00 Byrnes
Thomas, Jenna 33:31.00 Byrnes
Moore, Charlotte 33:43.50 Spartanburg
Briggs, Jayme 34:09.10 Chesnee
Bowie, Emerson 34:40.09 Spartanburg
Stackhouse, June 35:03.63 Byrnes
Bautista, Cassie 36:19.42 Byrnes
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