The time I left it ALL on the track (or thought I did) Mar 31, 2016

Growing up, I was more of an indoor kid. Because of a nasty history of fainting in the sweltering Florida heat, I usually spent my summers chewing DubbleBubble and playing Nancy Drew computer games… (via Long Story Short)

In the arena with Matt Elliott: Starting over Oct 19, 2015

The month of October has always been special to me these last few years. October the 1st normally marks the start of the beginning of a new season and training begins to build for the next year with the same focus—competing well at a national championship.

Sandi Morris: Journey to the top Jan 21, 2015

This entry is a bit delayed. I am finally recovering from a roller coaster of a weekend and have discovered a moment to sit down and write about the explosion of emotions I experienced over the last... (via

All Hope is Gone: Brandon Hudgins' Story Sep 04, 2014

If you want something bad enough and have the courage to chase your dreams, you have to be willing to walk through the dark places to get them. BBTM met Brandon Hudgins at the GNC Live Well Liberty Mile earlier this year, beginning to learn his story.