50 photographs are now online from the State Championships. Over 200 photographs will be posted Sunday and Monday.
30 photographs are now online from the Region 2-4A Championships. The meet took place on Oct. 30 at the Milliken Plant in Spartanburg
35 photographs are now online from the Oct. 23 Spartanburg County Championships, held at the Milliken Center in Spartanburg.
The Wendy\'s Invitational took place on Sept. 25 at McAlpine Park in Charlotte, home of Footlocker South Region. 30 more photographs by scrunners.com Chief Photographer Joe Fierova are now online for viewing from the meet.
Joe Fierova, chief photographer for scrunners.com was onsite at the Sparkle City Invitational held on the property of Dorman High School. Nine photographs are now online from the awards ceremony.