When Spartanburg Christian Acadent student-athlete Hannah-Lee Fitter searches for motivation, she looks to Dorman track and field team leader Stephanie Buffo.
Wendy Barr is the head girls track and field coach at Dorman HS. Barr talks about Stephanie Buffo, her leadership role and the impact Buffo has made on the sport.
Hannah-Lee Fitter is a member of Spartanburg Christian Academy\'s cross country and track and field teams. Fitter talks about her training and role model Stephanie Buffo.
Stephanie Buffo is a junior at Dorman HS. Buffo talks about her recovery from injury, motivation, future plans in the sport, and SCA\'s Hannah-Lee Fitter.
Christian Nash is a senior hurdler at Dorman HS. Nash recently competed at the Greenville-Spartanburg Relays.
173 images are now online for viewing only from the GSP Relays, held at Dorman HS on March 4.
Bishop England hosted 13 schools in the third annual Father Kelly Classic March 4 in Charleston at the Carl E. Poole Memorial Track complex.