1973 State Cross Country Championships
Date: December 8, 1973
Site: Alice Drive Elementary – Sumter SC
This meet was held during a cold rain early on Saturday morning. The temperature was just above freezing and it had rained
all night long. The meet management was not prepared for the weather. All of the athletes that wish to stay were put into
the gym at the school to wait for the results. By mid–afternoon the High School League announced the team results and
gave out awards for the top three. As far as we know, printed results were never sent out. Below are all of the known
results and the time for the winner. This information was printed in the Rock Hill Observer sent to me by Bob Jenkins.
1) Terry Bradwell Airport 12:39
2) Sim Fogle Washington
3) Wayne Coley Berea
4) George Whitehead Stall
5) Bill McClement Stall
6) John Schwartz Northwestern
7) Jimmy Jones Brookland-Cayce
8) Joe Beason Gaffney
9) Alan Howe Summerville
10) Kenny McCoy Brookland-Cayce
Team Results
1) Northwestern 70
2) Brookland-Cayce 99
3) Washington 109
4) Orangeburg 146
5) Gaffney 172
6) Stall 175
7) Lower Richland 179
8) Summerville 226
9) Berea 238
10) Spring Valley 251
11) West Florence 266
12) Hillcrest (S) 276