Spartanburg meet 2021

Spartanburg, SC
Hosted by Spartanburg

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peake-Udemba, JAYDEN Spartanburg
Brewton, Quintin Spartanburg
Rice, Jervaris 11.22 Spartanburg
Lewis, Alvin 11.36 Byrnes
Miller, Matt 11.38 Dorman
Evans, Dreson 11.39 Byrnes
Miller, Bryson 11.45 Dorman
Meadows, Brendale 11.46 Byrnes
Norman, Kendall 11.55 Dorman
Foster, Demarius 11.61 Dorman
Cook, Kyai 11.77 Byrnes
Richards, Kanye 11.94 Spartanburg
Miller, Zachary 12.06 Spartanburg
Jones, Bryshaun 12.09 Spartanburg
Carpenter, Daekwon 12.37 Spartanburg
Moore, Eme'yree 12.39 Spartanburg
Aiken, Omarion 12.43 Byrnes
Rice, Justin 12.55 Spartanburg
Lynch, Jeremy 12.65 Byrnes
Jones, Peyton 13.02 Spartanburg
Bennett, Kindell 13.10 Spartanburg
Cheatham, Mekhi 13.24 Spartanburg
Lindsay, Vincent 13.45 Spartanburg
WARREN, JACOB 13.65 Spartanburg
Williams-Rice, Chavoderick 13.79 Byrnes
SMITH, AWTONE 14.34 Spartanburg
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scott, Cyquarius 16.19 Dorman
Eubanks, Cam 17.00 Dorman
Reid, NyQuan 17.21 Spartanburg
Treharne, Sam 18.30 Dorman
Cpoeland, Kreilon 19.05 Dorman
Tate, Marcus 19.05 Dorman
Roberts, Christian 19.36 Spartanburg
Hazel, Noah 20.19 Dorman
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barron, Alex Spartanburg
Patel, Dev Spartanburg
Neely, Foster Spartanburg
Bolinger, John 4:36.23 Spartanburg
Yeisley, Connor 4:36.85 Dorman
Braun, Zach 4:37.08 Spartanburg
Workman, Elias 4:41.80 Dorman
Lawrence, Sahaan 4:43.47 Spartanburg
McEnroe, Liam 4:50.08 Spartanburg
Edwards, Nathan 4:57.02 Dorman
Yarborough, Noah 5:01.11 Dorman
Baymiller, Emmett 5:02.29 Spartanburg
Moseley, Nathan 5:03.88 Spartanburg
Harris, Lars 5:11.79 Spartanburg
Miles, Henry 5:12.18 Spartanburg
SanJuan, Alejandro 5:20.05 Byrnes
Roberts, Harrison 5:20.28 Byrnes
Falcon, Ilan 5:20.29 Spartanburg
Woods, Lakota 5:20.33 Byrnes
Cleland, Andrew 5:21.78 Dorman
Newman, Alex 5:24.46 Spartanburg
Kuntz, John 5:26.16 Spartanburg
Zibell, Reilly 5:26.67 Dorman
Moen, Jude 5:27.75 Dorman
Burnett, Joseph 5:30 Dorman
Torrez, Matthew 5:30.71 Dorman
Van Hyning, Jackson 5:31.41 Spartanburg
Eaton, Knox 5:43.64 Spartanburg
Alvarez, Victor 6:22.83 Dorman
Maxwell, Luke 6:27.45 Byrnes
Petty, William 6:27.48 Byrnes
Rybak, Will 7:07.09 Byrnes
Beyer, Matthew 7:40.40 Spartanburg
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peake-Udemba, JAYDEN Spartanburg
Brewton, Quintin Spartanburg
Porter, DJ 21.89 Dorman
Brown, Kevin 22.78 Spartanburg
Miller, Bryson 23.04 Dorman
Cook, Kyai 23.10 Byrnes
Lewis, Alvin 23.48 Byrnes
Miller, Matt 23.50 Dorman
Moncrieft, Camdon 23.50 Byrnes
Harris, Micah 23.52 Spartanburg
Wonjamuna, Sam 23.76 Dorman
Meadows, Brendale 23.86 Byrnes
Evans, Dreson 23.91 Byrnes
Davis, Tristen 24.82 Spartanburg
Jackson, Lathum 24.87 Byrnes
Taliaferro, Joshua 24.92 Spartanburg
Burgess, Adonis 25.00h Dorman
Jones, Malachi 25.17 Spartanburg
Smith, Icyton 25.26 Spartanburg
Jones, Bryshaun 25.33 Spartanburg
Miller, Zachary 25.34 Spartanburg
Richards, Kanye 25.39 Spartanburg
McJimpsey, Judah 25.45 Spartanburg
Kongkeo, Andrew 25.47 Spartanburg
Harris, Jacobe 25.58 Spartanburg
Lynch, Jeremy 25.65 Byrnes
Foster, Demarius 26.09 Dorman
Rice, Justin 26.09 Spartanburg
Aiken, Omarion 26.20 Byrnes
Moore, Eme'yree 26.23 Spartanburg
Carpenter, Daekwon 26.53 Spartanburg
Jones, Peyton 27.29 Spartanburg
Cheatham, Mekhi 27.49 Spartanburg
Bennett, Kindell 27.63 Spartanburg
Lindsay, Vincent 27.78 Spartanburg
WARREN, JACOB 28.13 Spartanburg
Tams, Johannes 28.70 Byrnes
Williams-Rice, Chavoderick 29.55 Byrnes
SMITH, AWTONE 30.86 Spartanburg
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cartwright, Sebastian Spartanburg
Elliott, David Dorman
Yarborough, Noah 10:29.91 Dorman
Workman, Elias 10:32.49 Dorman
Biggerstaff, Dakota 10:39.88 Dorman
Lawton, Drew 11:46.11 Spartanburg
SanJuan, Alejandro 11:56.74 Byrnes
Willbanks, Chap 12:33.01 Spartanburg
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aiken, Omarion Byrnes
Crosby, Aaron 1:00.62 Dorman
Harris, Jacobe 1:01.40 Spartanburg
Clark, Hudson 1:03.27 Byrnes
Metz, Andrew 1:03.48 Spartanburg
Williams-Rice, Chavoderick 1:05.00 Byrnes
Peynado lbes, David 1:09.50 Spartanburg
Tams, Johannes 1:12.20 Byrnes
Lozano, Alexander 1:15.88 Byrnes
Butler, Zaire 1:16.72 Spartanburg
Wilmot, Adrian 50.94 Dorman
Winningham, Trent 52.06 Spartanburg
Harris, Kyler 54.11 Byrnes
Waugh, Spencer 54.81 Spartanburg
Wonjamuna, Sam 55.27 Dorman
Jones, Malachi 56.28 Spartanburg
McJimpsey, Judah 56.30 Spartanburg
Smith, Ty'Jay 56.42 Spartanburg
Taliaferro, Joshua 56.82 Spartanburg
Barnes, Jordan 56.86 Byrnes
Cpoeland, Kreilon 57.38 Dorman
Lynch, Jeremy 57.59 Byrnes
Burgess, Adonis 58.02 Dorman
Kongkeo, Andrew 58.04 Spartanburg
Burns, Reid 58.69 Dorman
Wallace, Jamarius 58.79 Spartanburg
Midgette, Quadelan 58.94 Dorman
Palmer, Jared 59.33 Byrnes
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HS Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scott, Cyquarius 1:00.88 Dorman
Reid, NyQuan 1:02.64 Spartanburg
Treharne, Sam 1:05.20 Dorman
Hazel, Noah 1:05.46 Dorman
Roberts, Christian 1:06.91 Spartanburg
Jackson, Lathum 1:07.34 Byrnes
Eubanks, Cam 58.05 Dorman
Wright, Katroy 59.45 Byrnes
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 42.62 Dorman
Relay Team A 44.20 Spartanburg
Relay Team B 44.20 Spartanburg
Relay Team A 44.22 Byrnes
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team C 3:23.25 Dorman
Relay Team A 3:23.25 Dorman
Relay Team B 3:37.34 Byrnes
Relay Team C 3:37.34 Byrnes
Relay Team A 3:37.34 Byrnes
Relay Team B 3:37.35 Spartanburg
Relay Team A 3:37.35 Spartanburg
Relay Team B 3:55.00h Dorman
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:06.71 Spartanburg
Relay Team A 8:21.78 Dorman
Relay Team A 9:06.11 Byrnes
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Orehowski, Kian Spartanburg
Grieshop, John Spartanburg
Baymiller, Aaron 2:02.72 Spartanburg
Nelson, Ty 2:03.10h Dorman
Lego, Dylan 2:05.00h Dorman
Jones, David 2:08.00h Dorman
Gary, Randy 2:10.99 Byrnes
Proctor, George 2:11.95 Spartanburg
Jenkinson, Cole 2:14.51 Dorman
Abbott, Sean 2:15.62 Spartanburg
Moen, Marc 2:15.71 Dorman
Palmer, Jared 2:20.09 Byrnes
Ferguson, Damihj'e 2:21.66 Spartanburg
Montgomery, Gabriel 2:22.27 Byrnes
Waugh, Spencer 2:26.67 Spartanburg
Kerchmar, Ian 2:27.09 Spartanburg
Woods, Lakota 2:29.16 Byrnes
Atance, Theo 2:31.21 Spartanburg
Maxwell, Luke 2:42.57 Byrnes
Eaton, Will 2:45.57 Spartanburg
Moore, Jordan 2:54.09 Spartanburg
Metz, Andrew 2:56.79 Spartanburg
Lozano, Alexander 2:58.35 Byrnes
Brobson, Thomas 3:00.54 Spartanburg
Petty, William 3:02.54 Byrnes
Allison, Ayden 3:10.80 Spartanburg
Rybak, Will 3:12.04 Byrnes
Edwards, Hayes 3:24.42 Spartanburg
Lonon, Charlie 3:29.89 Spartanburg
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HS Boys Discus Throw 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Washington, Jordan 123-2.5 Byrnes
Rice, Gavin 118-5 Byrnes
Nash, AJ 116-2 Dorman
Conyers, Justin 112-8 Dorman
Wright, Jackson 110-1 Byrnes
Smith, Charles 107-10 Dorman
Vaughn Jr., Ryan 105-9 Spartanburg
Blackmon, Brayden 97-2 Byrnes
Guillory, Justin 88-6 Spartanburg
Smith, Icyton 86-0 Spartanburg
Guy, Jamison 85-4 Spartanburg
Trevino, Bradley 84-4 Byrnes
Warren, Noah 76-0 Byrnes
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HS Boys High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carpenter, Daekwon 5-6 Spartanburg
Roper, William 5-6 Byrnes
McCullough, Ledrico 5-4 Dorman
Jones, Bryshaun 5-2 Spartanburg
Davis, Tristen 5-2 Spartanburg
Jones, Malachi 5-0 Spartanburg
James, Landyn 4-10 Byrnes
Brown, Kevin Spartanburg
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HS Boys Javelin 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wonjamuna, Sam 136-9 Dorman
Vaughn Jr., Ryan 124-6 Spartanburg
Guillory, Justin 118-9 Spartanburg
Wilson, Brian 114-6.5 Byrnes
Eubanks, Cam 111-0 Dorman
Wright, Jackson 103-8 Byrnes
Talley, Hudson 102-10 Dorman
Nash, AJ 100-0 Dorman
Littlejohn, Bennie 87-2 Spartanburg
Blackmon, Brayden 81-0 Byrnes
Button, Jason 75-6 Spartanburg
Trevino, Bradley 69-7 Byrnes
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HS Boys Long Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Black, Chance 22-8 Dorman
Harris, Micah 21-11 Spartanburg
Wright, Davison 21-6 Dorman
Rice, Jervaris 20-1 Spartanburg
Winningham, Trent 20-0 Spartanburg
Barnes, Jordan 19-9 Byrnes
Foster, Demarius 19-0 Dorman
Carpenter, Daekwon 17-10.5 Spartanburg
Jones, Bryshaun 17-4.5 Spartanburg
Davis, Tristen 17-2 Spartanburg
James, Landyn 17-1 Byrnes
Gist-Freeman, Aaron 17-0 Dorman
Wilson, Brian 16-8 Byrnes
Peake-Udemba, JAYDEN Spartanburg
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HS Boys Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Homan, Carson 12-0 Byrnes
Hardy, Briggs 11-0 Dorman
Chastain, Will 10-6 Byrnes
Delaney, William 10-0 Spartanburg
Lawson, Jacob 10-0 Dorman
Poutree, Benjamin 9-6 Byrnes
Sok, Kaleb 9-6 Byrnes
McNulty, Liam 9-0 Dorman
Murphy, Riley 9-0 Dorman
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HS Boys Shot Put 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nash, AJ 41-9 Dorman
Smith, Charles 41-2 Dorman
Washington, Jordan 40-6 Byrnes
Conyers, Justin 39-11 Dorman
Rice, Gavin 39-7 Byrnes
Smith, Icyton 37-9 Spartanburg
Littlejohn, Bennie 36-1 Spartanburg
Wright, Jackson 35-9 Byrnes
Guy, Jamison 35-6 Spartanburg
Blackmon, Brayden 34-7 Byrnes
Button, Jason 33-0 Spartanburg
Greene, Jeremiah 32-4 Spartanburg
Warren, Noah 28-10 Byrnes
Byars, Andrew 24-11 Spartanburg
Trevino, Bradley 24-4 Byrnes
Cannon, Kenyen 23-9 Spartanburg
Kennedy, Micah 21-9 Spartanburg
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HS Boys Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Black, Chance 47-7 Dorman
Harris, Micah 44-10 Spartanburg
Rice-Williams, Dee 42-11 Dorman
Wright, Davison 41-2.5 Dorman
Winningham, Trent 41-1 Spartanburg
Brown, Kevin 40-4.5 Spartanburg
Foster, Demarius 38-5 Dorman
James, Landyn 34-2 Byrnes
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gray, Deanna 12.66 Dorman
Rice, Jordan 12.87 Spartanburg
Dawkins, Makayla 12.98 Spartanburg
Gray, Dara 13.15 Dorman
Miller, Raven 13.42 Byrnes
Miller , Timmerrian 13.51 Byrnes
Fowler, Taniya 13.84 Spartanburg
Miller Mateen, Madison 13.92 Dorman
Williams, Diyjah 14.07 Dorman
Blackley, Trinity 14.12 Spartanburg
Hall, Zenobia 14.33 Byrnes
Lewers, Tessa 14.61 Dorman
Genius, Deshaunay 14.72 Dorman
Gaddy, Shakiya 14.83 Spartanburg
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Jasmine 16.45 Spartanburg
Wright, Kennedy 17.4 Byrnes
Boozer, Xikeria 18.48 Dorman
Foggie, Trinity 18.58 Spartanburg
Hunter, JaOsha 20.51 Spartanburg
Okebe, Rebecca 20.99 Dorman
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burnette, Reagan 5:47.60 Byrnes
Taunton, Bailey 5:47.78 Byrnes
Lane, Hailey 5:58.83 Dorman
Jolly, Kailey 6:00.97 Dorman
Seegars, Cate 6:07.10 Spartanburg
Fly, Savannah 6:11.73 Spartanburg
Laney, Addison 6:15.92 Dorman
Donovan, Claire 6:17.83 Dorman
Colbath, Annie 6:18.00 Spartanburg
Pudi, Medha 6:21.87 Dorman
Saad, Marianna 6:31.71 Spartanburg
Xayasane, Julie 6:46.65 Spartanburg
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gray, Deanna 26.95 Dorman
Brownlee, Rodnayzia 27.31 Dorman
Gist, Cameran 27.61 Spartanburg
Miller, Raven 27.8 Byrnes
Jones, Journe 27.93 Dorman
Dawkins, Makayla 28.00 Spartanburg
Miller , Timmerrian 28.11 Byrnes
Gray, Dara 28.16 Dorman
Rice, Jordan 28.60 Spartanburg
Williams, Diyjah 28.64 Dorman
Foggie, Trinity 28.73 Spartanburg
Warren, Taylor 28.84 Byrnes
Fowler, Taniya 29.22 Spartanburg
Littlejohn, Mackenzie 29.23 Spartanburg
Gregory, Asia 29.67 Byrnes
Maddox, Aniya 30.09 Byrnes
Dobson, Emmalee 30.47 Byrnes
Anderson, Rachel 30.49 Byrnes
Blackley, Trinity 30.50 Spartanburg
Gaddy, Shakiya 30.93 Spartanburg
Hernandez, Caitlin 31.34 Byrnes
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Elliott, Georgia 11:59.48 Dorman
Tombuelt, Ella 12:24.18 Dorman
Sullivan, Rookhie 12:50.47 Spartanburg
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Natalie Spartanburg
Gecan, Gabby Spartanburg
Huff, Chatavia Spartanburg
Holloman, Anaya 1:03.15 Spartanburg
Lema, Kayla 1:03.29 Byrnes
Glover, Nia 1:04.70 Spartanburg
Littlejohn, Aliyah 1:05.30 Dorman
Littlejohn, Mackenzie 1:05.99 Spartanburg
Everett, Bethany 1:06.58 Spartanburg
Washington, Amerie 1:06.78 Byrnes
Warren, Taylor 1:07.74 Byrnes
McKelvey, Madie 1:10.39 Dorman
Green, Autumn 1:12.96 Dorman
Hernandez, Caitlin 1:13.13 Byrnes
Gregory, Asia 1:15 Byrnes
Belue, Collen 1:18.76 Spartanburg
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HS Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rice, Jordan Spartanburg
Atchison, London 1:12.53 Spartanburg
Boozer, Xikeria 1:15.23 Dorman
Dobson, Emmalee 1:17 Byrnes
Okebe, Rebecca 1:18.11 Dorman
Foggie, Trinity 1:25.19 Spartanburg
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.63 Dorman
Relay Team A 51.14 Spartanburg
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:26.29 Byrnes
Relay Team B 4:26.29 Byrnes
Relay Team C 4:26.29 Byrnes
Relay Team A 4:27.82 Dorman
Relay Team A 4:28.81 Spartanburg
Relay Team B 4:28.81 Spartanburg
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:32.95 Byrnes
Relay Team A 10:51.93 Dorman
Relay Team A 11:05.42 Spartanburg
Relay Team C 11:05.42 Spartanburg
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McEnroe, Kiely Spartanburg
Daniel, Emily Spartanburg
Belue, Collen Spartanburg
Wood, Ava 2:36.72 Byrnes
Bowen, Sage 2:37.04 Byrnes
Phetbourom, Tip 2:41.87 Spartanburg
Dawkins, Anna 2:43.70 Dorman
Acker, Samantha 2:46.82 Dorman
Faulkner, Raleigh 2:47.76 Dorman
Hull, Eliza 2:52.82 Spartanburg
Everett, Bethany 3:08.08 Spartanburg
Abbott, Halle 3:23.40 Spartanburg
Martin, Addie-Kate 3:26.09 Spartanburg
Weathers, Mia 3:32.08 Spartanburg
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HS Girls Discus Throw 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gray, Logan 139-8 Spartanburg
Parks, Abrianna 101-0 Byrnes
Glover, Janiya 97-3 Spartanburg
Edwards, Lauren 88-11 Dorman
Scott, Adrianna 88-0 Byrnes
Robinson, Mi'Kayla 80-0 Dorman
Crocker, Kaydee 70-3 Dorman
Reynolds, Jaliyah 69-8 Byrnes
Wilkes, Rammauri 64-11 Dorman
Udensi, Jennifer 61-1 Dorman
Littlejohn, Beauty 60-8 Spartanburg
Parnel, Abigail 51-0 Dorman
Glover, Tyanna 49-11 Spartanburg
Roper, Courtney 25-7 Spartanburg
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HS Girls High Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anderson, Markia 5-2 Dorman
Jones, Jasmine 5-2 Spartanburg
Washington, Amerie 4-10 Byrnes
LINDSEY, Destiny 4-8 Dorman
Wright, Kennedy 4-6 Byrnes
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HS Girls Javelin 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parks, Abrianna 91-4 Byrnes
Gray, Logan 76-11 Spartanburg
Hunter, JaOsha 72-6 Spartanburg
Scott, Adrianna 69-5 Byrnes
Gregory, Asia 63-7 Byrnes
Blackley, Trinity 58-0 Spartanburg
Maddox, Aniya 56-11.5 Byrnes
Glover, Janiya 55-11 Spartanburg
Udensi, Jennifer 55-5 Dorman
Udensi, Adriana 45-8 Dorman
Littlejohn, Beauty 40-11 Spartanburg
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HS Girls Long Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gist, Cameran 18-3 Spartanburg
Posey, Jazmine 17-6 Byrnes
Anderson, Rachel 16-4 Byrnes
Spears, Kennedy 16-0.25 Dorman
Petty, Tiraney 15-8 Dorman
Hall, Zenobia 15-1.5 Byrnes
Boyce, Jordan 15-0 Dorman
Udensi, Adriana 14-9 Dorman
Fowler, Taniya 13-10 Spartanburg
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HS Girls Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crosby, Ivy 8-0 Dorman
Maddox, Aniya 8-0 Byrnes
Parker, Olivia 7-6 Spartanburg
Vereen, Lydia 7-6 Spartanburg
Udensi, Jennifer 7-0 Dorman
Miller Mateen, Madison 5-6 Dorman
Nunez, Katelyn Spartanburg
Moore, Madeline Spartanburg
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HS Girls Shot Put 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gray, Logan 39-6 Spartanburg
Parks, Abrianna 36-11 Byrnes
Parnel, Abigail 34-5.5 Dorman
Glover, Janiya 32-6.5 Spartanburg
Robinson, Mi'Kayla 30-7 Dorman
Scott, Adrianna 29-10.5 Byrnes
Edwards, Lauren 29-0 Dorman
Littlejohn, Beauty 28-10 Spartanburg
Reynolds, Jaliyah 27-6 Byrnes
Wilkes, Rammauri 26-7 Dorman
Udensi, Jennifer 24-9.5 Dorman
Glover, Tyanna 23-5 Spartanburg
Crocker, Kaydee 21-11 Dorman
Roper, Courtney 18-2 Spartanburg
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HS Girls Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gist, Cameran 39-7 Spartanburg
Posey, Jazmine 39-7 Byrnes
Spears, Kennedy 37-9.5 Dorman
Boyce, Jordan 34-8.25 Dorman
Petty, Tiraney 34-4.75 Dorman
Jones, Jasmine 33-5 Spartanburg
Hall, Zenobia 33-1 Byrnes
Udensi, Adriana 31-4 Dorman
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