Cavalier Classic 2009

Spartanburg, SC
Hosted by Dorman

Cavalier Classic 2009 vs Cavalier Classic 2012

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -185 508 693
Overall Average -27.07 22:39.55 23:06.62
1st-10th Place +26.00 17:02.60 16:36.60
1st-25th Place +24.28 17:25.88 17:01.60
1st-50th Place +20.10 17:45.78 17:25.68
1st-100th Place +19.03 18:19.88 18:00.85
Common Athletes -- -- 53
Ran Faster -44 6 50
Ran Season Best 36 39 3
Average Time +2:14.49 22:34.81 20:20.32
Median Time +2:09.00 21:46.00 19:37.00
Middle 80% Times +2:20.98 22:32.53 20:11.56
Top 10% Times +1:29.17 18:02.00 16:32.83
Top 25% Times +2:02.57 19:03.93 17:01.36
Top 50% Times +2:06.81 19:59.44 17:52.63
Bottom 50% Times +2:17.19 24:20.00 22:02.81
Bottom 25% Times +2:16.21 27:01.07 24:44.86
Bottom 10% Times +2:01.00 28:49.50 26:48.50
Average Difference +2:13.16 -- --
Median Difference +2:48.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +2:01.95 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:17.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:42.63 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:34.14 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:42.63 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:40.44 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:48.50 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +4:27.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
James Quattlebaum Christ Church +1:24.00 17:38.00 16:14.00
Logan George Wade Hampton +2:15.00 18:46.00 16:31.00
Martin Morrow Dorman +1:17.00 17:50.00 16:33.00
Ryan Lawson Dorman +1:04.00 17:38.00 16:34.00
Ben Boerma Wade Hampton +1:29.00 18:04.00 16:35.00
Ned Kennedy Wade Hampton +3:35.00 20:25.00 16:50.00
Alex Spencer Wade Hampton +3:51.00 20:45.00 16:54.00
Connor Kinzie Byrnes +1:55.00 19:13.00 17:18.00
Samuel Whatley T.L. Hanna +2:33.00 19:52.00 17:19.00
Justin Trenor Christ Church +2:33.00 19:56.00 17:23.00
James Mcvey Byrnes +2:58.00 20:23.00 17:25.00
Wes Crane Easley +7:48.00 25:17.00 17:29.00
Chase Wentzky T.L. Hanna +1:36.00 19:09.00 17:33.00
Mason Baird Wade Hampton +13:21.00 31:02.00 17:41.00
Alex Houck Easley +2:42.00 20:33.00 17:51.00
Hunter Foster Wade Hampton +5:51.00 23:49.00 17:58.00
Andrew Hill Greer +13.00 18:16.00 18:03.00
Chris Sherman Christ Church +2:05.00 20:23.00 18:18.00
Nick Rose Wade Hampton +1:30.00 19:57.00 18:27.00
Eric Hammett Gaffney +3:06.00 21:46.00 18:40.00
Jason Greene Clover +2:30.00 21:11.00 18:41.00
Trey Lemmons Gaffney +1:23.00 20:32.00 19:09.00
A.j. McCallum Christ Church +1:34.00 20:45.00 19:11.00
Caroline Jennings Christ Church +38.00 19:59.00 19:21.00
Ian Williams Byrnes +2:48.00 22:19.00 19:31.00
Andrew Krull Dorman +2:05.00 21:40.00 19:35.00
Jack English Wade Hampton +4:46.00 24:23.00 19:37.00
Ashley Hrubala Dorman +33.00 20:14.00 19:41.00
Devin Archer Clover +3:41.00 23:27.00 19:46.00
Jackson Zeller Wade Hampton +1:05.00 21:05.00 20:00.00
Carl Strickland Wade Hampton +2:36.00 22:37.00 20:01.00
Grayson Ford Dorman +38.00 20:44.00 20:06.00
Murphy Wildeman Oakbrook Preparatory +1:24.00 21:41.00 20:17.00
Kenneth Brainard Gaffney +5:08.00 26:07.00 20:59.00
Alex Mathis Broome +2:34.00 23:34.00 21:00.00
Gabriel Ballou Dorman -3.00 21:20.00 21:23.00
Jordan Radford T.L. Hanna +3:41.00 25:21.00 21:40.00
Jacob Brumble Clover -35.00 21:54.00 22:29.00
Emily Ann Carter Wade Hampton +1:05.00 23:01.00 21:56.00
Wilson Wildeman Oakbrook Preparatory +3:38.00 25:37.00 21:59.00
Ashley Beach Dorman -22.00 22:06.00 22:28.00
Kate Martin T.L. Hanna +3:09.00 25:34.00 22:25.00
Mercedes Bazan Gaffney +4:21.00 26:52.00 22:31.00
Robert Caldwell Oakbrook Preparatory +27.00 23:52.00 23:25.00
Meg Stoddard T.L. Hanna -3:09.00 23:27.00 26:36.00
Cade Woods Hillcrest +4:39.00 28:30.00 23:51.00
Aylssa Bacon Byrnes +54.00 25:05.00 24:11.00
Brittany Traw Clover -1:15.00 24:16.00 25:31.00
Lindy Perry Christ Church +2:29.00 26:46.00 24:17.00
Reagan Bachour Wade Hampton +1:54.00 26:51.00 24:57.00
Jessica Tidwell Greer -1:01.00 25:31.00 26:32.00
Kenley Knott Easley +2:11.00 30:39.00 28:28.00
Mollie Lewis Easley +16.00 29:03.00 28:47.00