Creating Waves 5K 2024

Summerville, SC
Hosted by Summerville
Timing/Results Strictly Running

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 142 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Borton, Konnor Berkeley
McCormick, Gordon Charleston Charter for Math and
Potter, Talan Timberland
Jaskiewicz, Vincent Philip Simmons
Bone, Jaxson Timberland
Cahalan, Logan Northwood Academy
Jimenez, Juan Stratford
Harvey, Hunter Berkeley
Toomer, Raynard Charleston Charter for Math and
White, George Timberland
Castiglia, Grady Philip Simmons
Smith, Jensen Berkeley
Goeller, James Timberland
Truluck, Zachary Northwood Academy
Williamson, Aiden Berkeley
Worten, McCay Timberland
Burns, John Northwood Academy
Margolis, Rylan Northwood Academy
Alberti, Nick Summerville
Manning, Trent Philip Simmons
Dephouse, Zachary Berkeley
Feria Lopez, Yassell Charleston Charter for Math and
Knox-Ogletree, Darius Timberland
Laurient, Ari Wando
Lord, Jackson Northwood Academy
Champaigne, Mekhi Summerville
Walker, Pierce 15:55.10 Philip Simmons
Muller, Jackson 16:04.73 Bishop England
Wright, Joseph 16:06.83 Philip Simmons
Brahim, Marc 16:27.00 Bishop England
Butler, Jack 16:30.00 Wando
Volkmann, Calvin 16:30.07 Academic Magnet
Bone, Skylar 16:37.00 Timberland
Winters, Maxwell 16:38.10 Wando
Johnson, Peyton 16:45.40 Academic Magnet
Greer, David 16:48.00 Summerville
Bunt, Brayden 16:49.47 Academic Magnet
Hislop, Gabe 16:51.80 Bishop England
Kuhnell, Hunter 16:53.74 Academic Magnet
Landrith, Everett 17:03.83 Academic Magnet
Perry, Matthew 17:04.22 Philip Simmons
Wilcher, Kendall 17:05.79 Ashley Ridge
Patterson, Wesley 17:07.00 Philip Simmons
Shelton, Jordan 17:10.50 Stratford
York, Gansen 17:17.00 Wando
Geiger, Charles 17:17.59 Academic Magnet
Longdon, Camden 17:18.90 Wando
Bunao, Jacob 17:22.35 Summerville
Hamilton, Ben 17:23.00 Summerville
Yaun, Burket 17:23.00 Philip Simmons
Curl, Andrew 17:26.28 Bishop England
Briggs, Nick 17:30.30 Summerville
Herrman, Truk 17:30.69 Northwood Academy
Fink, Elijah 17:34.20 Fort Dorchester
Thomas, Cole 17:34.86 Ashley Ridge
Fields, Will 17:45.53 Pinewood Prep
Butler, Drew 17:47.00 Wando
Osean, Andrew 17:50.16 Fort Dorchester
Huntington, Ben 17:52.08 Bishop England
Blonshine, Tyler 17:52.74 Wando
Vidor, Joshua 17:55.64 Summerville
Wallace, Ryan 17:59.80 Ashley Ridge
Cinnamon, Caleb 18:04.10 Summerville
Long, Skyler 18:05.00 Hampton County High School
Via, Brayden 18:06.09 Fort Dorchester
Williams, Jacob 18:07.33 Summerville
Asmer, Jude 18:08.64 Bishop England
Sweatman, Stone 18:14.31 Philip Simmons
Pierce, Tyler 18:15.10 Ashley Ridge
Granato, Dominick 18:17.90 Ashley Ridge
Rogers, Willis 18:20.72 Summerville
Stambaugh, Brian 18:29.52 Philip Simmons
Ray, Ayden 18:32.46 Ashley Ridge
Early, Reece 18:33.00 Academic Magnet
Pelfanio, Anthony 18:33.18 Pinewood Prep
Cox, Triston 18:37.96 Ashley Ridge
Gaskins, Mason 18:38.39 Timberland
Severance, Nick 18:42.04 Academic Magnet
Crosby, David 18:44.00 Hampton County High School
Blackwelder, Caleb 18:49.00 Summerville
Rumbough, Gavin 18:54.26 Timberland
Mantone, Stephen 18:58.12 Bishop England
Merfeld, Cade 19:01.30 Fort Dorchester
Pierce, Paul 19:03.23 Summerville
Smith, Daniel 19:11.10 Stratford
Cox, Connor 19:14.82 Ashley Ridge
Dukich, Nathaniel 19:15.27 Timberland
Berardinelli, Gianpaolo 19:17.85 Ashley Ridge
Campbell, Liam 19:19.55 Academic Magnet
Ruffalo, Matthew 19:21.11 Summerville
Haynes, Jacob 19:21.64 Timberland
Romano, Tommy 19:29.00 Bishop England
Tollison, Griffin 19:29.00 Philip Simmons
Gibson, Nolan 19:32.00 Stratford
Hicks IV, Jack 19:41.32 Berkeley
Barnard, Jonah 19:43.55 Timberland
Kinard, Parker 19:43.66 Timberland
Larose, Jaydan 19:53.00 Pinewood Prep
Witkin, Philip Michael 19:53.13 Colleton County
Henry, Jack 19:53.80 Philip Simmons
Asher, Patrick 19:57.06 Bishop England
Matthews, Noah 20:05.51 Berkeley
Bates, Mason 20:07.01 Fort Dorchester
Moore, Peter 20:09.63 Northwood Academy
Nguyen, John 20:10.70 Fort Dorchester
Simmons, Kaden 20:16.30 Hampton County High School
Anderson, Tyler 20:20.01 Timberland
Sarkkinen, Anthony 20:26.98 Ashley Ridge
Prioleau, Brandon 20:36.20 Berkeley
Ficzner, Kyle 20:38.95 Ashley Ridge
Powers, Lucas 20:43.96 Timberland
Morrison, Malik 20:44.00 Hampton County High School
Bates, Jaxon 20:45.00 Fort Dorchester
Jacik, Caiden 20:46.27 Pinewood Prep
Pascazio, Luca 20:48.05 Northwood Academy
Brasher, Reid 20:48.19 Pinewood Prep
Young, Dylan 20:55.56 Pinewood Prep
Whitney, Niles 20:56.00 Charleston Charter for Math and
Desouza, Nickolas 21:11.22 Stratford
Haugh, Avery 21:14.39 Ashley Ridge
Wright, Eli 21:15.68 Northwood Academy
Moore, Thomas 21:19.14 Philip Simmons
Williams, Ransom 21:24.99 Timberland
Goeller, Vincent 21:25.58 Timberland
Fortkort, Michael 21:26.00 Pinewood Prep
Haynes, Christopher 21:33.69 Timberland
Bradshaw, Joshua (Sawyer) 21:37.80 Berkeley
Wood, Sam 21:43.00 Northwood Academy
Whitney, Bryce 22:00.60 Charleston Charter for Math and
Washington, Jaiden 22:01.00 Charleston Charter for Math and
Bishop, Briley 22:04.58 Berkeley
Yaka, Alimasi 22:07.80 Stratford
Holt, Levi 22:32.39 Berkeley
Manjarrez Bustos, Carlos 23:04.82 Philip Simmons
Wade, Seth 23:16.00 Timberland
Pascazio, Milo 23:20.34 Northwood Academy
Warren, Tyler 23:51.27 Colleton County
Carlton, Trent 24:09.10 Colleton County
Burbage, Cooper 24:28.45 Berkeley
Marchant, Jd 25:32.30 Charleston Charter for Math and
Wiseman, David 26:21.24 Timberland
Wood, Hayes 29:21.14 Northwood Academy
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 234 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Keller, Kinsley Stratford
Wang, Allison Academic Magnet
Lee, Olivia Wando
Kelly, Zaria Wando
Chapman, Addie Summerville
Brown, Kinley Summerville
Brownlee, Caitlan Bishop England
Alomar, Bicho Philip Simmons
Morris, Kiyah Pinewood Prep
Crowell, Christina Charleston Charter for Math and
Hale, Avery Berkeley
Paton, Louisa Ashley Hall
Kalil, Ridgely Academic Magnet
Lampkin, Kemani Timberland
Wang, Dora Academic Magnet
Halsey, Olivia Philip Simmons
Evans-Langdale, Ireland Ashley Hall
Hartwig, Leila Northwood Academy
Rachman, Vivian Academic Magnet
Kellett, Charlotte Wando
Jennings, Ada Berkeley
Vandenbosch, Sophie Summerville
Hislop, Savannah Bishop England
Walker, Eliza Philip Simmons
Garrett, Lila Academic Magnet
Baker, Evelyn Summerville
Hardy, Mya Philip Simmons
Clayton, Laura Brandt Ashley Hall
Norales, Ailin Academic Magnet
Bass, Kinsley Stratford
Harper, Lucy Academic Magnet
Wood, Mary Wando
Hurst, Ella Wando
Miller, Maya Summerville
Prescott, Susanna Summerville
Willson, Caroline Bishop England
St. Germain, Ronel Philip Simmons
Savini, Cameron Pinewood Prep
Hider, Stella Charleston Charter for Math and
Cosson, Ellana Berkeley
Mullen, McKinley Philip Simmons
Stahle-Smith, Kate Academic Magnet
Leach, Leah Timberland
Angle, Cate Academic Magnet
Howell, Annalee Ashley Ridge
Wildstein, Bryn Ashley Hall
Wheelon, Elizabeth Academic Magnet
Volmer, Josie Wando
Flaugher, Aliza Summerville
D'Agostino, Siena Bishop England
Cavallon, Anna Wando
Boccucci, Mary Liz Summerville
Karsh, Liv Philip Simmons
Simmons, Elise Ashley Hall
Lewis, Sally Academic Magnet
Jimenez, Valery Stratford
Abdamalek, Marly Academic Magnet
Svetliza, Misha Wando
Wood, Nia Northwood Academy
Polcha, Caroline Wando
Prescott, Lydia Grace Summerville
Kipp, Rory Bishop England
Payne, Riley Philip Simmons
Malthaner, Cameron Fort Dorchester
Edwards, Kendall Berkeley
Woods, Chloe Philip Simmons
Polirer, Addison Wando
Hand, Lilla Ashley Hall
Sullivan, Kate Academic Magnet
Poston, Roxanna Timberland
Cheng, Taylor Academic Magnet
Mendiola, Elizabeth Ashley Ridge
Blessinger, Parker Academic Magnet
Morales, Lyla Wando
Wyatt, Olivia Stratford
Gorin, Lorelai Summerville
Laurient, Ana Wando
Bolougne, Isabella Summerville
Jones, Claire Philip Simmons
Crowell, Katherine Charleston Charter for Math and
Prioleau, Savannah Berkeley
Gregg, Emmie Philip Simmons
Silliman, Charlie Ashley Hall
Cina, Natalie Academic Magnet
Grill, Maci Timberland
Hassid, Evie Academic Magnet
Bremer, Sophia Wando
McCloud, Kylie Northwood Academy
Scott, Bridget Wando
Covington, Mariah Hampton County High School
Fitch, Collins Marie Berkeley
Vandenbosch, Daphne Summerville
Cheverie, Katie Bishop England
Davidson, Brooke Philip Simmons
Britton, Kaiya Fort Dorchester
Vidor, Rihanna Summerville
Kriza, Gwen Philip Simmons
Schauer, Sophia Ashley Hall
Workheiser, Sophie Timberland
Norton, Emelie Academic Magnet
McMillion, Reese Ashley Ridge
Brahim, Nora 17:44.00 Bishop England
Perry, Laura 18:15.10 Philip Simmons
Mallek, Avah 18:46.00 Philip Simmons
Paczkowski, Kate 19:18.20 Wando
Varner, Keziah 19:22.56 Philip Simmons
Buss, Grace 19:28.00 Bishop England
Payer, Matea 19:39.00 Philip Simmons
May, Lilah 19:40.00 Philip Simmons
Stanton, Emma 19:41.00 Wando
Runion, Cloe 19:43.17 Stratford
Alomar, Anna 19:47.31 Philip Simmons
Thill, Sophia 19:52.00 Stratford
Blackwelder, Taylor 20:16.80 Summerville
Arrants, Cate 20:18.92 Academic Magnet
Knox, Emily 20:19.11 Stratford
Lee, Sophia 20:19.30 Wando
Ingham, Greta 20:20.71 Wando
Seymour, Olivia 20:21.00 Bishop England
Lovelady, Haley 20:23.42 Stratford
Griffith, Kendall 20:27.50 Summerville
Hewitt, Addison 20:30.42 Wando
Sacor, Lyby 20:34.00 Ashley Ridge
Bradley, Isabella 20:34.70 Summerville
Yates, Jenna 20:35.01 Philip Simmons
Turner, Makenna 20:43.16 Academic Magnet
Slocum, lydia 20:44.50 Summerville
Gorin, Aubrey 20:55.40 Summerville
Tucker, Keilee 20:56.47 Berkeley
Tomas, Kate 20:57.30 Bishop England
Cinnamon, Lacie 21:01.40 Summerville
Vaughn, Randi 21:09.68 Hampton County High School
Hewitt, Tabitha 21:10.00 Wando
Habakus, Elizabeth 21:11.63 Philip Simmons
Rosato, Hannah 21:11.64 Bishop England
Harris, Sona 21:14.62 Academic Magnet
Dewey, Mia 21:21.81 Academic Magnet
Mettler, Parker 21:25.59 Wando
Windham, Evie 21:25.99 Pinewood Prep
Burness, Miranda 21:27.39 Ashley Ridge
Hanna, Taryn 21:29.90 Hampton County High School
Rissmiller, Lowery 21:31.55 Academic Magnet
Denzel, Emme 21:49.45 Philip Simmons
Williams, Victoria 21:57.84 Summerville
Bennett, Alice 22:02.09 Pinewood Prep
Bennett, Natalie 22:03.75 Ashley Hall
DeMooney, Mattie 22:09.00 Wando
Reilly, Giselle 22:09.50 Ashley Ridge
Williams, Samantha 22:10.00 Timberland
Underwood, Emily 22:14.27 Ashley Ridge
Taylor, Flynn 22:16.49 Philip Simmons
West, Baker 22:22.00 Wando
Stroble, Langley 22:27.16 Philip Simmons
McGill, Kiley 22:27.24 Pinewood Prep
Priest, Carson 22:36.40 Ashley Ridge
Griffin, Lindsey 22:39.00 Academic Magnet
Pauls, Laighlah 22:39.00 Hampton County High School
Johnson, Madison 22:40.31 Berkeley
Goodwin, Zoe 22:41.00 Wando
Pastre, Lillian 22:42.81 Academic Magnet
Nix, Alexis 22:49.00 Hampton County High School
Santiago, Molly 23:00.92 Bishop England
Owen, Ceanna 23:01.37 Fort Dorchester
Lepisto, Kaylee 23:03.62 Hampton County High School
Lobb, Avery 23:04.32 Bishop England
Koch, Julia 23:06.00 Academic Magnet
Moore, Caroline 23:06.82 Pinewood Prep
West, Catherine 23:16.26 Philip Simmons
Goeller, Laci 23:18.54 Timberland
Suggs, Gabrielle 23:20.97 Timberland
Ott, Samantha 23:20.99 Wando
Olmo, Cara 23:30.92 Wando
Wall, Maggie 23:47.14 Bishop England
Smith, Elizabeth 23:51.00 Philip Simmons
Loewen, Jersey 23:51.80 Berkeley
Donato, Madeline 23:52.30 Wando
Hartwig, Elena 23:54.65 Northwood Academy
Hamric, Stella 23:58.83 Summerville
David, Violet 23:59.61 Ashley Hall
Preston, Abby 24:06.00 Philip Simmons
Coronel Reyes, Cynthia 24:11.92 Berkeley
Jenkins, Nyla 24:13.96 Ashley Hall
Leighty, Paige 24:18.00 Stratford
Pitcher, Jane 24:19.45 Wando
Duffy, Regan 24:20.72 Bishop England
Williamson, Natalie 24:26.30 Berkeley
Doiron, Noelle 24:30.81 Bishop England
Dyer, Elizabeth 24:31.00 Hampton County High School
Jancewicz, Opal 24:33.05 Wando
Willis, Eliza 24:38.26 Ashley Hall
Blake, Cadence 24:42.57 Timberland
Torek, Delaney 24:47.49 Fort Dorchester
Tolppa, Caroline 24:48.00 Summerville
Reese, Brennan 24:49.00 Wando
George, Molly 24:56.00 Academic Magnet
Davila, Sefrina 24:57.00 Stratford
Cosgrove, Kaylie 24:59.60 Wando
Smith, Avery 25:00.00 Wando
Bailey, Lucy 25:17.00 Philip Simmons
Montoya, Isabella 25:22.00 Stratford
Burns, Gala 25:22.51 Northwood Academy
Hanna, Kinsley 25:30.65 Hampton County High School
Holliday, Talia 25:31.61 Philip Simmons
Storer, Satine 26:01.25 Wando
Williams, Jlynn (JT) 26:02.45 Northwood Academy
Clarke, Kiera 26:06.37 Philip Simmons
Dorsey, Laurel 26:19.35 Academic Magnet
Sarkkinen, Emily 26:26.04 Ashley Ridge
Montgomery, Anna Kate 26:27.52 Pinewood Prep
Jenkins, Na'Zyia 26:35.00 Ashley Hall
Davis, Annie 26:42.22 Ashley Hall
Rankin, Elizabeth 27:06.00 Pinewood Prep
Hawk, Zadie 27:08.00 Academic Magnet
Miner, Hannah 27:08.64 Summerville
Gillis, Hope 27:12.27 Ashley Ridge
Dollarhide, Kaylie 27:21.00 Ashley Ridge
Sams, Ellie 27:24.01 Academic Magnet
Todd, Isla 27:26.28 Academic Magnet
Hershey, Rhett 27:40.05 Ashley Hall
Reilly, Isabella 27:50.58 Academic Magnet
Hawk, Lane 28:17.35 Academic Magnet
Payer, Willow 28:23.40 Philip Simmons
Rivers, Payton 28:47.05 Ashley Hall
McCray, Arrington 29:11.86 Northwood Academy
Nguyen, Vanessa 29:20.29 Academic Magnet
Weber, Peyton 29:29.99 Northwood Academy
Frickling, Hannah 29:48.00 Hampton County High School
Hair, Hunter 31:10.30 Hampton County High School
Sullivan, Natalie 31:52.53 Ashley Ridge
Johnson, London 33:00.86 Berkeley
Barlow, Daphne 33:42.33 Ashley Ridge
Shipman, Aidyn 33:57.46 Colleton County
Russell, Geniah 34:57.26 Colleton County
Terry, Nasheyah 38:10.00 Hampton County High School
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JV Boys 121 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Merfeld, Dalton Fort Dorchester
Ramirez, Nicholas Academic Magnet
Lonon, Jack Academic Magnet
May, Corbin Ashley Ridge
Cone, Gavan Summerville
Marrero, Roman Fort Dorchester
Ward, William Wando
Bonaventura, Joseph Philip Simmons
Wood, Emory Bishop England
Fink, Samuel Fort Dorchester
Yates, Douglas Charleston Charter for Math and
Amani, Andrew Academic Magnet
Vandenbosch, Edward Summerville
Sullivan, Luke Summerville
Knowlan, Beckett Philip Simmons
Ortiz-Montero, Francisco Wando
Salvo, Truman Stratford
Flores, Brandon Hampton County High School
Ward, Adam Fort Dorchester
Ballenger, Nick Academic Magnet
Curry, Gannon Academic Magnet
Acra, Gabe Ashley Ridge
Cooper, Beckett Summerville
Crawford, James Philip Simmons
Sullivan, Lucas Wando
Wynne, Aidan Bishop England
Young, James Fort Dorchester
Youmans, Sawyer Charleston Charter for Math and
Schleier, Beckett Academic Magnet
Cowell, Isaiah Ashley Ridge
Medina, Brando Summerville
Bolougne, Joseph Summerville
Oberly, Jack Philip Simmons
Miles, Charles Wando
Townsend, Andrew Stratford
Lancanin, Lance Hampton County High School
Hines, Eli Philip Simmons
Cromer, Gorden Fort Dorchester
Waldorf, Wills Academic Magnet
Powell, Charles Academic Magnet
Hoffman, David Ashley Ridge
Klimczak, Johnny Summerville
Woodward, Andrew Philip Simmons
Reynolds, Camden Wando
Howard, Richard Fort Dorchester
Richards, Charlie Academic Magnet
Wideman, Marcus Ashley Ridge
Bromley, Aiden Summerville
Campbell, Logan Philip Simmons
Young, Mason Wando
Warren, Ben Wando
Leighty, Ethan Stratford
Dewitt, Carter Hampton County High School
Hines, Maxwell Philip Simmons
Hall, Cooper Fort Dorchester
Teeple, Michael Bishop England
Larbi, Albert Fort Dorchester
Berry, Max Charleston Charter for Math and
de Arellano, Hayes Academic Magnet
Proctor, Jackson Ashley Ridge
Kraftor, Gabriel Summerville
Theurich, Ezekiel Summerville
Dolan, Parker Philip Simmons
Brokes, Jacob Wando
Kunitsa, Daniel Stratford
Millsap, Jack Hampton County High School
Waddell, Francis Fort Dorchester
Bowers, Mason 18:22.00 Wando
Mostashari, Raines 18:52.00 Wando
Dowd, Danny 19:04.69 Wando
Kubu, Jamison 19:32.76 Academic Magnet
Dietrich, Oliver 19:35.70 Wando
Prescott, Henry 19:47.65 Summerville
Woloszyn, Jonah 19:50.90 Summerville
Sasson, Sam 19:54.66 Wando
Reilly, Quinten 19:54.68 Academic Magnet
Horecky, Myers 20:41.50 Philip Simmons
Swenson, Matthew 20:46.00 Ashley Ridge
Garcia, Joshua 20:48.79 Stratford
Taylor, Oscar 21:03.90 Philip Simmons
Knox, Elliott 21:08.21 Stratford
Bender, Ryland 21:18.82 Academic Magnet
Knoppe, Mason 21:35.77 Ashley Ridge
Eshleman, Evan 21:36.45 Fort Dorchester
Mendenhall, Hayden 21:43.91 Academic Magnet
Sullivan, Caden 21:48.40 Academic Magnet
Tregner, John Paul 21:52.34 Bishop England
Cole, Elliot 21:58.10 Philip Simmons
Johnson, Owen 22:02.10 Summerville
Brackin, Zyon 22:02.98 Ashley Ridge
Cooper, Camp 22:06.00 Summerville
Ropp, Holland 22:09.00 Summerville
Malpeli, Colin 22:20.00 Bishop England
Burke, Devin 22:22.18 Ashley Ridge
Leonard, Lucas 22:37.40 Summerville
Proctor, Henry 22:38.62 Ashley Ridge
Wilson, Ryan 22:40.41 Ashley Ridge
Horecky, Fulton 22:40.68 Philip Simmons
Wong, Andy 22:41.60 Academic Magnet
Simmons, Kendall 22:43.00 Hampton County High School
Rosa, Junior 23:01.85 Stratford
Foppe, Sam 23:04.49 Academic Magnet
Alexander, Thaddeus 23:07.70 Hampton County High School
Crien, Andrew 23:09.00 Fort Dorchester
Langevin, Alexander 23:12.23 Fort Dorchester
Martin, David 23:22.63 Stratford
Haugh, Caleb 23:26.81 Ashley Ridge
Conde, Jusaint 23:37.00 Fort Dorchester
Schrimpf, Tate 23:51.59 Ashley Ridge
Lee, Raymond 23:56.64 Stratford
Mataya, Trevor 24:09.61 Ashley Ridge
Reilly, Colton 24:20.70 Academic Magnet
Powell, Evan 24:25.31 Fort Dorchester
Allen, Sullivan 24:25.41 Ashley Ridge
Miles, Emmett 24:41.39 Wando
Green, Harold 25:34.00 Charleston Charter for Math and
Gibson, Mason 25:59.98 Hampton County High School
Matheson, Alex 26:02.84 Academic Magnet
Driggers, Blayden 27:22.00 Hampton County High School
Long , Rich 32:14.14 Hampton County High School
Wooten, Owen 38:21.40 Hampton County High School
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