Take a look back at photos from the 2010 Eye Opener. The meet was held Sept. 4 at The Roger Milliken Center.
We take a look at Class A boys cross country over the past decade.
Mauldin junior Brittany Williams talks about her season and being a team captain for the Mavericks. Williams is the top-ranked runner in the state. Editor's note: The questions in this interview are from after Coaches Classic.
Sage Kosiorek wanted to do “something big” for his community, but never found a big cause. (via www.goupstate.com)
Ian Davidson, a runner at Rock Hill in the 1970s, lives by the following statement: "strive to achieve your best." For Davidson, achieving his best has included racing and competing at the national level for the last 40 years.

Spartanburg Christian Academy's Logan Morris talks about winning the championship girls at Eye Opener.

Science Hill's Molly Foster (Tenn.) talks about winning the girls international race at Eye Opener.

USC Upstate's Gilbert Kemboi talks about his 8K win at Eye Opener.

Boiling Springs' Sage Kosiorek talks about his international boys victory at Eye Opener.

SPARTANBURG -- Four runners from South Carolina finished first at the Eye Opener meet today at The Roger Milliken Center.

Hilton Head senior Sara Manesiotis talks about goals for the season, the future and playing several sports.
Ridge View senior David Jennings talks about why he started to run and his final season of cross country.
SPARTANBURG -- Doctor Jack Daniels, the recently-hired coach at Brevard College in N.C., is speaking Friday night at USC Upstate prior to Saturday's Eye Opener meet at The Roger Milliken Saturday.
Meet Sept. 4, 2010 at The Roger Milliken Center in Spartanburg
Daniel senior Sinead Haughey talks about her final high school cross country season and preparing for the season.
The South Carolina Track and Cross Country Coaches Association released meeting minutes today from its summer meeting on July 27.
The cross country season opened up this weekend with teams competing in state and out of state. Results are now posted.
Hilton Head boys and girls are ranked no. 1 in the South Carolina Track and Cross Country Coaches Assocation all classifications poll released this afternoon. Daniel senior Sinead Haughey and Wando's Tim Tyler are ranked no. 1 individuals for all classifications. The next publish date is Sept. 7.
Hilton Head senior Jack Felix talks about goals for this season and future plans. Felix finished third in the state meet least season, as the Seahawks won the Class AAA team title.
COLUMBIA -- USATF S.C. association announced officers for the association during its annual meeting last weekend.
The track and field season is winding down and scrunners.com is traveling to a few more meets including USATF state Junior Olympics and New Balance Outdoors.