scrunners will continue to follow this news.
The site of the Bob Jenkins SCTCCCA Coaches Classic and SCHSL Championships, Clemson Sandhills Research Center in Columbia, is undergoing a course change due to the location of new trees planted on the cross country course.
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Spring Valley coach John Jones sent an email to coaches throughout the state about the change.
"The new course that I am developing has a half mile loop through the woods," said Jones. "Because grass does not grow under the thick trees, the ground would quickly turn to loose dirt if not covered."
Jones said he plans to cover the dirt with screening. "This is the smallest form of crushed rock (think of the surface in most shot put sectors or what is on most of the Wendy's course in Charlotte). After enough rain this will make a very fast surface," he said.
Jones estimates the cost to range between $6,000 and $7,000. "This is about $500 a load (22 tons) delivered and put out. I am looking for the cross country family of our fair state to join in and help pay for this. I already have commitments for $2,000."
Editor's note: scrunners is donating $100 from the SCRUNNERS Meet of Champions in memory of Bob Jenkins, presented by Groucho's Deil of Rock Hill, to help with course changes.
Donation information
Make checks out to:
The Viking Track Club and send to
John Jones
100 Falmouth Rise
Columbia, S.C. 29229