In Their Words: What MileSplit SC Interns Learned in 2024

MileSplit SC asked our two interns to share about their 2024 intern experience as the year ended. See what they experienced inside this article.

Page two is the writeup from
Caleb Aikenhead. Page one is written by Krista Silletti.

My name is Krista Silletti, and I am currently a senior at Greer Middle College. I run for the track club, Iron Sharpens Iron, and am an intern for MileSplit SC (scrunners). This is a reflection of the five main things that I have learned so far from being an intern.

1. How to upload a college commitment and signing to the MileSplit SC website.
I state this as the number one thing that I learned because I was able to learn how to do this from my very own college commitment. I recently signed with Mississippi State University to run collegiate track and field. I had the opportunity to be able to upload my own signing to the website, which was overall just an amazing experience for me. To have the chance to be able to be on both sides of my internship is something that not many people can say that they have. 

2. Learning how to work behind the scenes.
Whether it is learning how to use all the camera equipment to take race videos and pictures, or uploading various things to MileSplit SC website, I have really enjoyed learning about how to be behind the scenes. My internship is unique in the fact that not only am I an intern, but I also run too. While it has been an adjustment, I have loved learning about different aspects of being behind the scenes. 

3. Helping interview runners.
Learning how to help interview runners has been one of my favorite parts thus far. I am normally the one being interviewed, so to have a chance to be able to help with others has been really cool for me.

4. Learning how to edit race pictures.
I had never used Photoshop prior to my internship, so the software was pretty new to me. I was able to learn how to edit race pictures and sort them into files to then be put on the website. This was something that I had never done before and was fun for me.

Being able to attend all the 2024 SCHSL state cross country meets.
I was able to attend all the girls and boys state meets of all classifications and I had so much fun. To be able to watch all of my friends race and cheer them on while getting coverage was an amazing experience for me.