Winter meeting minutes

South Carolina Track and Cross Country Coaches Association SC High School League Office
Minutes January 11, 2014
10:05 – President Eric Cummings (Riverside) called the meeting to order. He welcomed the group and led us in the pledge to the flag.
10:06 – President Cummings introduced the officers. 1A-Marie Kernell (St. Joseph’s), 2A-Veronica Satchell (Keenan), 3A-David Lee (James Island), 4A-Shane Sutherland (Stratford), Secretary/Treasurer-Ed Boehmke (Eastside), Historian- Matt Feiling (Byrnes)
10:08 - Ed Boehmke submitted the minutes of the summer 2013 meeting. One correction was noted from what was sent out earlier by email and another was brought to the group’s attention. Both were corrected. Danny Brooks (Dreher) moved that the minutes be accepted. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Boehmke then gave a brief financial report. A motion to accept was made by Brooks, the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
10:12 – The fastest cross country state meet time athletes were announced and a trophy was given to the athlete’s coach to present to the athlete at a future school function. Fastest girl was Ashbrook Gwinn of Aiken with a time of 17:58.7 and the fastest boys was James Quattlebaum of Christ Church with a time of 15:15.2.
10:13 – The vice presidents gave out the Cross Country Coach of the Year plaques to the classification winners. Sutherland gave the 1A Girls COY to Marie Kernell (St. Joseph’s). Kernell then announced the 1A Boys COY as George Carr (St. Joseph’s) (absent). Satchell gave the 2A Girls COY to Jeremy Darby (Landrum) and the 2A Boys COY to Brian Johnson (Academic Magnet) (absent). David Lee gave the 3A Girls and the 3A Boys COY award to Bill Wrightson (Hilton Head) (absent). Sutherland gave the 4A Girls COY to Eric Cummings (Riverside) and the 4A Boys to Delmer Howell (Mauldin).
10:16 – Cummings announced the 2013 Assistant Cross Country COY as Heather Greene (Riverside). A plaque will be purchased and presented at a future school function.
10:17 - Cummings asked for Jeremy Darby and Herbert Glaze to come and announce our 2014 inductees of the Hall of Fame. Darby announced that Russell Mahaffey of Landrum and Glaze announced that Al Wallace of Beaufort as our new HOF members. These gentlemen will be formally inducted at a ceremony at the Coaches Classic in March.
10:21- Cummings told the group to make sure that all coaches were on our e-mail list. If not, please contact Jeff Buys (Dorman) at
10:22 – Glover Smiley (Spartanburg) recommended a coaches directory of XC and track coaches that could be accessible to the group. The officers will look into getting this done.
10:23 – Jeremy Darby gave a report on the Shrine Bowl Run in the absence of Jim Koterba. Darby read a letter for Koterba thanking those who helped and expressing how wonderful the entire experience of the Shrine Bowl Run was for him.
10:25 – Cummings talked about the numbers of runners and that most of them ran double on their routes.
10:26 – Boehmke gave a quick report on the webpages and then on the 2014 track calendar. All of these meets are on
10:43 – John Olson (SCRunners) thanked all of the coaches for their continued help and support of SCRunners. He asked for coaches to give him feedback of anyone who would like to do some freelance work this spring. He also reminded all that results submitted for publication of SCRunners and therefore put into athlete databases should be submitted to him in .html format from Hy-Tek or race-Tab. Olson announced that SCRunners and Winthrop Universtity will be hosting an All-Star Meet on May 24th. Detail will come later.

10:45 – Cummings told the group about the Herlong Scholarship presented by our parent organization the SC Athletic Coaches Association (SCACA). Easy to get, but must be completely submitted by April 1st. Brooks commented that everyone that meets the requirements will receive money ($500 last year) and become eligible for the other scholarships awarded by the SCACA.
10:49 – Brooks announced that the Region Track Directors Meeting at the SC High School League Office will be April 9. This meeting is required for all Region Meet directors, as well as the state qualifying meet directors.
10:50 – Constitutional Amendment Proposed by Eric Cummings (Riverside) - Propose to change Section V. A. to read ‘Officers are elected to serve two year terms.’ Dropping the rest of the statement ‘Elections will be held every even number year at the summer coaches’ clinic during the SCTCCCA business meeting’. Seconded by Danny Brooks (Dreher). Passed unanimously.
10:51 - Constitutional Amendment Proposed by Eric Cummings (Riverside) - Propose to change Section V. A. and add V.A.1. Presidential elections will occur during the SCTCCCA winter business meeting in even years. The Newly Elected President will not take over the duties until after the SCTCCCA summer business meetings.’ This will serve as a transitional period with the out-going and in-coming president to work side by side. Seconded by David Lee (James Island). Passed unanimously.
10:54 - Constitutional Amendment Proposed by Eric Cummings (Riverside) - Propose to change Section V. A. and add V.A.2. Vice-president Elections will occur every two years during the SCTCCCA summer business meetings, with 3A and 1A occurring in even years and 4A and 2A occurring in odd years. Seconded by David Lee (James Island). Passed unanimously.
10:56 - Constitutional Amendment Proposed by Eric Cummings (Riverside) - Propose to change Section V. A. and add V.A.3. Any V.P. vacancy left by the newly elected president will be replaced by the president for the remainder of the term. Seconded by Barry Lindler (Dutch Fork). Some discussion of wording to make proposal clearer. It was agreed to reword to the following - Propose to change Section V. A. and add V.A.3. Any V.P. vacancy left by the newly elected president will be filled by appointment by the newly elected president for the remainder of the Vice-President’s term. Passed unanimously.
10:59 - Constitutional Amendment Proposed by Eric Cummings (Riverside) - Propose to change Section XIII. Add that selection is from applications submitted by athlete/coaches prior to the State CC Championships. Seconded and passed unanimously.
11:01 – Hall of Fame By-Laws Amendment Proposed by Danny Brooks (Dreher) - Propose that SCTCCCA HOF T&F Inductees be listed and recognized as HOF Coaches and not by specific events. This would drop V 2 of the current by- laws. Seconded by Marie Kernell (St. Joseph’s). Passed unanimously. The purpose of this proposal is to eliminate the naming of the Coaches Classic events. The number of HOF for track and field was beginning to outnumber the events and names were being given to events that really had no meaning to the HOF member. It was agreed that all HOF members be listed with the time schedule and/or meet program.
11:08 – Proposal by Brian Mincel (Dutch Fork). - Propose to award medals to all 8 runners/teams at the State Finals track meet. (1220 medals). Seconded by Glover Smiley (Spartanburg). A lot of discussion on this topic. Cost of medals was a factor. Many felt that the athletes deserved more recognition than a ribbon, others felt that last in state meet should not get same medal as third. Talked of buying medals from SCHSL to keep format the same. It was finally moved to table this proposal and Brian will get more information and resubmit at a future meeting.
11:20 – Proposal by Brian Mincel Dutch Fork) - Propose to award medals to all 15 runners at the State Finals cross country meet. (96 medals). Brian immediately tabled this proposal for same reasons as above proposal.
11:21 – Proposal by David Smith (Greer Middle College) - Propose the addition of the 4x200 to the Track & Field meets (state included) in South Carolina. Seconded by George Moss (JL Mann). Short discussion about adding events and time to schedule. Passed 28 for and 14 against.
11:28 – Proposal by David Lee (James Island) - We propose to allow 6th graders compete in non-contact sports as eligible participants in SCHSL sports. Seconded by Marie Kernell (St. Joseph’s). Discussion about the difficulty of this. Will have to be sent through legislative channels. David decided to table but voted anyway to show him support for the proposal. Motion was defeated 31 against to 9 for.
11:36 – Proposal by Eric Cummings (Riverside) - Propose to purchase 2 credit card readers for the use of the SCTCCCA for entries and parking. May be used by other meets with a 6% fee to the SCTCCCA. Seconded by David Lee (James Island). Passed unanimously.
11:42 – Proposal by Eric Cummings for Jerry Kimbrell (Dorman) and John Jones (Spring Valley) - We propose the following recommendation for the 2014-16 Cross Country 4A Qualifier Meets. Takes into account Region VI Travel. *Upper state host Reg I, II and Clover, Gaffney and York from Region III for a total of 19 = 7 qualify (36.8%)
*Middle state: Reg IV,V , Ft. Mill, Nation Ford, Northwestern and Rock Hill from Region III and S Florence, W Florence & Sumter from Region VI for a total of 19 = 7 qualify (36.8%)
*Lower: Reg VII and VIII with Carolina Forest, Conway & Socastee from Region VI for a total of 14 = 6 qualify (42%) Seconded by Calvin Hudgins (Northwestern). This passed 26 for and 4 against.
11:52 – Proposal by Ed Boehmke (Eastside) - Propose that 3A mirrors the 4A Upper/Mid/Lower State qualifier format using the below method for CC in 2014-2016. Straight Region splits
*Upper-State: Regions I, II, and III giving them 22 teams. (9 qualify).
* Mid-State: Regions IV and V giving them 12 teams (5 qualify)
*Lower-State: Regions VI,VII and VIII giving them 18 teams (7 qualify). This passed unanimously 21 for to 0 against.
Both of these proposal are made to minimize travel and so that all schools know where they will qualify in advance.
11:57 – Proposal by Ed Boehmke (Eastside) - Propose to set a time limit in the CC State Championships to earn an official time and team scoring place. Girls=30:00 and boys=25:00. Seconded by David Lee (James Island) Passed unanimously 44-0.
12:00 – Proposal by Ed Boehmke (Eastside) - Propose that the SCTCCCA allows the ‘Bob Jenkins TF Classic’ to be awarded/given to a school for a one day meet with all expenses/profit/responsibilities be placed on the host school. The SCTCCCA retains the right to award the meet each year and the name and format remains part of the SCTCCCA. The SCTCCCA will split t-shirt sales (50/50 with host school) and receive any money from any vendor that the SCTCCCA brings in. Seconded by David Lee (James Island). After a lot of discussion about responsibilities of the SCTCCCA and the host school and the idea that this meet needs to remain regardless of profit, the motion was defeated 14 for to 16 against.
12:15 – Proposal by Ed Boehmke (Eastside) - Propose to issue a set amount of money to the host of the State Championship in TF, to run off the meet at their discretion (according to the auspices of the SCHSL). Financial documentation is required to the SCHSL and the SCTCCCA the day of the meet to receive the money (breakdown of expenses-$8000). This would take the SCTCCCA hands out of the running of the meet and place on host school. Officers would still be required to assist the meet director with various tasks. The SCTCCCA would still provide the excess awards and All-State Certificates. Seconded by Danny Brooks (Dreher). Rewording added (in parentheses above). Discussion about responsibilities remained especially with officials and payment of officials (not to go through school funds).
Motion was defeated 11 for to 16 against.
12:25 – Proposal by Eric Cummings (Riverside) - Propose we implement an entry fee for both the Cross Country and Track & Field Championship series, beginning at the region meet. All entries go through the SCTCCCA with 50% going to Classification Qualifiers (25% each to an Upper/Lower format-except 2A), 40% used to cover expense of running off the State Championships (Host school and SCTCCCA). 10% used for excess awards and other SCTCCCA needs. Seconded by Danny Brooks (Dreher) Discussion about the amount of monies made and how much entities would get and what SCTCCCA would use the excess money for. Discussion about the amount the fee would be ($50). We would also need to come up with some different amount for the 2A schools sice they already charge for their State Qualifying Meets. This proposal passed 48 for to 1 against.
12:37 – Ron Sullivan asked for input of a new shoe (Spring blade by adidas) and its legality in a meet. Rick Crumpler (Spring Valley) made a motion to ask the SCHSL to make the shoe illegal. Seconded and passed unanimously. (38-0).
12:40 – New business – Election of President. The only VP willing was David Lee of James Island. David was elected unanimously.
12:41 – President Cummings told all that the 3A and 1A VP’s will be elected at the summer meeting and to please consider running and/or nominating someone.
12:42 – Chris White (Seneca) proposed that the schedule for the state cross country meet be changed so that the girls will follow girls of the two classifications and then the boys. Ex. Girls 1A, Girls 2A, Boys 1A, Boys 2A would be the order. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Flip-flop of 1A/2A and 3A/4A would still take place.
12:44 – David Smith (Greer Middle College) wanted some input about feeder schools. He wants to know if any other schools has the same problem he has. GMC has no middle school. Students that are presently at the school automatically can have siblings attend, while the remainder must go into a lottery. He wants to have the siblings in 7th and 8th grade to be allowed to participate with his school.
12:46 – Meeting adjourned.