SCHSL AAAAA State Championship 2023 vs SCHSL AAAAA State Championship 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -8 223 231
Overall Average -23.89 19:10.65 19:34.54
1st-10th Place -1.07 16:00.28 16:01.35
1st-25th Place -7.45 16:14.87 16:22.32
1st-50th Place -13.41 16:32.08 16:45.49
1st-100th Place -19.81 17:02.56 17:22.37
Common Athletes -- -- 122
Ran Faster 74 98 24
Ran Season Best 8 10 2
Average Time -35.94 19:00.52 19:36.46
Median Time -34.11 19:26.02 20:00.13
Middle 80% Times -38.95 19:01.75 19:40.70
Top 10% Times -21.29 16:06.45 16:27.75
Top 25% Times -29.12 16:25.28 16:54.40
Top 50% Times -36.81 17:09.63 17:46.43
Bottom 50% Times -35.08 20:51.41 21:26.49
Bottom 25% Times -32.34 21:36.38 22:08.72
Bottom 10% Times -26.38 22:10.24 22:36.62
Average Difference -35.94 -- --
Median Difference -1:41.63 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -37.66 -- --
Top 10% Difference -10.68 -- --
Top 50% Difference -33.51 -- --
Top 25% Difference -24.99 -- --
Top 50% Difference -33.51 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -38.37 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -50.48 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -57.36 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jake Liebert Wando +5.87 15:19.79 15:13.92
Andrew Cleland Dorman -11.65 16:01.22 16:12.87
Brendan Hitchcock Spring Valley -1:24.53 16:03.85 17:28.38
Tanner Long Fort Mill -2:00.08 16:05.89 18:05.97
Isaac Campbell Fort Mill -29.73 16:08.13 16:37.86
Jacob Powell Blythewood -45.12 16:08.84 16:53.96
Grayson Clay J.L. Mann -38.26 16:10.29 16:48.55
Alex McCaskill Nation Ford -1:09.06 16:10.54 17:19.60
Brennan Harp Wando -28.90 16:12.63 16:41.53
Chase Hoppock Stratford -1:07.37 16:14.05 17:21.42
Nathan Edwards Dorman +1.78 16:16.15 16:14.37
Noah Yarborough Dorman -49.99 16:14.83 17:04.82
Jude Lazarus T.L. Hanna -8.72 16:17.68 16:26.40
Jesse Oates Lexington HS -2.14 16:22.48 16:24.62
Spencer Shealy Blythewood -1:23.72 16:23.36 17:47.08
Koa Erickson Chapin -47.96 16:23.57 17:11.53
Connor Demmerle Fort Mill -1:14.67 16:25.04 17:39.71
John Teachman Wando +27.66 16:53.57 16:25.91
Brandon Corley River Bluff -16.47 16:27.93 16:44.40
Connor Forche Lexington HS -20.53 16:32.05 16:52.58
Townsend Smith Nation Ford -4.04 16:35.16 16:39.20
Jason Heusinger Stratford -26.31 16:35.43 17:01.74
Knox Eaton Spartanburg -9.91 16:37.76 16:47.67
Alexander Bentley Nation Ford -31.82 16:39.03 17:10.85
Chase Johnson Nation Ford +8.59 16:52.01 16:43.42
Kadin Nance Hillcrest -42.56 16:43.68 17:26.24
Summit Wood Chapin -45.86 16:44.52 17:30.38
Jackson Inmon Spring Valley -5.22 16:47.14 16:52.36
Kohen Cummings Mauldin -1:54.68 16:48.79 18:43.47
Grayson Bradberry Lexington HS -1:14.75 16:53.60 18:08.35
Evan DeMasi Dutch Fork -1:31.13 16:54.76 18:25.89
Calvin Smith Chapin +14.21 17:09.73 16:55.52
Parker Bryant T.L. Hanna -1:02.84 16:59.04 18:01.88
Michael Ziehl Chapin -16.26 17:00.98 17:17.24
Walker Nunes Spartanburg -1:25.15 17:02.49 18:27.64
Brady Chavis Dutch Fork -27.04 17:03.49 17:30.53
Bobby Gibson Stratford -43.95 17:03.69 17:47.64
Eureka Washington Blythewood -38.45 17:04.20 17:42.65
Gavin Guyton Lexington HS -1:05.54 17:09.55 18:15.09
George Proctor Spartanburg +55.30 18:05.90 17:10.60
Cameron Moors Mauldin -9.73 17:13.64 17:23.37
Brooks Cannon Chapin -19.07 17:15.54 17:34.61
Zachary Krebs Dutch Fork -54.09 17:26.35 18:20.44
Evan Jones T.L. Hanna -15.20 17:32.70 17:47.90
Joey Swick Spring Valley -28.70 17:40.93 18:09.63
Kristopher Moorhead T.L. Hanna -42.15 17:43.08 18:25.23
Dallas Fowler Lexington HS -10.48 17:54.56 18:05.04
Rodney Miller Stratford -15.29 17:58.87 18:14.16
Brayden Lostetter Mauldin -1:49.35 18:04.70 19:54.05
Hunter Ortiz Dutch Fork -10.04 18:11.85 18:21.89
Alivia Cleveland Fort Mill -13.54 18:17.24 18:30.78
Karlin Hogue Blythewood -1:41.63 18:24.00 20:05.63
Sullivan Smith Stratford -1:07.92 18:24.66 19:32.58
Carson Hodges Dutch Fork -37.06 18:28.83 19:05.89
Mia Royall Nation Ford -39.82 18:32.95 19:12.77
Abigail White Chapin -39.90 18:39.36 19:19.26
Caroline Timms T.L. Hanna -3:15.53 18:40.69 21:56.22
Kendra Miles Lexington HS +31.08 19:30.94 18:59.86
Kaylee Rovenstine Fort Mill -59.56 19:00.57 20:00.13
Anna Kelly Blythewood -1:26.58 19:03.84 20:30.42
Piper Corrine LeHew West Ashley -1:22.99 19:09.64 20:32.63
Elanorah Patangan Lexington HS -1:05.70 19:20.29 20:25.99
Haley Ruth Dorman -1:44.83 19:26.02 21:10.85
Meredith Norris Mauldin -1:14.13 19:30.51 20:44.64
Tyler Majewski Stratford +26.80 19:57.50 19:30.70
Ava Kanitkar Lexington HS -32.20 19:31.16 20:03.36
Mia Zook Fort Mill -1:03.75 19:31.59 20:35.34
Callie Rohm Mauldin -56.14 19:36.92 20:33.06
Kate Paczkowski Wando -18.34 19:38.11 19:56.45
Avery Moriarty Fort Mill -8.70 19:41.70 19:50.40
Georgia Babcock Chapin -57.18 19:46.08 20:43.26
Brittany Mobley-Meulman Rock Hill -26.08 19:48.39 20:14.47
Laurel Walls Lexington HS +19.25 20:10.71 19:51.46
Reagan Cooke Mauldin +48.91 20:40.85 19:51.94
Ella Nighbor Clover -1:28.15 19:52.97 21:21.12
Mallorie Hogue Blythewood -50.42 19:54.18 20:44.60
Ella Bowen Dorman -27.10 19:54.22 20:21.32
Madelyn Cathey River Bluff -1:53.30 20:01.77 21:55.07
Abby Tinsman River Bluff -2:02.45 20:02.37 22:04.82
Evyn Kate Dill Dorman -14.16 20:07.83 20:21.99
Cloe Runion Stratford -45.33 20:16.60 21:01.93
Avalie Workman Dorman +31.86 20:49.22 20:17.36
Bella Bonavilla Chapin +1:02.00 21:23.08 20:21.08
Bianca Garcia Mauldin -1:51.30 20:24.29 22:15.59
Addison Houmiel Chapin -36.43 20:26.19 21:02.62
Sara Davis Fort Mill -1:08.29 20:26.43 21:34.72
Taylor Blackwelder Summerville -1:16.17 20:27.93 21:44.10
Jean Marie Small T.L. Hanna -1:37.38 20:28.38 22:05.76
Peyton MacMillan Nation Ford -1:43.94 20:28.61 22:12.55
Jordyn Battle Nation Ford -1:54.24 20:36.39 22:30.63
Devvia Ravichandran T.L. Hanna -1:26.96 20:42.04 22:09.00
Taylor Battle Nation Ford -1:00.92 20:43.64 21:44.56
Ava Kane Wando -10.37 20:43.96 20:54.33
Lauren Fredenberg Fort Mill -21.27 20:44.90 21:06.17
Sophia Thill Stratford +1.21 20:46.26 20:45.05
Emma McKnight Carolina Forest +20.11 21:13.51 20:53.40
Kaelyn Jorgensen Chapin +23.65 21:17.42 20:53.77
Emma Stanton Wando +20.22 21:16.74 20:56.52
Kyre Sheppard J.L. Mann -51.14 20:57.13 21:48.27
Kendall Griffith Summerville -1:16.62 21:01.00 22:17.62
Reagan Trevett Chapin -0.87 21:04.10 21:04.97
Eva Pendleton Blythewood +2.88 21:11.34 21:08.46
Izzy Miserendino Fort Mill +17.77 21:29.82 21:12.05
Maddie Cobb Mauldin -10.24 21:17.31 21:27.55
Ann McCabe T.L. Hanna +31.98 21:50.83 21:18.85
Haley Lovelady Stratford -10.82 21:19.56 21:30.38
Braelyn Davis River Bluff -47.81 21:20.84 22:08.65
Adalyn Newberry Rock Hill +27.99 21:52.12 21:24.13
Lacie Cinnamon Summerville -1:39.14 21:24.56 23:03.70
Emmy Lou Patrick T.L. Hanna -1:12.34 21:25.04 22:37.38
Kathryn Peelle River Bluff -35.27 21:32.92 22:08.19
Emily Knox Stratford -8.92 21:41.62 21:50.54
Mallory Holmes J.L. Mann +10.49 21:52.32 21:41.83
Averi York Rock Hill -36.63 21:43.59 22:20.22
Phoebe Kurzawa J.L. Mann -0.57 21:45.19 21:45.76
Leah Esber River Bluff +1.99 21:53.65 21:51.66
Morgan Cook Wando +2:23.39 24:17.31 21:53.92
Maggie Parker Stratford -55.38 21:56.09 22:51.47
Aubrey Gorin Summerville -56.54 21:59.11 22:55.65
Lindsey Wooten Stratford -3.17 22:03.77 22:06.94
Anne Withers Stratford -1:17.13 22:17.59 23:34.72
Kayleigh Leonard Summerville +1.11 22:59.94 22:58.83