Sections 1 and 2 will be run in the morning Coaches Classic - 3/28/2015 Spring Valley High School Meet Program Event 6 Boys 3200 Meter Run =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Gentry, Worth 11 Christ Churc 2 DiBona, Nick 10 Bishop Engla 3 Utsey, Xavier 12 Woodland 4 Hollis, Jordan 10 Ridge View 5 Mcateer, Matt 10 South Pointe 6 Poston, Brandon 9 Sumter 7 Hemann, Zach 9 Ninety-Six 8 Brandenburg, Cameron 10 Spring Valle 9 Andreen, Steven 9 Spring Valle 10 Giglotti, Alex 10 Greer Middle 11 Negrete, Daniel 10 Gaffney 12 Beachem, Chris 9 Blythewood 13 Cate, William 12 Dreher 14 Stamey, Trenton 12 Westside 15 Kingsley, Jaden 8 Chapin 16 Pate, Trenton 10 Westside 17 Selbee, Hayes 11 Irmo 18 Tuten, Hayden 10 Irmo 19 Leidy, Brinton 8 Carolina Hom 20 Wardlaw, Lee 12 AC Flora 21 Mcdivitt, Patrick 11 River Bluff 22 Spann, Takoda 10 Sumter 23 Ervin, Will 10 Wilson 24 matthews, connor 9 Ninety-Six 25 Depugh, Melika 7 Darlington 26 Chavero, Adolfo 12 Swansea 27 Thompson, Justin 10 Swansea 28 Finley, Cal 7 Liberty 29 Knight, Michael 12 Buford 30 Grant, Wesley 10 Buford 31 Benson, Gregory 12 Wilson 32 Hamid, Aazimabduul 10 Lower Richla 33 Pardo, Timothy 11 Lower Richla 34 Leopold, Brayden 12 Mauldin Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Hurren, Daniel 9 Broome 2 Vowles, Kenneth 10 Dutch Fork 3 Cothran, Alex 11 T.L. Hanna 4 Castano, Andrew 9 Riverside 5 Keller, Jonathan 11 Gaffney 6 Laban, Ryan 12 West Ashley 7 Johnson, Daniel 11 South Pointe 8 Blick, Carson 10 Dorman 9 Fladd, Ian 9 Fort Dorches 10 Crotty, Patrick 11 Ashley Ridge 11 Bell, Dan 10 Lexington 12 Gibbs, Walker 11 J.L. Mann 13 Durrah, Deondre' 12 J.L. Mann 14 Carmichael, Harrison 10 Spartanburg 15 Kennedy, Sam 9 Eastside 16 Viazanko, Aaron 10 River Bluff 17 Lamberson, Andrew 10 AC Flora 18 Boggs, Brandon 12 Darlington 19 Riddell, Joe 10 James Island 20 Carlisle, Daniel 11 Aiken 21 Smith, Darius 9 James Island 22 Mabruk, Muhudin 9 Richland Nor 23 Wilson, Quinn 11 Hillcrest 24 Anthony, Connor 11 Chapin 25 Busche, John 9 Bishop Engla 26 White, Noah 8 Eastside 27 Hurley, Matt 12 West Ashley 28 Kahler, Theo 11 Dreher 29 Miller, Amery 10 Northwestern 30 Mabruk, Adenyare 11 Richland Nor 31 Wilson, Caleb 10 Blythewood 32 Rose, Justin 10 Ridge View 33 Owen, Isaac 11 Broome Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Ellenburg, Jackson 10 Ashley Ridge 2 Ricks, Jeremy 12 Fort Mill 3 Slann, Jacob 12 Daniel 4 Dominick, Avery 10 Dutch Fork 5 Williams, Micah 12 Greer Middle 6 Grumbach, Bryan 12 White Knoll 7 Veatch, Logan 12 Wando 8 Epps, Malik 11 James F. Byr 9 Eckstein, Tedros 9 Wando 10 McKinney, Myers 12 Spartanburg 11 Armstrong, Alexander 12 Fort Dorches 12 Mook, Kyle 12 Riverside 13 Johnson, Wynn 9 Dorman 14 Teachout, Joey 10 Rock Hill 15 Szalwinski, Dane 12 Lexington 16 Marion, Zach 11 Mauldin 17 Tolly, Griff 12 T.L. Hanna 18 McCoy, Ford 10 St. Josephs 19 Cullen, Walker 11 Christ Churc 20 Clemens, Johnny 10 White Knoll 21 Spencer, Alex 12 Wade Hampton 22 Gwinn, Layton 10 Aiken 23 Lewis, Ereck 12 Westwood 24 Ward, John 10 Wade Hampton Event 23 Girls 3200 Meter Run =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Morse, Elisabeth 11 J.L. Mann 2 Onufer, Jordan 9 Boiling Spri 3 Yanity, Paige 12 Mauldin 4 Devaney, Denise 11 Bishop Engla 5 Hudgins, Sarah 12 Dreher 6 Navarro, Anna 11 Bishop Engla 7 Jenkins, Sidney 8 Dreher 8 Grieshop, Monica 11 Spartanburg 9 Davis, Sarah 12 Northwestern 10 Snuffer, Christine 9 Buford 11 Evans, Ruth 8 Carolina Hom 12 Patterson, Aubrey 7 Gaffney 13 Hilt, Shelby 8 Carolina Hom 14 Price, Georgia 9 Spartanburg 15 Plummer, Mikayla 10 Westside 16 Turner, Emerson 9 Blythewood 17 Gainey, Alexis 8 Darlington 18 Painter, Heather 9 Gaffney 19 Hudson, Sara Grace 11 Buford 20 McIntosh, Charmaine 9 Ridge View 21 Mccown, Sarah 7 Wilson 22 Dentler, Maddie 9 Greer Middle 23 Hill, Whittnay 11 South Pointe 24 Bonds, Emily 8 Wilson 25 Brannon, Jordan 12 Blythewood Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Murrin, Breanna 10 Spring Valle 2 Golbus, Alexa 11 Chapin 3 Jones, Lynsie 11 James Island 4 Forster, Alexandria 12 James Island 5 Karel, Kathy 11 Greenwood 6 Golbus, Ashley 11 Chapin 7 Cooper, Aysia 10 Greer Middle 8 Henderson, Lauren 8 Irmo 9 Tucker, Elizabeth 10 Aiken 10 Driggers, Emma 11 Mauldin 11 Casey, Caitlin 7 Wando 12 Lyles, Anna 11 Wilson Hall 13 Trembly, Caroline 11 Wade Hampton 14 Letts, Emily 10 Ben Lippen 15 Yoder, Daria 11 Irmo 16 Martin, Kate 12 T.L. Hanna 17 Winningham, Megan 9 Ashley Ridge 18 Sharpe, Meredith 9 River Bluff 19 Hrubala, Tia 10 Dorman 20 Novotny, Martina 11 Spring Valle 21 Cousins, Rachel 9 Lexington 22 Younger, Claire 8 Dorman 23 White, Courtney 10 Lexington 24 Lummus, Anna 9 T.L. Hanna 25 Kosiorek, Jace 12 Boiling Spri Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Johnson, Anna 12 Dutch Fork 2 Ellen, Sydney 12 Heathwood Ha 3 Cate, Susannah 11 AC Flora 4 Ellis, Madison 9 Eastside 5 Compton, Rosa Marie 12 Wando 6 Killman, Katelin 12 River Bluff 7 Ballou, Kelsey 12 Ridge View 8 Crowley, Jessie 7 Riverside 9 Jenkins, Anna 8 Dutch Fork 10 Paxton, Olivia 11 South Pointe 11 Joseph, Molly 8 Heathwood Ha 12 Davis, Carson 9 Eastside 13 Balawi, Hanan 11 Liberty 14 Stoddard, Anna Kathryn 11 Greenwood 15 Moseley, Morgan 9 J.L. Mann 16 Shearer, Courtney 12 Emerald 17 Wavro, France 12 Christ Churc 18 Cornelius, Josie 9 White Knoll 19 Marchbanks, Carter 9 Riverside
Bob Jenkins SCTCCCA Coaches Classic 2015
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