Coaches, Section 1 and Section 2 will be run in the morning at 8:30-girls and 8:55-boys. Section 3 will be run at 6:10-girls and 6:25-boys. There will be no moving of sections. Bob Jenkins Coaches Classic - 3/25/2017 Dutch Fork High School Meet Program Event 6 Boys 3200 Meter Run (89) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Truesdale, Ian 9 J.L. Mann 2 Engel, Gabe 8 J.L. Mann 3 Senn, McCallum 11 Newberry Aca 4 matthews, connor 11 Ninety-Six 5 Humphries, Joseph 10 Chapin 6 Lamar, Samuel 9 James Island 7 Eargle, Micah 11 AC Flora 8 Harmon, Luke 11 Chapin 9 Hubbard, William 9 Daniel 10 Hendry, Parker 10 Northwestern 11 Alexander-Coleman, Jordan 9 Westwood 12 Messinides, Sam 10 Camden 13 Adame, Dylan 11 Ashley Ridge 14 cogburn, daniel 9 Ninety-Six 15 Belliveau, Michael 10 Woodland 16 Burkett, Porter 10 Dreher 17 Prestwood, Garrison 12 West Ashley 18 Mosley, Joshua 7 Fairfield Ce 19 Smith, Roddy 12 South Pointe 20 Beck, Brandon 9 May River 21 Talbert, Richard 11 Chesterfield 22 Carnes, Cody 11 Buford 23 Nichols, Bramlet 11 South Pointe 24 Mathieson, Anders 10 Greenville 25 Guess, Krashawn 12 Ridge View 26 Davis, Luke 11 Northwestern 27 Shumpert, Andrew 11 Aiken 28 Bitz, Bradley 10 Ridge View 29 Collins, Christian 9 Aiken 30 Lewis, Robert 10 Sumter 31 Brown, Wesley 8 Westside 32 Lefever, Nicholas 12 Socastee 33 Frattaroli, Anthony 9 Nation Ford 34 Gaymon, Kohl 7 East Clarend 35 Boddorf, Noah 9 Woodland Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Thigpen, TJ 9 Byrnes 2 Conti, Lucas 10 Hillcrest 3 Vowles, Kenneth 12 Dutch Fork 4 Keller, Jared 11 Pickens 5 Poston, Brandon 11 Sumter 6 Lane, Austin 10 Blue Ridge 7 Busche, John 11 Bishop Engla 8 Thompson, Kyle 11 Blue Ridge 9 Timmerman, Charles 12 Spring Valle 10 Wall, Lucas 10 Wade Hampton 11 Hearne, Aidan 11 Byrnes 12 Hiott, Zach 11 Hillcrest 13 Moran, William 10 River Bluff 14 Childs, Logan 12 Travelers Re 15 Arendash, Silas 10 Irmo 16 Dopson, Connor 10 Blythewood 17 Smith, Ethan 11 Fort Mill 18 Kelley, Clayton 12 James Island 19 Clawson, Ian 11 Dreher 20 Osborne, Houston 12 Greer 21 Hall, Cody 11 Westside 22 Lawson, Elijah 12 Socastee 23 Tuten, Hayden 12 Irmo 24 Brown, Benjamin 10 River Bluff 25 Lawson, Garrett 11 Camden 26 Barnard, Jackson 10 Ashley Ridge 27 Buckless, Connor 9 T.L. Hanna 28 Daughtry, Scott 9 T.L. Hanna 29 Marcano, Javon 12 AC Flora 30 Busbee, Andrew 11 Blythewood 31 Smiley, Chris 10 Daniel 32 Wickham, Cuyler 11 Chesterfield 33 Johnson, Daniel 11 East Clarend 34 Chapman, Tripp 8 Darlington Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Spychalski, Patrick 11 Wando 2 Cignarale, Ben 12 Riverside 3 White, Noah 10 Eastside 4 Ward, John 12 Wade Hampton 5 Baker, Colin 10 Academic Mag 6 Hutto, Weston 12 Lexington 7 Castano, Andrew 11 Riverside 8 Quillen, Philip 12 Dorman 9 Barnett, William 12 Travelers Re 10 Roberts, Coen 9 Greer 11 Jordan, Jackson 12 Dutch Fork 12 Eckstein, Tedros 11 Wando 13 Andreen, Steven 11 Spring Valle 14 Boykin, Sam 10 Bishop Engla 15 Mclain, Noah 11 Dorman 16 Wade, Thomas 12 Eastside 17 Wetzel, Andrew 12 Mauldin 18 Crow, Jake 10 Mauldin 19 Keene, Jeffrey 11 Lexington 20 Kilbarger, Nick 12 Fort Mill Event 23 Girls 3200 Meter Run (81) =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Tedford, Cate 10 Nation Ford 2 Davis, Kathryn 9 Aiken 3 Powell, Meredith 11 J.L. Mann 4 Plummer, Mikayla 12 Westside 5 Hart, Gabbi 10 River Bluff 6 Golden, Kara 8 Travelers Re 7 Froelich, Kaitlyn 11 Spring Valle 8 Angalet, Abby 11 Mauldin 9 Foster, Alanie 10 Westwood 10 Gisewhite, Mela 6 Heathwood Ha 11 Fite, Janelle 12 Blythewood 12 Snuffer, Christine 11 Buford 13 Henderson, Sophie 8 Irmo 14 Rojo, Citlaly 9 Spring Valle 15 Koppari, Mia 11 Travelers Re 16 Vespe, Kaitlyn 10 Buford 17 Grant, Piper 10 Northwestern 18 Ahuja, Aimee 10 Chapin 19 Golbus, Megan 11 Chapin 20 Hollingsworth, Josie 11 Hillcrest 21 Head, Ayanna 12 Ridge View 22 Huseman, Torrii 10 Woodland 23 Bruccoliere, Holly 9 Greenville 24 Thomas, Mikayla 12 Ridge View 25 Lapointe, Dargan 11 Greenville 26 Martin, Ebony 8 Scott's Bran 27 Springs, Mallorie 8 East Clarend 28 Clark, Lorien 9 Sumter 29 Childs, Adonelle 10 East Clarend 30 Armitage, Kaylie 9 Scott's Bran 31 Zimmerman, McKenzie 9 Sumter Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Chandler, Mary 12 Southside Ch 2 Free, Callie 9 Ninety-Six 3 Jenerette, Wilson 10 North Myrtle 4 Santor, Chloe 9 Wando 5 Bowers, Becca 9 Wando 6 Winningham, Megan 11 Ashley Ridge 7 Martin, Shelley 11 James Island 8 Trainum, Lyla 8 James Island 9 Cousins, Rachel 11 Lexington 10 Wood, Ellie 8 Mauldin 11 McDonagh, Camryn 10 Nation Ford 12 Dewey, Emma 9 May River 13 Dentler, Sydney 8 Blue Ridge 14 Schenk, Melinda 10 T.L. Hanna 15 Ipock, Hayley 8 Lexington 16 Jordahl, Kennedy 11 Bishop Engla 17 Davis, Mia 12 Fort Mill 18 Salley, Hannah 10 T.L. Hanna 19 Jenkins, Sidney 10 Dreher 20 Bridges, Maddie 9 Byrnes 21 Ribera, Fabiana 9 May River 22 Passmore, Molly 10 J.L. Mann 23 Dawson, Abby 9 Fort Mill 24 Hall, Katy 9 Irmo 25 Deese, Kelsi 10 Northwestern 26 Del Mastro, Isabel 11 West Ashley 27 Boone, Brooke 12 Blythewood 28 Stricklin, Elizabeth Grace 10 Dreher 29 Ward, Rebecca 10 Wade Hampton 30 Yarborough, Laura 10 Greer Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Nasir, Maryah 11 Heathwood Ha 2 Crowley, Jessie 9 Riverside 3 Ellis, Madison 11 Eastside 4 Hendrix, Katerina 9 Dorman 5 Evans, Olivia 12 Carolina Hom 6 Henn, Olivia 9 Eastside 7 Marchbanks, Carter 11 Riverside 8 Riordan, Alaina 12 Wade Hampton 9 Sisk, Baylie 10 Dorman 10 Jenkins, Anna 10 Dutch Fork 11 Taylor, Sarah 11 Byrnes 12 Hartley, Brianna 10 Dutch Fork 13 Letts, Emily 12 Ben Lippen 14 Sorber, Eliza 9 Daniel 15 Sorber, Maren 9 Daniel 16 Richter, Pippa 10 AC Flora 17 Seymour, Shelby 10 Greenwood 18 Twine, Hannah 11 AC Flora 19 Colon-LaBorde, Victoria 7 Aiken 20 Stuart, Riley 11 River Bluff
Bob Jenkins SCTCCCA Coaches Classic 2017
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