Meet Information
Parking and facility map
S.C. schools only can enter
a. We will declare in the 400m, 400H, 200m, and 4x4
b. 200m will NOT have trials (Finals against time)
c. 100m trials and 4x800 finals have been moved on the time schedule.
d. Sign-up for Field Event (each school must sign-up and work 1 event as part of your entry fee)Schools can sign-up in advance or they will be assigned a field event prior to the meet.:
e. 3 schools are not permitted to participate this spring due to not showing for their assigned field event.
Date: Saturday, March 25, 2017
Location: Dutch Fork High School
Entry Fee: $150 for both boys and girls team, $75 for one-gender team, $10 per athlete (up to 7 athletes only) AND at least one Field Event worker-does not have to be a coach see below.
Make checks payable to SCTCCCA.
Our W-9 Tax Form is available on the website (
ALL FEES MUST BE RECEIVED BY TUESDAY MARCH 21st. Please check the confirmation page to see if we have received your entry fees.
LINK TO SIGN-UP TO WORK FIELD EVENT: Required as part of entry fee
Mail all entry fees to:
Attn: Dave Lee
James Island Charter High School
1000 Fort Johnson Rd.
Charleston, SC 29412
Coaches MAY use the PayPal link to pay entry fee by PayPal or by credit card.
A $5 fee will be added.
**MAKE SURE your SCHOOL NAME is included when you pay online**
PLEASE NOTE: It is important that coaches alert bookkeepers to change the vendor address. Otherwise, your check may end up at the wrong school and your school will not be entered in the classic. It is not the associations responsibility to track down checks mailed to the wrong address. Please have district bookkeepers put the school on the check.
ENTRY DEADLINE: All entries are due by midnight Tuesday March 21st. All schools that do not pay by this time (check received) will be DELETED FROM THE MEET!
ENTRY LIMITS: Each team may enter two athletes per event and one relay per event.
EACH SCHOOL IS REQUIRED TO HAVE AT LEAST ONE PERSON TO HELP OFFICIATE (It does not have to be a coach). Teams will be assigned a slot in a field event, unless the coach signs-up at the link:
If you do not bring someone to help and do not show to the event assigned, your school will not be allowed to participate next year. WE HAVE 3 SCHOOLS THAT ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND THIS SPRING DUE TO NOT PROVIDING AN OFFICIAL LAST YEAR.
Paid schools will be put on the webpage (
Time Schedule: Will be posted at AND at
Be sure to get your entries (3/21 @ 11:59pm) and payments (3/21 @ 11:59pm) in prior to deadlines. Teams not paid by 11:59pm on Tuesday the 21st, will have their entries deleted from the meet. We will not reopen the entries after 11:59pm on Tuesday the 21st.
Remember that each school is required to work a field event (per registration policy), regardless of the # of athletes you bring. 1 per school (not per gender) is required. You can signup at the link below . Teams will be assigned an event after registration closes. We currently have 3 schools that CAN NOT compete this year due to not working their assigned event last year. We currently have 17 open slots.
Bob Jenkins Coaches Classic Minimum Standards and Starting Heights. This was voted on by the SCTCCCA Board with a 10-0 vote
Boys Girls
Shot - 35 25
Discus - 100 80
Long - 19 15
Triple - 37 27
PV - 10' 8' (Opening height)
HJ - 5'6" 4' 6" (Opening height)
No measurements of any attempt that does not meet min. requirement
Signing out of a field event:
10 min period to return (once their attempt is up), then, 1min period for the attempt (call their name). If not back, its a "PASS" (NOT a miss).
*****May jump out of order, if they ask the field event judge in advance
SCTCCCA: Payment/Event Confirmation Page (updated hourly)
SCTCCCA Bob Jenkins Coaches Classic Time Schedule
Field-Event Sign-up
Association website
Eric J. Cummings, CAA
Riverside High School
Assistant Athletic Director-Transportation
Boys & Girls Cross Country/T&F