Bob Jenkins Coaches Classic Track and Field REGION 4 2023

Blythewood, SC
Hosted by SCTCCCA
Timing/Results Perfect Timing - SC

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ancrum, Nigel 10.18 Spring Valley
Timmons, Caleb 10.45 Dreher
Pettus, Davontavias 10.86 AC Flora
Roberts, Jayson 10.91 Hammond School
Agnew, Zion 10.91 Ridge View
Grier, Tydarion 10.92 Fairfield Central
Streater, Paul 11.03 Blythewood
Fuller, Zion 11.07 Spring Valley
Gary, Josh 11.10 Blythewood
Garvin-Mingo, Jalil 11.12 Cardinal Newman
Fields, Christien 11.12 Ridge View
Canzater, Aiden 11.14 Hammond School
Britt, Mekhi 11.15 Westwood
Jones, Darius 11.18 Westwood
Montague, Elyjah 11.27 AC Flora
Mickles, Juelz 11.39 Lancaster
Washington-Hunt, Tyquan 11.41 Lower Richland
Green, Henry 11.47 Camden
Ledet, Michael 11.50 Lakewood
Pearson, Lamarion 11.52 Lower Richland
Jamison, Mikaili 11.56 Keenan
Locklear, Dylan 11.57 Camden
Price, Aden 11.59 Keenan
Rolland, Jonathan 11.60 Heathwood Hall
Willingham, James 11.69 Richland Northeast
Duckett, Carter 11.71 Ben Lippen
Pearson, Christopher 11.71 Fairfield Central
Stephens, Jadon 11.76 Lancaster
Blocker, Matthew 11.77 Irmo
Grant, Jarkese 11.83 Lugoff Elgin
Doctor, Nick 11.85 Cardinal Newman
Kelley, Carroll 11.86 Dreher
Wells, Camorrie 11.86 Sumter
Brown, Taevion 11.91 Irmo
Seth, Michael 11.93 Sumter
Mack, Deangelo 11.97 Lakewood
Brown, Gregory 12.11 Heathwood Hall
Conner, Jordan 12.17 Ben Lippen
Burnette, Tucker 12.20 Wilson Hall
Benson, Jeremiah 12.53 Lugoff Elgin
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scott, DeAndre Lakewood
Bennett, Omari 14.37 Hammond School
Epps, David 14.39 Dreher
Kelly, Kaleb 14.92 Blythewood
Joe, Amir 15.21 Spring Valley
Moody, Ethan 15.41 Eau Claire
Woodard, Archie 15.66 Ben Lippen
Chism, Tymir 16.17 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Joe, Jacob 16.20 Ridge View
Goodwin, Trenton 16.22 Dreher
Bellinger, Jalen 16.38 Ridge View
Reaves, Jemarious 16.38 Lower Richland
Herring, Jakori 16.64 Spring Valley
Ridgill, Ryen 17.03 Lakewood
Thigpen, Ivory 17.07 Westwood
Cunningham, Asante' 17.17 Lancaster
Holmes, Zakkai 17.32 Blythewood
Thomas Murphy, Elisha 17.43 Lugoff Elgin
Moorer, Jayden 17.54 AC Flora
Johnson, Jaciyah 17.80 AC Flora
Bell, Mark 18.14 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Banks, Christian 19.17 Westwood
Thomas, Jaden "Jimmy" 19.53 Lugoff Elgin
Moore, Jonathan 21.20 Lower Richland
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Simpson, Justin Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Smith, Connor 4:23.43 Wilson Hall
Jones, Liam 4:24.76 Dreher
Prete, Matthew 4:30.02 Lancaster
Tyndall, William 4:34.92 Westwood
N'twa, Macaire 4:37 Ridge View
White, Hank 4:39.79 Fairfield Central
Shealy, Spencer 4:39.82 Blythewood
Diaz, Ivan 4:39.88 Dreher
Miller, Dutton 4:40.00 AC Flora
Keck, Aiden 4:41.29 Westwood
Holliday, James 4:42.78 Irmo
Robinson, Liam 4:44.21 Ridge View
Powell, Jacob 4:46.12 Blythewood
Walker, Anderson 4:53.32 Spring Valley
Wadhwa, Harshdeep 4:56.40 Spring Valley
Whitehouse, Brice 4:57.92 Lugoff Elgin
Alexander, Jaden 5:08.21 Lancaster
Watson, John Charles 5:08.63 Ben Lippen
Gibson, Anthony 5:11.35 Lugoff Elgin
Edwards, Willem 5:16.44 AC Flora
Simmons, Cole 5:18.54 Cardinal Newman
McGuire, Mikyle 5:20.43 Sumter
Peay, Emory 5:24.90 Keenan
Coen, Silas 5:26.76 Ben Lippen
Dansby, Arnez 5:28.19 Sumter
Applegate, Hayden 5:28.96 Irmo
Reagan, Harrison 5:29.31 Cardinal Newman
Patel, Krishi 5:38.57 Fairfield Central
Redfearn, Noah 5:42.90 Camden
Bryant, Andrew 5:45.71 Lakewood
Ferris, Wesley 5:48.67 Richland Northeast
Burnell, Justin 6:00.89 Lower Richland
Dill, Jude 6:10.74 Richland Northeast
Byrant, King 6:21.39 Eau Claire
Keitt, Jacquil 6:52.71 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Floyd, Jacob 7:05.51 Lower Richland
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ancrum, Nigel 20.78 Spring Valley
Timmons, Caleb 21.22 Dreher
Agnew, Zion 21.99 Ridge View
White, Denard 22.00 Keenan
Harper, Jonathan 22.24 Blythewood
Pettus, Davontavias 22.28 AC Flora
Brown, Nino 22.49 Keenan
Grier, Tydarion 22.50 Fairfield Central
Muhammad, Fahim 22.55 Blythewood
Gillipsie, Javon 22.60 Ridge View
Canzater, Aiden 22.61 Hammond School
Fuller, Zion 22.64 Spring Valley
Roberts, Jayson 22.67 Hammond School
Jones, Darius 22.74 Westwood
Moody, Ethan 22.83 Eau Claire
Ledet, Michael 22.99 Lakewood
Jenkins, Dasean 22.99 Lugoff Elgin
Whaley, Trevic 23.11 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Pearson, Lamarion 23.30 Lower Richland
Green, Henry 23.34h Camden
Williams, Garrison 23.46 AC Flora
Brown, Taevion 23.64 Irmo
Roach, Kenyon 23.78 Dreher
Edwards, Frederick 23.80 Sumter
Harrison, Jayden 23.82 Westwood
Smith, Marcus 23.87 Lower Richland
Ervin, Christian 24.04 Richland Northeast
Mickles, Juelz 24.04 Lancaster
Davis, Roman 24.13 Fairfield Central
Pixley, Semaj 24.13 Richland Northeast
Hydorn, Thomas 24.14 Cardinal Newman
Golden, Matthew 24.15 Heathwood Hall
Duckett, Carter 24.31 Ben Lippen
Fuller, Tronquez 24.40 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Stephens, Jadon 24.50 Lancaster
Boykin, Donte 24.52 Lakewood
DAlberto, Rhett 24.76 Ben Lippen
Singletary, Ethan 24.78 Irmo
Miller, Justin 24.83 Lugoff Elgin
Seth, Michael 24.89 Sumter
Wesley, Javon 25.21 Camden
Burnette, Tucker 25.50h Wilson Hall
Rogers, Braxton 25.66 Cardinal Newman
Curtis, Braedon 25.94 Wilson Hall
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Byrant, King Eau Claire
Diaz, Ivan 10:01.72 Dreher
Keck, Aiden 10:14.20 Westwood
Robinson, Liam 10:20.00 Ridge View
Wendland, Jonah 10:20.09 Irmo
Powell, Jacob 10:20.96 Blythewood
McCrudden, Luke 10:23.18 Ben Lippen
Eberlin, Joe 10:30.16 Westwood
Rios, Jonathan 10:39.80 Ben Lippen
White, Hank 10:41.04 Fairfield Central
Taylor, Noah 10:43.54 Spring Valley
Gallagher, Matthew 11:04.00 Lugoff Elgin
Edwards, Willem 11:10.15 AC Flora
Figueroa, Rickson 11:18.67 Irmo
Quansah, Kofi 11:33.38 Lancaster
Rust, Jake 11:45.00 Lugoff Elgin
Smith, Nathan 11:59.87 Sumter
Joseph, Isaiah 12:09.64 Cardinal Newman
Kelly, Stephen 12:17.72 Sumter
Frey, Sebastian 12:24.94 Cardinal Newman
Geddings, Jacob 12:44.43 Wilson Hall
Patel, Krishi 13:44.31 Fairfield Central
Ferris, Wesley 14:21.57 Richland Northeast
McNeil, Jordan 14:41.78 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Whren, Trenton 15:12.51 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Kolowith, Sam 9:11.43 Dreher
Smith, Connor 9:30.73 Wilson Hall
Prete, Matthew 9:39.52 Lancaster
Hitchcock, Brendan 9:53.04 Spring Valley
Shealy, Spencer 9:59.62 Blythewood
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fuller, Tronquez Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Crumpton, Devan 48.01 Spring Valley
White, Denard 48.88 Keenan
Brown, Nino 49.40 Keenan
Young, Dominick 49.96 Westwood
Atkinson, Alandre 50.31 Irmo
Gary, Jacob 51.09 Blythewood
Spann, Mounir 51.62 Ridge View
Williams, Tristan 51.63 Spring Valley
Holmes, Jacob 52.04 Ridge View
Ervin, Christian 52.17 Richland Northeast
Hobbs, Chris 52.56 Westwood
Brown, Jamie 52.59 Fairfield Central
Wesley, Ernest 52.73 Lower Richland
Brown, Cordell 53.13 Richland Northeast
DAlberto, Rhett 53.31 Ben Lippen
Canzater, Aiden 53.31 Hammond School
Titus, Mekhi 53.54 Blythewood
Garvin-Mingo, Jalil 53.84 Cardinal Newman
Hough, Jeremiah 54.01 Lugoff Elgin
Frerichs, Wilson 54.25 Wilson Hall
Cooke, Kendale 54.46 Camden
Hydorn, Thomas 54.70 Cardinal Newman
Dwyer, Demarion 54.98 Dreher
Murry, Braxton 55.00 AC Flora
Lynch, Treyveon 55.00 AC Flora
Bentley, Christopher 55.01 Sumter
Hargrave, Jordan 55.19 Lower Richland
Ford, Maxwell 55.20 Camden
Evans, Amari 55.24h Hammond School
Wells, Nahaze 55.40 Lakewood
Whaley, Trevic 55.89 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Brown, Gregory 56.09 Heathwood Hall
Kelley, Carroll 56.38 Dreher
Mims, Lee 56.47 Wilson Hall
Crawford, Lakieh 56.79 Lancaster
Flowers, Terrence 56.80 Lakewood
Williams, W'Adar 56.93 Sumter
Creech, Trey 58.14 Ben Lippen
Gay, Jacob 58.48 Lugoff Elgin
Pearson, Christopher 59.01 Fairfield Central
Catoe, Savion 59.06 Lancaster
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HS Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCaskill, Hunter Camden
Ricks, Dobson Ben Lippen
Johnson, Jaciyah 1:00.00 AC Flora
Cooper, Sumter 1:00.56 Wilson Hall
Bellinger, Jalen 1:01.31 Ridge View
Joe, Jacob 1:01.89 Ridge View
Holmes, Zakkai 1:02.43 Blythewood
Bell, Mark 1:02.56 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Joe, Amir 1:02.81 Spring Valley
Chism, Tymir 1:02.99 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Banks, Christian 1:04.94 Westwood
Williams, Walker 1:05.17 Hammond School
Hendrix, Omari 1:05.19 Blythewood
Scott, DeAndre 1:05.21 Lakewood
Grant, Quincy 1:05.52 Cardinal Newman
Runyan, Caleb 1:07.58 Heathwood Hall
Reddick, Cameron 1:08.11 Lugoff Elgin
Moore, Jonathan 1:08.75 Lower Richland
Price, Aden 1:10.21 Keenan
Bagley, Dere'on 1:10.52 Cardinal Newman
Moorer, Jayden 1:12.00 AC Flora
Cunningham, Asante' 1:12.05 Lancaster
Thomas, Jaden "Jimmy" 1:13.93 Lugoff Elgin
Woodard, Archie 56.33 Ben Lippen
Backstrom, Johnathon 56.84 Westwood
Epps, David 57.40 Dreher
Ridgill, Ryen 58.37 Lakewood
Doby, Chris 58.85 Spring Valley
Croxton, Riley 59.09 Dreher
Moody, Ethan 59.45 Eau Claire
Reaves, Jemarious 59.57 Lower Richland
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 42.10 Spring Valley
Relay Team A 42.25 Ridge View
Relay Team A 42.28 AC Flora
Relay Team A 42.42 Blythewood
Relay Team A 42.82 Hammond School
Relay Team A 42.97 Westwood
Relay Team A 43.90 Lugoff Elgin
Relay Team A 44.03 Keenan
Relay Team A 44.21 Lower Richland
Relay Team A 44.31 Irmo
Relay Team A 44.46 Lakewood
Relay Team A 44.47 Dreher
Relay Team A 44.77 Lancaster
Relay Team A 44.80 Sumter
Relay Team A 44.91 Fairfield Central
Relay Team A 45.55 Richland Northeast
Relay Team A 46.16 Ben Lippen
Relay Team A 53.07 Cardinal Newman
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Relay Team A 3:22.30 Spring Valley
Relay Team A 3:25.70 Ridge View
Relay Team A 3:27.62 Westwood
Relay Team A 3:28.02 Blythewood
Relay Team A 3:31.35 Lower Richland
Relay Team A 3:32.90 Dreher
Relay Team A 3:38.22 Keenan
Relay Team A 3:38.37 Lakewood
Relay Team A 3:39.83 Richland Northeast
Relay Team A 3:41.40 Sumter
Relay Team A 3:42.54 Ben Lippen
Relay Team A 3:42.70 Lugoff Elgin
Relay Team A 3:43.12 AC Flora
Relay Team A 3:43.55 Camden
Relay Team A 3:44.54 Cardinal Newman
Relay Team A 3:44.81 Wilson Hall
Relay Team A 3:49.03 Fairfield Central
Relay Team A 4:01.39 Lancaster
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Relay Team A 10:05.00 Westwood
Relay Team A 8:21.32 Dreher
Relay Team A 8:26.13 Blythewood
Relay Team A 8:35.29 Spring Valley
Relay Team A 8:36.04 Irmo
Relay Team A 8:56.14 Ben Lippen
Relay Team A 8:58.92 Lugoff Elgin
Relay Team A 9:22.13 Richland Northeast
Relay Team A 9:26.00 AC Flora
Relay Team A 9:28.22 Camden
Relay Team A 9:30.12 Cardinal Newman
Relay Team A 9:50.85 Lakewood
Relay Team A 9:51.50h Keenan
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
N'twa, Macaire 1:56.39 Ridge View
Tyndall, William 1:58.15 Westwood
Jones, Liam 1:59.71 Dreher
Inmon, Jackson 1:59.97 Spring Valley
Van Horn, Samari 2:00.66 Ben Lippen
Roth, Eli 2:02.54 Dreher
Manning, Graysen 2:04.56 Blythewood
Burge, Tristan 2:06.28 Irmo
Bennett, Mekiah 2:06.81 Spring Valley
Rios, Jonathan 2:06.97 Ben Lippen
Koumas, Quinn 2:08.00 Lugoff Elgin
Lott, Tajma 2:08.58 Blythewood
Miller, Dutton 2:10.00 AC Flora
Smith, Kaleb 2:10.00 AC Flora
Ward, Malik 2:10.74 Ridge View
Cochran, Jordan 2:12.50 Lower Richland
Kinard, Davis 2:13.18 Camden
Simpson, Justin 2:14.97 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Jeeter, Nicholas 2:15.00 Lugoff Elgin
Famuyide, Adelolapo 2:15.83 Richland Northeast
Butters, Joseph 2:16.59 Sumter
Smith, Joshua 2:16.94 Lakewood
Pettis, Jerimiah 2:17.92 Keenan
Frerichs, Jennings 2:18.17 Wilson Hall
Rodriguez, Alan 2:18.51 Cardinal Newman
Carmichael, Rahmeer 2:20.53 Keenan
Alexander, Jaden 2:21.33 Lancaster
Renken, Christian 2:21.40 Cardinal Newman
Henry, Kevin 2:25.40 Lower Richland
Bryant, Andrew 2:27.31 Lakewood
Mack, Toreyon 2:29.01 Sumter
Walker, ErDreus 2:30 Fairfield Central
Famuyide, Adesina 2:38.79 Richland Northeast
Byrant, King 2:48.76 Eau Claire
Rivera Basabe, David 2:48.91 Fairfield Central
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HS Boys Discus Throw 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Chase 151-5 Blythewood
Outten, Khadophie 144-3 Lugoff Elgin
Brooks Jr, Angel 135-4 Ridge View
Jeffcoat, Charles 133-4 Dreher
China, Alex 132-5 Spring Valley
Whitmore, Malachi 130-11 Westwood
Knight, Harrison 127-8 Blythewood
Brown, Jacob 127-6 Ridge View
Hairens, Vernen 127-4 Irmo
Ramos, Jaiden 127-1 Lower Richland
Lesesne, Dylan 124-0 Heathwood Hall
Masincupp, Jackson 122-11 Ben Lippen
Cuffie, Bryson 121-5 Sumter
Wilson, Ahmad 119-0 Keenan
Ah Ping, Samuelu 117-1 Spring Valley
Adeboyeku-White, Keywon 116-7 Lakewood
Benjamin, Skyler 114-9 Lugoff Elgin
Lucas, Noah 114-2 Lower Richland
Baker, Demaurius 113-0 AC Flora
Goodwin, Kylon 112-9 Keenan
Geddings, Cooper 110-8 Sumter
Coleman, Kwame 110-3 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Singleton, Will 104-3 Wilson Hall
Jackson, Edgar 101-9 Heathwood Hall
Moore, Jordan 101-4 Westwood
Boulware, Christian 99-4 Lancaster
Cole, Nate 98-8 Ben Lippen
Sprinkle, Demond 95-4 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Thomas, Andre 95-0 AC Flora
Earle, Zack 93-7 Camden
Tanner, Wyatt 93-5 Camden
Tristan, Sam 91-8 Wilson Hall
Dellinger, Hunter 90-10 Lakewood
Robinson, Jasiah 86-5.5 Dreher
Mills, Omari 83-2 Irmo
Blair, Demyius 81-10 Lancaster
Faiivae, Nelson 78-3 Cardinal Newman
Ferguson, Messiah 76-6 Richland Northeast
Bates, Jaquan 75-0 Fairfield Central
Young, Dasani 70-0 Fairfield Central
Walker, Pervis Cardinal Newman
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HS Boys High Jump 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chestnut, Jordan 6-6 Spring Valley
Cooper, Caleb 6-4 Spring Valley
Moore, Seneca 6-4 Lakewood
Humphries, Hugh 6-2 Wilson Hall
Burton, Daniel 6-2 Wilson Hall
Means, Brycen 6-0 Ridge View
Ridgill, Ryen 6-0 Lakewood
Macklin, Tyrin 5-10 Camden
Robinson, Rashard 5-10 Keenan
Tejada, Jasiah 5-10 AC Flora
Van Horn, Samari 5-10 Ben Lippen
Alexander, Caleb 5-8 Irmo
Pack, Josiah 5-8 Blythewood
Thomas, Vincent 5-8 Lower Richland
Rogers, Victor 5-8 Ben Lippen
Benson, ShaiMere 5-6 Camden
Holmes, Zakkai 5-6 Blythewood
Bailey, Jeremiah 5-6 Westwood
Smith, Jeremiah 5-6 AC Flora
Washington-Broomfield, Tyler 5-6 Sumter
Miller, Justin 5-6 Lugoff Elgin
Ricks-Wesseh, Ethan 5-6 Lancaster
Bell, Mark 5-4 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Johnson, Ernest 5-4 Richland Northeast
Hobbs, Chris 5-4 Westwood
Price, Aden 5-4 Keenan
Saxon, Sincire 5-4 Eau Claire
Hunter, Kamauri 5-0 Heathwood Hall
McNeill, Jeremiah 5-0 Lugoff Elgin
Chism, Tymir Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Reynolds, Tyler Richland Northeast
Nichols, Nick Heathwood Hall
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HS Boys Javelin Throw 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ricks, Dobson 151-10 Ben Lippen
Essig, Jed 136-10.5 Ben Lippen
Harter, Sky 134-4 Lugoff Elgin
Earle, Zack 130-3 Camden
Jeffcoat, Charles 128-8 Dreher
Johnson, Chase 127-1 Blythewood
Brown, Zaquon 127-0 Lower Richland
Lowery, Jordan 126-9 Sumter
Amos, Joel 123-5 Spring Valley
Singleton, Will 121-8 Wilson Hall
Knight, Harrison 117-3 Blythewood
Williams, Walker 115-11 Hammond School
Davis, Ernest 114-4 Spring Valley
Taylor, Jamal 106-7 Sumter
Rogers, Warren 105-11 Westwood
Grandmason, Warren 105-0 Dreher
Rowe, Wyatt 103-4 AC Flora
Jackson, Taylor 102-3 Heathwood Hall
McNeil, Zahcario 100-1 Westwood
Ramos, Jaiden 98-5 Lower Richland
Trimnal, Holden 98-1 Lakewood
Dellinger, Hunter 92-10 Lakewood
Mitchell, Regan 90-0 AC Flora
Steve, Holden 88-6 Lugoff Elgin
Jackson, Edgar 88-5 Heathwood Hall
Mills, Omari 86-7 Irmo
Tristan, Sam 85-2 Wilson Hall
Reagan, Harrison Cardinal Newman
Hydorn, Patrick Cardinal Newman
Hairens, Vernen Irmo
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HS Boys Long Jump 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Jadyn 22-9.5 Brookland Cayce
Chestnut, Jordan 22-6 Spring Valley
Jennings, Noah 22-3.5 Westwood
Mosley, Aiden 21-8 AC Flora
Goodwin, Trenton 21-7 Dreher
Edwards, Frederick 21-4 Sumter
Rolland, Jonathan 20-10 Heathwood Hall
Locklear, Dylan 20-10 Camden
Robinson, Rashard 20-10 Keenan
Saxon, Sincire 20-10 Eau Claire
Jean-Philippe, Enosh 20-9.5 Richland Northeast
Woodard, Corey 20-9 AC Flora
Gillens, Fred 20-8 Cardinal Newman
Belton, Omarion 20-6 Ridge View
Jamison, Adis 20-6 Keenan
Thomas, Vincent 20-4 Lower Richland
Bostic, Jaylen 20-3 Spring Valley
Wilder, Boykin 20-3 Wilson Hall
Jones, Austin 20-1 Dreher
Means, Brycen 20-0.5 Ridge View
Crandall, Christian 20-0 Lugoff Elgin
Anderson, Daelmonte 19-11 Westwood
Brooks, Deangelo 19-11 Blythewood
Grier, Tydarion 19-9 Fairfield Central
Humphries, Hugh 19-9 Wilson Hall
Ledet, Michael 19-8 Lakewood
Simmons, Chase 19-7 Blythewood
Evans, Amari 19-6.5 Hammond School
Reynolds, Tyler 19-6 Richland Northeast
Essig, Jed 19-1.5 Ben Lippen
Blocker, Matthew 19-1 Irmo
Alston, Booker 18-11 Lower Richland
James, Antario 18-10 Fairfield Central
Woodard, Archie 18-8 Ben Lippen
Miller, Justin 18-7 Lugoff Elgin
Council, James 18-6 Sumter
Whaley, Trevic 17-9 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Ricks-Wesseh, Ethan 17-8 Lancaster
Brown, Gregory 16-9.5 Heathwood Hall
Darby, Jonovan 16-9 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Brockington, Jamarion 16-3 Lakewood
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HS Boys Pole Vault 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Swick, Joey 13-0 Spring Valley
O'Cain, Jack 12-11.75 AC Flora
Butters, Joseph 12-6 Sumter
Ferrario, Matthew 12-0 Heathwood Hall
Kim, John 11-6 Spring Valley
Essig, Jed 10-6 Ben Lippen
Britt, Cameron 10-6 Sumter
Hamilton, Myles 10-0 Lugoff Elgin
Yi, John 10-0 Westwood
Dodson, Griffin 10-0 Dreher
Green, Jeremy 9-6 AC Flora
Hagstette, Davis 8-6 Heathwood Hall
Cherry, Mason 8-6 Lugoff Elgin
Bethea, Le'Andre 8-6 Lakewood
Jenkins, Micah 8-0 Lakewood
Robertson, Sterling 8-0 Westwood
Traynum, Hudson 6-0 Ben Lippen
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HS Boys Shot Put 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Saddler, Joshua 51-2 Ridge View
Stephens, Tracy 48-10 Ridge View
Jeffcoat, Charles 46-7 Dreher
Robinson, Jasiah 46-6.5 Dreher
Sprinkle, Demond 44-11 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Johnson, Chase 44-2 Blythewood
Javis, Evan 44-1 Spring Valley
Hairens, Vernen 44-0 Irmo
Wilson, Ahmad 44-0 Keenan
Moore, Seneca 42-7 Lakewood
Hopson, Kameron 42-6.5 Spring Valley
Rogers, Warren 42-0.5 Westwood
Baker, Demaurius 42-0 AC Flora
Brown, Zaquon 41-9 Lower Richland
Lucas, Noah 41-7.75 Lower Richland
Reed, Jaden 41-6.5 Lugoff Elgin
Mills, Omari 41-5 Irmo
Taylor, Jamal 41-2 Sumter
Kinard, Kendarious 41-0 AC Flora
Davis, Tyler 41-0 Blythewood
Little, Kemuel 39-2 Ben Lippen
Miller, David 39-0 Lugoff Elgin
Lesesne, Dylan 38-10.5 Heathwood Hall
Coleman, Kwame 38-8 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Cuffie, Bryson 38-4 Sumter
Tanner, Wyatt 38-1 Camden
Whitmore, Malachi 37-11.5 Westwood
O'Neal, Victor 36-0 Keenan
Bookert, Darius 35-10 Fairfield Central
Cole, Nate 35-9 Ben Lippen
Moser, Markquelle 35-5 Richland Northeast
Kirk, Jamarian 35-2 Lancaster
Chapman, Markell 35-0 Lakewood
Singleton, Will 34-8.5 Wilson Hall
Bates, Jaquan 33-5.5 Fairfield Central
Ferguson, Messiah 32-4 Richland Northeast
Tristan, Sam 32-0 Wilson Hall
Mobley, Trustin 31-9 Lancaster
Jackson, Joshua 31-4 Heathwood Hall
McCleod, Whenston 31-0 Cardinal Newman
Faiivae, Nelson 29-8 Cardinal Newman
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HS Boys Triple Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bostic, Jaylen 45-2 Spring Valley
Chestnut, Jordan 45-1 Spring Valley
Gilmore, Josiah 44-2 Keenan
Gillens, Fred 43-2 Cardinal Newman
Smith, Jeremiah 43-0 AC Flora
Edwards, Frederick 41-11 Sumter
Simmons, Chase 41-11 Blythewood
Conner, Jordan 40-10 Ben Lippen
Belton, Omarion 40-9.5 Ridge View
Goodwin, Trenton 40-9 Dreher
Canzater, Aiden 40-5.25 Hammond School
Anderson, Daelmonte 40-3 Westwood
Sumter, Antwan 40-2.5 AC Flora
Wilder, Boykin 40-2.5 Wilson Hall
Moore, Sean 40-1 Lugoff Elgin
Vanderhorst, Dehryn 39-11 Ridge View
Humphries, Hugh 39-11 Wilson Hall
Jones, Austin 39-11 Dreher
Stephens, Tyler 39-10.5 Blythewood
Thigpen, Ivory 39-8 Westwood
Hamilton, Myles 39-2 Lugoff Elgin
James, Antario 38-11 Fairfield Central
White, Denard 38-7 Keenan
Pratt, Myles 38-7 Richland Northeast
Saxon, Sincire 38-7 Eau Claire
Essig, Jed 37-7.5 Ben Lippen
Johnson, Corey 34-10 Sumter
Golden, Matthew 33-10.5 Heathwood Hall
Rolland, Jonathan 27-4 Heathwood Hall
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aiken, Bayli 11.63 Hammond School
Holmes, Sharmelle 11.81 Fairfield Central
Duncan, Hailey 11.83 Blythewood
Wells, Nicole 11.94 Sumter
Gibson, Madison 12.05 AC Flora
Gaskin, Ticora 12.09 Westwood
Clark, Nevaeh 12.15 AC Flora
David, Gabrielle 12.19 Heathwood Hall
Singletary, Nya 12.42 Irmo
Harvey, Zion 12.44 Blythewood
Martin-Maybin, Ja'keyia 12.53 Westwood
Cunningham, Kamille 12.53 Spring Valley
Ray, Janiya 12.58 Lakewood
Rhooms, Queseya 12.62 Heathwood Hall
Hannibal, Laurin 12.87 Keenan
Johnson, Jeannine 12.88 Richland Northeast
Williams, Danaijah 12.90 Eau Claire
Byrd, Alexis 12.92 Spring Valley
Spencer, Layla 12.94 Lower Richland
Rush-Glover, Elisha 13.03 Irmo
Benenhaley, Claire 13.11 Ben Lippen
Walker, Mya 13.13 Hammond School
Traynum, Kaitlyn 13.15 Ben Lippen
Brown, Madison 13.21 Lugoff Elgin
McCloud, Cierra 13.36 Lakewood
McFadden, Kurticy 13.50 Eau Claire
Greaves, Jayalove 13.51 Ridge View
Mack, Alyssa 13.52 Ridge View
Tilley, Mikay’lah 13.54 Dreher
Mitchell, Allyson 13.69 Lower Richland
Lucas, Layla 13.69 Lugoff Elgin
Terry-London, Essence 13.70 Fairfield Central
Bravo, Italie 13.72 Cardinal Newman
Jefferson, Arion 13.87 Camden
Bailey, Diamond 14.05 Dreher
Taylor, Ayanna 14.11 Camden
Harrison, Janiya 14.27 Richland Northeast
Ezeihuaku, Hannah 14.37 Cardinal Newman
James, Kennedy 14.81 Lancaster
Goodman, Alayna 15.33 Lancaster
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Glover, Ineara Dreher
Berry, Aaliyah 13.99 Spring Valley
Rodriguez, Brianna 14.20 Westwood
Beyer, Riley 15.71 Ben Lippen
Evans, Niya 15.81 Heathwood Hall
Scott, Ashlynn 16.14 Blythewood
Wells, Taylor 16.38 Lugoff Elgin
Williams, TyQwasia 16.51 Eau Claire
Dooley, Jada 17.41 Ridge View
Rhone, Aminah 17.45 Blythewood
Hobson, Teryn 17.48 Lugoff Elgin
Sobel, Claire 17.50 Heathwood Hall
Griffin, Mary Margaret 17.56 Wilson Hall
Sonntag, Sarah 17.78 Wilson Hall
Dingle, Jumori 17.79 Dreher
Samuels, Lacey 18.13 Richland Northeast
Berry, Sidra 18.33 Ridge View
Inman, Hailey 18.40 Hammond School
Pringle, Mackenzie 18.41 Richland Northeast
Cook, Aubrielle 18.85 Camden
Coulter, Keyliah 19.03 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Green, Malaika 19.33 Westwood
Moss, Chloe 19.33 Cardinal Newman
Gibson, Pernise 19.35 Lower Richland
Minder, Joyanna 19.93 Irmo
Jenkins, Tymina 19.94 Lower Richland
Demas, Anyla 19.95 Eau Claire
Huggins, Ellis 20.01 Ben Lippen
Curry, Bethany 21.12 Cardinal Newman
Proctor, Mia 21.89 Lancaster
Gillespie, Lyrric 22.95 Lakewood
Griffin, Ki'yanna 23.67 Lakewood
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mitchell, Te'Mya Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Gomez, Madelyn 5:06.01 Heathwood Hall
Ward, Jais 5:09.97 Ben Lippen
Hoover, Kate 5:16.19 Ben Lippen
Iseman, Mary Frances 5:19.46 Heathwood Hall
Thornton, Jordan 5:27.67 Wilson Hall
Shaver, Judith 5:30.00 AC Flora
Kelly, Anna 5:30.26 Blythewood
Smith, Amaiyah 5:39.58 Ridge View
McInerney, Bailey 5:42.40 Wilson Hall
Vipperman, Emily 5:53.17 Sumter
Scott, Jaylynne 5:54.90 Ridge View
Gabelman, Ava 5:57.23 Cardinal Newman
Manville, Annabelle 5:58.23 Blythewood
Frey, Gianna 6:00.02 Cardinal Newman
Venn, Clare 6:02.31 Spring Valley
Ashley, Rebecca 6:07.15 Westwood
Tyndall, Christina 6:07.39 Westwood
Hall, Sophie 6:09.08 Irmo
Warren, Jurnee 6:11.22 Fairfield Central
Tiller, Destinee 6:13.00 Eau Claire
Hoagland, Eva 6:13.70 Lugoff Elgin
Warren, Judeah 6:18 Fairfield Central
Green, Caroline 6:27.77 Camden
Capell, Ashlynn 6:29.00 AC Flora
Goshorn, Destinee 6:29.94 Lancaster
Hewett, Ava 6:40.88 Lugoff Elgin
Myrick, Sophia 6:45.05 Spring Valley
Shrum, Lilee 6:52.09 Lancaster
Quintanilla, Michelle 7:03.16 Eau Claire
Flowers, Camille 7:24.40 Lakewood
Colleton, Syniah 8:45.65 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goodman, Alayna Lancaster
Moore, Katriel Fairfield Central
Richardson, Jerniyah Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Holmes, Sharmelle 24.33 Fairfield Central
Duncan, Hailey 24.46 Blythewood
Aiken, Bayli 24.47 Hammond School
Wells, Nicole 24.54 Sumter
Nelson, Paris 25.15 Spring Valley
Gaskin, Ticora 25.34 Westwood
Gibson, Madison 25.51 AC Flora
Staley, Dania 25.72 Ridge View
Taylor, Olivia 25.76 Blythewood
Clark, Nevaeh 26.28 AC Flora
Davis, Thanna 26.58 Westwood
Shaw, Ashante 26.72 Lakewood
Singletary, Nya 26.79 Irmo
Hannibal, Laurin 26.93 Keenan
Tilley, Mikay’lah 27.08 Dreher
Tobin, Nala 27.18 Ridge View
Rhooms, Queseya 27.33 Heathwood Hall
Cogdell, Lillian 27.37 Lakewood
Spencer, Layla 27.44 Lower Richland
Jacobs, Ayanna 27.53 Dreher
Binns, Daryn 27.56 Heathwood Hall
Walker, Mya 27.61 Hammond School
Byrd, Alexis 27.63 Spring Valley
Williams, Danaijah 27.76 Eau Claire
Pringle, Mackenzie 27.88 Richland Northeast
Rush-Glover, Elisha 27.97 Irmo
Harrison, Janiya 27.98 Richland Northeast
McFadden, Kurticy 27.99 Eau Claire
Turnipseed, Keriona 28.00 Lower Richland
Connell, Nicolette 28.26 Camden
Benenhaley, Claire 28.40 Ben Lippen
Combs, Mary 28.56 Ben Lippen
Fidler, Alli Reagan 29.28 Wilson Hall
Schmieg, Josie 29.50 Cardinal Newman
Garner, Sa'Mya 30.09 Lugoff Elgin
Stewart, Nevaeh 30.17 Lugoff Elgin
Cutner, Dionesty 30.58 Cardinal Newman
James, Kennedy 30.63 Lancaster
Mintz, Jayden 30.97 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Warren, Justus Fairfield Central
Gantt, Lola Irmo
Gomez, Madelyn 10:55.05 Heathwood Hall
Martin, Annabel 11:43.33 Heathwood Hall
Davis, Chloe 11:55.32 Ben Lippen
Thornton, Jordan 11:57.52 Wilson Hall
McInerney, Bailey 12:06.57 Wilson Hall
Kelly, Anna 12:11.23 Blythewood
Pendleton, Eva 12:15.88 Blythewood
Zoller, Ree Williams 12:25.74 Ben Lippen
Smith, Amaiyah 12:41.17 Ridge View
Hane, Frances 12:45.00 AC Flora
Parker, Dakota 13:00.00 Lugoff Elgin
Scott, Jaylynne 13:09.00 Ridge View
Todd, Anna 13:16.52 Spring Valley
Hoagland, Eva 13:25.20 Lugoff Elgin
Capell, Ashlynn 13:29.00 AC Flora
Vipperman, Emily 13:29.65 Sumter
Prete, Sarah 13:30 Lancaster
Tyndall, Christina 13:50.00 Westwood
Rabon, Heather 15:00.00 Westwood
Quintanilla, Michelle 18:01.17 Eau Claire
Spencer, Arica 18:31.47 Eau Claire
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thompson, La'Zariya Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Waiters, Brianna Lancaster
Gordon, Munirah 1:00.00 AC Flora
Belleastin, Rosalene 1:00.07 Spring Valley
Livingston, Kadence 1:01.20 Irmo
Burton, Chaniya 1:01.30 Irmo
Shiver, Taylor 1:01.51 Lower Richland
Nelson, Paris 1:01.58 Spring Valley
Jones, Molly 1:02.55 Wilson Hall
Haigler, Jenia 1:03.06 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Robison-Hinton, Idaya 1:03.88 Lakewood
Wood, Reston 1:04.73 Heathwood Hall
Cosby, Janiyah 1:04.77 Richland Northeast
Bailey, Diamond 1:04.87 Dreher
Greene, Ihliviah 1:04.99 Camden
McCray, Carla 1:05.00 AC Flora
Schmieg, Josie 1:05.36 Cardinal Newman
Greene, Nahlivia 1:05.66 Camden
Moore, Katriel 1:06.21 Fairfield Central
Wells, Logan 1:06.55 Heathwood Hall
Ward, Ramah 1:06.69 Lower Richland
Fidler, Alli Reagan 1:07.05 Wilson Hall
Hicks, Sheriyah 1:07.41 Sumter
McEachern, Camille 1:07.46 Westwood
Williams, Trinity 1:08.28 Lugoff Elgin
Strain, Lily 1:08.48 Ben Lippen
Praylow, Destiny 1:08.68 Richland Northeast
Woods, ZyRiah 1:09.16 Keenan
Terry-London, Essence 1:09.62 Fairfield Central
Green, Jakayla 1:10.03 Lugoff Elgin
Tucker, Tynasia 1:10.19 Eau Claire
Sumter, Amaiyah 1:10.81 Dreher
McDonnell, Lindy 1:10.95 Cardinal Newman
Gopp, Abigail 1:11.13 Ben Lippen
Brunson, I'yana 1:13.31 Lakewood
Williams, Arianna 54.93 Blythewood
Staley, Dania 56.86 Ridge View
Taylor, Olivia 58.92 Blythewood
Bethel, Jermyra 59.22 Eau Claire
Davis, Thanna 59.89 Westwood
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HS Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rodriguez, Brianna 1:00.81 Westwood
Williams, TyQwasia 1:05.13 Eau Claire
Cassidy, Caroline 1:07.16 Camden
Ross, Madison 1:07.22 Blythewood
Bradley, Emma 1:08.69 Wilson Hall
Beyer, Riley 1:08.72 Ben Lippen
Rhone, Aminah 1:10.08 Blythewood
Chisholm, Kelsey 1:10.27 Spring Valley
Wells, Taylor 1:11.25 Lugoff Elgin
Hobson, Teryn 1:11.74 Lugoff Elgin
Parker, Rachael 1:12.12 Irmo
Samuel, Ja' Miah 1:12.22 Westwood
Demas, Anyla 1:12.57 Eau Claire
Samuels, Lacey 1:14.33 Richland Northeast
Sobel, Claire 1:15.12 Heathwood Hall
Washington, Ariana 1:15.31 Ridge View
Moss, Chloe 1:15.68 Cardinal Newman
Merriweather, Kierra 1:17.22 Spring Valley
Evans, Niya 1:17.84 Heathwood Hall
Dooley, Jada 1:17.96 Ridge View
Huggins, Ellis 1:18.59 Ben Lippen
Gantt, Lola 1:19.60 Irmo
Gibson, Pernise 1:19.90 Lower Richland
Byrnes, Maria 1:20.46 Cardinal Newman
Delaney, Trinity 1:21.27 AC Flora
Belin, Laniyha 1:21.32 Keenan
Jenkins, Tymina 1:22.29 Lower Richland
Coulter, Keyliah 1:24.85 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Proctor, Mia 1:30.99 Lancaster
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 48.65 Blythewood
Relay Team A 49.00 AC Flora
Relay Team A 49.76 Spring Valley
Relay Team A 50.24 Heathwood Hall
Relay Team A 50.46 Lakewood
Relay Team A 50.97 Ridge View
Relay Team A 51.31 Westwood
Relay Team A 51.72 Lugoff Elgin
Relay Team A 51.73 Eau Claire
Relay Team A 52.09 Dreher
Relay Team A 52.13 Keenan
Relay Team A 52.33 Richland Northeast
Relay Team A 52.76 Lower Richland
Relay Team A 52.92 Irmo
Relay Team A 52.94 Cardinal Newman
Relay Team A 53.21 Ben Lippen
Relay Team A 56.18 Sumter
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Camden
Relay Team A Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Relay Team A 3:50.91 Blythewood
Relay Team A 4:13.99 Spring Valley
Relay Team A 4:14.41 Westwood
Relay Team A 4:14.42 Eau Claire
Relay Team A 4:15.20 Irmo
Relay Team A 4:19.00 AC Flora
Relay Team A 4:19.68 Ridge View
Relay Team A 4:21.32 Cardinal Newman
Relay Team A 4:24.50 Sumter
Relay Team A 4:25.20 Ben Lippen
Relay Team A 4:25.91 Heathwood Hall
Relay Team A 4:29.82 Dreher
Relay Team A 4:29.99 Wilson Hall
Relay Team A 4:33.48 Lugoff Elgin
Relay Team A 4:37.22 Lower Richland
Relay Team A 4:39.25 Keenan
Relay Team A 4:53.46 Richland Northeast
Relay Team A 5:08.77 Lakewood
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Relay Team A 10:08.78 Blythewood
Relay Team A 10:23.85 AC Flora
Relay Team A 10:38.59 Heathwood Hall
Relay Team A 10:40.00 Ridge View
Relay Team A 10:58.49 Westwood
Relay Team A 11:03.02 Lugoff Elgin
Relay Team A 11:03.78 Ben Lippen
Relay Team A 11:17.32 Spring Valley
Relay Team A 11:31.70 Eau Claire
Relay Team A 12:12.04 Dreher
Relay Team A 12:24.13 Lower Richland
Relay Team A 12:44.96 Fairfield Central
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cassidy, Alexandra Camden
McFadden, Shareanna Lakewood
Ward, Jais 2:16.38 Ben Lippen
Timmons, Caroline 2:20.06 Cardinal Newman
Hogue, Mallorie 2:24.31 Blythewood
Iseman, Mary Frances 2:24.77 Heathwood Hall
Hoover, Kate 2:25.65 Ben Lippen
Jones, Molly 2:28.64 Wilson Hall
Smith, Lydia 2:28.69 Heathwood Hall
Shaver, Judith 2:30.00 AC Flora
McFadden, Kaitlyn 2:30.47 Blythewood
McEachern, Madison 2:31.78 Spring Valley
Dargan, Emory 2:33.00 AC Flora
Bethel, Jermyra 2:33.63 Eau Claire
Gustafson, Elizabeth 2:34.45 Lugoff Elgin
Mazique, Arielle 2:35 Ridge View
Mines, Zarya 2:35.82 Keenan
Smith, Miracle 2:36 Ridge View
Venn, Clare 2:37.68 Spring Valley
Warren, Jurnee 2:38.77 Fairfield Central
Frey, Gianna 2:42.77 Cardinal Newman
Hall, Sophie 2:44.20 Irmo
Foster, Makaila 2:45.9 Lower Richland
Gantt, Lola 2:46.24 Irmo
Langley, Rachel 2:46.40 Dreher
Sheorn, Sarah 2:49.56 Lugoff Elgin
Coleman, Amira 2:50.93 Westwood
Carter, Jamiya 2:54.15 Westwood
Tiller, Destinee 2:54.87 Eau Claire
McDuffie, Teairra 2:55.54 Fairfield Central
Green, Chanyse 2:56.7 Lower Richland
Goshorn, Destinee 3:00.84 Lancaster
Shrum, Lilee 3:01.77 Lancaster
Araya, Summer 3:07.15 Dreher
Mitchell, Te'Mya 3:09.43 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Colleton, Syniah 3:17.22 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Flowers, Camille 3:18.29 Lakewood
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HS Girls Discus Throw 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mcdonald Craft, Jazmine 121-0 AC Flora
Aristhil, Jenelda 111-2 Ridge View
Thomas, Leilani 110-10 Spring Valley
McKinney, Isabella 102-10 Lower Richland
Payne, Aubrey 99-3 Wilson Hall
Thompson, Bess 97-4 Ben Lippen
Thomas, Kaylee 95-6 Spring Valley
Craft, Nicole 90-3 Heathwood Hall
Asmond, Paris 89-11 Ridge View
White, Keira 89-4 Eau Claire
Hiller, Taelor 89-0 Lower Richland
Veguilla, Elizabeth 86-11 Blythewood
Bethel, Sytiria 85-6 Eau Claire
Jacobs, Alexis 84-4 Ben Lippen
Adelere, Adedoyin 83-6 Blythewood
Phillips, Raniya 77-2 Lakewood
DOLO, MASSA 74-7 Westwood
Way, Amberly 74-0 Wilson Hall
Armstrong, Alana 73-9.5 Irmo
Breland, Ava 72-9 Sumter
Roseborough, La'Naria 71-1 Lancaster
Pope, Cortnae 69-4 Westwood
Shaw, Iesha 66-4 Lakewood
Fernandez Lomana, Carlota 65-0 AC Flora
Nichols, Olivia 63-11 Lugoff Elgin
Stewart, Faith 62-8 Lancaster
Stone, Maliyah 53-10 Keenan
Davis, Allison 50-6 Heathwood Hall
Rabon, Malorie 47-8 Lugoff Elgin
Ezeihuaku, Rebecca 44-8.5 Cardinal Newman
Horn, Mya 42-8.5 Cardinal Newman
Thompson, La'Zariya Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Bradley, Malayshia Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Burson-Wells, Karin Irmo
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HS Girls High Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cunningham, Kamille 5-4 Spring Valley
Johnson, Raven 5-2 Westwood
Moyd, Ausha 5-0 Dreher
Belleastin, Rosalene 5-0 Spring Valley
Cook, Aubrielle 4-10 Camden
Wells, Simone 4-10 Sumter
Wilson, Janiya 4-10 Blythewood
Macklin, Amia 4-10 Camden
Allert, Erin 4-10 Cardinal Newman
Johnson, Laikyn 4-8 Lugoff Elgin
Hardee, Hannah 4-8 Blythewood
Valentine, Alahna 4-8 Ridge View
Bradley, Abby 4-8 Wilson Hall
Fern, Ce Ce 4-6 Heathwood Hall
Garner, Sa'Mya 4-6 Lugoff Elgin
Curry, Panajala 4-6 Lower Richland
Moore, Madison 4-6 Ben Lippen
Hardy, Sarah Anne 4-6 Ben Lippen
Bates, Torri 4-6 AC Flora
Cogswell, Olivia 4-6 Wilson Hall
Cogdell, Lillian 4-6 Lakewood
Shaw, Ashante 4-6 Lakewood
Woods, ZyRiah 4-4 Keenan
Wright - Thompson, Jaclyn 4-4 AC Flora
Foster, Makaila 4-4 Lower Richland
Morley, Freae 4-2 Richland Northeast
Broadus, Iyanna 4-2 Ridge View
Robertson, Georgia 4-0 Heathwood Hall
Edwards, Shakira 4-0 Eau Claire
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HS Girls Javelin Throw 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Payne, Aubrey 105-4 Wilson Hall
Way, Amberly 91-6 Wilson Hall
Woodard, Connie Anne 89-9 Ben Lippen
Bateman, Keaundrea 87-8 Blythewood
Sumter, Jhnai 86-8 Lower Richland
Veguilla, Elizabeth 81-0 Blythewood
Isaac, Chinya 77-9 Lower Richland
Williams, Kennedy 76-2 Dreher
Glover, Ineara 76-0.5 Dreher
Conradson, Madison 69-8 Spring Valley
Rabon, Malorie 69-3 Lugoff Elgin
Hardy, Mary Heyward 69-1 Ben Lippen
Tutt, Abbigail 68-10 Lugoff Elgin
Wiggs, Aalyssa 68-7 Spring Valley
Wilson, Ta'leesa 65-9 Sumter
Pope, Cortnae 65-7 Westwood
White, Keira 64-9 Eau Claire
Craft, Nicole 62-11 Heathwood Hall
Kittrell, Taylor 59-0 AC Flora
Bethel, Sytiria 58-10 Eau Claire
Davis, Allison 57-1 Heathwood Hall
Fernandez Lomana, Carlota 55-0 AC Flora
Armstrong, Alana 54-11 Irmo
Ray, Janiya 53-3 Lakewood
Forrest, Abigail 50-0 Westwood
Lawson, Jazlyn 44-4 Lakewood
Burson-Wells, Karin Irmo
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HS Girls Long Jump 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gaskin, Ticora 19-4 Westwood
David, Gabrielle 18-10.25 Heathwood Hall
Tobin, Nala 18-1.5 Ridge View
Harvey, Zion 17-6 Blythewood
Valentine, Alahna 16-10 Ridge View
Reese, Kamille 16-9.75 Spring Valley
Cunningham, Kamille 16-9.25 Spring Valley
Johnson, Jeannine 16-6.25 Richland Northeast
Rose, Leiyana 16-4 Camden
Brown, Madison 16-3 Lugoff Elgin
Wells, Simone 16-2 Sumter
Young, Jasmine 16-2 Blythewood
Pringle, Mackenzie 16-1.5 Richland Northeast
Jacobs, Ayanna 16-1 Dreher
Allert, Erin 16-1 Cardinal Newman
Livingston, Kadence 16-0.75 Irmo
Bonnett, Makayla 15-8 Sumter
McFadden, Kurticy 15-8 Eau Claire
Gordon, Kayla 15-7 AC Flora
Curry, Panajala 15-6 Lower Richland
Sonntag, Sarah 15-6 Wilson Hall
Shaw, Ja'Nayha 15-6 Lakewood
Lucas, Layla 15-5 Lugoff Elgin
Brown, Ja'Maya 15-5 Keenan
Bethel, Jermyra 15-4 Eau Claire
Connell, Aryanna 15-2 Camden
Waiters, Brianna 14-11.5 Lancaster
Weaver, Jayla 14-9 Irmo
Hayward, Aliayah 14-8.5 Lower Richland
Cutner, Dionesty 14-5 Cardinal Newman
Smith, Imani 14-3 Heathwood Hall
Campbell, Niya 14-0 AC Flora
Wauchope, Olivia 13-8 Keenan
Sinkler, Siera 13-8 Lakewood
Roberts, Taukerra 13-6 Westwood
Strain, Lily 13-4 Ben Lippen
Mickle, Brittney 12-6 Fairfield Central
Davis, Malaysia 12-4 Lancaster
Brown, Claire 11-5 Ben Lippen
Thompson, La'Zariya Orangeburg-Wilkinson
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HS Girls Pole Vault 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramsdale, Harper 10-0 Westwood
Irick, Allison 9-0 Sumter
Hutchins, Scarlett 8-0 Irmo
Tomlin, Serenity 8-0 Sumter
Cook, Hannah 8-0 Spring Valley
Barnes, Holland 7-6 Ben Lippen
Dissinger, Gabrielle 7-6 Spring Valley
Byrnes, Maria 7-6 Cardinal Newman
Phillips, Marissa 7-3 Ben Lippen
Alan, Anna 6-6 Heathwood Hall
Howard, Nadia 6-6 Heathwood Hall
Woods, Gabby 6-6 Eau Claire
Flake, Hannah 6-0 Lugoff Elgin
Hinton, Azariah 6-0 Lugoff Elgin
Spencer, Arica 6-0 Eau Claire
Ashley, Rebecca 6-0 Westwood
Myers, Ken'Niah Lakewood
Sinkler, Siera Lakewood
Patterson, Gabrielle Irmo
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HS Girls Shot Put 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aristhil, Jenelda 36-7 Ridge View
Jacobs, Alexis 35-1 Ben Lippen
Way, Amberly 34-5 Wilson Hall
Armstrong, Alana 34-2.5 Irmo
Thomas, Kaylee 33-5 Spring Valley
Mcdonald Craft, Jazmine 33-0 AC Flora
Wilson, Ta'leesa 32-2 Sumter
White, Keira 32-1 Eau Claire
McKinney, Isabella 31-10 Lower Richland
Bethel, Sytiria 31-7 Eau Claire
Stewart, Faith 31-7 Lancaster
Hiller, Taelor 31-3 Lower Richland
Thompson, Bess 30-10 Ben Lippen
Asmond, Paris 30-6 Ridge View
Shaw, Iesha 30-1.5 Lakewood
Curnell, Emory 30-0 AC Flora
Pinckney, Jalaya 29-7 Spring Valley
Nero, Ciara 28-10 Irmo
Adelere, Adedoyin 28-5 Blythewood
Simpkins, Jaslyn 28-3.5 Westwood
Payne, Aubrey 28-2 Wilson Hall
Breland, Ava 28-2 Sumter
Williams, Kennedy 27-6 Dreher
Craft, Nicole 27-0 Heathwood Hall
Hall, Mikka 26-7.5 Lancaster
Stone, Maliyah 26-0 Keenan
Darley, Danyale 25-8 Richland Northeast
Moyd, Ausha 25-7 Dreher
Fluker, Aniya 25-2 Blythewood
DOLO, MASSA 24-10 Westwood
Garner, Trinitie 23-9 Lugoff Elgin
Phillips, Raniya 22-10 Lakewood
Horn, Mya 22-9 Cardinal Newman
Ezeihuaku, Rebecca 22-5 Cardinal Newman
Best, Karmyn 22-4 Heathwood Hall
Thomas, Destiny 22-3 Richland Northeast
Jones, Denisha 22-1 Lugoff Elgin
Mickle, Natalie 22-0 Fairfield Central
Bradley, Malayshia Orangeburg-Wilkinson
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HS Girls Triple Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Berry, Aaliyah 39-1 Spring Valley
David, Gabrielle 37-7.5 Heathwood Hall
Haigler, Jenia 36-7.5 Orangeburg-Wilkinson
Allert, Erin 36-3 Cardinal Newman
Scott, Ashlynn 35-6.5 Blythewood
Brown, Madison 35-0 Lugoff Elgin
Rose, Leiyana 35-0 Camden
Young, Jasmine 34-9 Blythewood
Sonntag, Sarah 33-2 Wilson Hall
Hannibal, Laurin 33-0 Keenan
Moyd, Ausha 32-10 Dreher
Stripling, Remiah 32-6.5 Spring Valley
Glover, Ineara 32-6.5 Dreher
Curry, Panajala 32-0 Lower Richland
Williams, Danaijah 31-2 Eau Claire
Belin, Laniyha 31-0 Keenan
Garner, Trinitie 30-9 Lugoff Elgin
Bonnett, Makayla 30-4.5 Sumter
Inman, Hailey 30-4 Hammond School
Smith, Imani 30-3 Heathwood Hall
Benenhaley, Claire 29-11 Ben Lippen
Campbell, Niya 29-6 AC Flora
Broadus, Iyanna 29-0 Ridge View
Washington, Ariana 29-0 Ridge View
Rembert, HaiDyne 28-4 Lakewood
Gordon, Kayla 28-0 AC Flora
Sumter, Jhnai 27-7 Lower Richland
Davis, Malaysia 26-5 Lancaster
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