Bob Jenkins Coaches Classic Track and Field REGION 4 2024

Columbia, SC

Uploaded Entries

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boyd, Jayden 10.61 Fairfield Central
Grier, Tydarion 10.76 Fairfield Central
Gidron, Jordon 10.79 Ridge View
Fields, Christien 10.84 Ridge View
Mickles, Juelz 10.84 Lancaster
Brooks, Deangelo 10.91 Blythewood
Davis, Johnathan 10.92 Keenan
Brunson, Courtlyn 10.93 Trinity Collegiate
Little, Isaiah 11.04 Dreher
Best, Jordyn 11.11 Lower Richland
Smith, Will 11.14 Spring Valley
Montague, Elyjah 11.20 AC Flora
Pearson, Lamarion 11.22 Lower Richland
Copney, Taevian 11.30 Ben Lippen
Mack, Deangelo 11.34 Lakewood
Tejada, Jacob 11.35 AC Flora
Willingham, James 11.36 Richland Northeast
Grant, Jarkese 11.37 Lugoff Elgin
Boykin, Donte 11.44 Lakewood
Gillens, Fred 11.44 Cardinal Newman
Bentley, Christopher 11.46 Sumter
Wells, Camorrie 11.47 Sumter
Ngo, Alex 11.50 Hammond School
Howard, David 11.53 Blythewood
Shell, Alton 11.54 Spring Valley
Bell, Brandon 11.59 Irmo
Alexander, Bubba 11.60 Hammond School
Butler, Malachi 11.61 Columbia
Truesdale, Letarion 11.62 Lancaster
Cruz, Luka 11.62 Dreher
Moss, Sebastian 11.63 Cardinal Newman
Cooke, Kendale 11.68 Camden
Patterson, Pierre 11.70 Richland Northeast
Wilson, Jayden 11.70 Westwood
Hall, Demetre 11.76 Lugoff Elgin
Wesley, Javon 11.76 Camden
Singletary, Ethan 11.81 Irmo
Brooks, Anthony 11.84 C.A. Johnson
Bennett, Cameron 11.99 Westwood
Coleman, Mykail 11.99 Columbia
Pearson, Caleb 11.99 C.A. Johnson
DAlberto, Rhett 12.03 Ben Lippen
Jones, James 12.40 Northside Christian Academy
Goodwin, William 12.62 Heathwood Hall
Hughes, Julian 13.01 Heathwood Hall
Zheng, Eric 13.09 Trinity Collegiate
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Joe, Amir 14.32 Spring Valley
Goodwin, Trenton 14.92 Dreher
Reaves, Jemarious 14.99 Lower Richland
Bellinger, Jalen 15.49 Ridge View
Moody, Ethan 15.69 Richland Northeast
Johnson, Jaciyah 15.85 Ridge View
Johnson, Christian 15.89 Lugoff Elgin
Thigpen, Ivory 16.18 Westwood
Thomas Murphy, Elisha 16.52 Lugoff Elgin
Cunningham, Asante' 16.75 Lancaster
Banks, Christian 16.90 Westwood
Council, James 17.09 Sumter
Johnson, Jeremiah 17.59 Richland Northeast
Moorer, Jayden 17.67 AC Flora
Chisolm, Kj 17.84 Camden
Hayes, Jaden 18.09 Camden
James, Jayveon 18.17 Blythewood
Hendrix, Omari 18.46 Blythewood
Coney, Josiah 18.54 Heathwood Hall
Smith, Marlon 18.59 Fairfield Central
Bethea, Le'Andre 19.12 Lakewood
Mack, Rodney 20.10 AC Flora
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roth, Eli 4:22.50 Dreher
N'twa, Macaire 4:26.12 Ridge View
Shealy, Spencer 4:26.66 Blythewood
Powell, Jacob 4:30.95 Blythewood
White, Hank 4:33.46 Fairfield Central
Willams, Caleb 4:43.51 Ridge View
Black, Matthew 4:43.54 Heathwood Hall
Maul, Brandon 4:46.90 Spring Valley
McCrudden, Luke 4:47.72 Ben Lippen
Walker, Anderson 4:49.46 Spring Valley
Boesl, Logan 4:50.00 Dreher
Gallagher, Matthew 4:52.42 Lugoff Elgin
Brook, Dean 4:55.40 Heathwood Hall
Rabon, Ben 4:56.96 Wilson Hall
Ayres, Abel 4:57.29 Wilson Hall
Austin, Leif 5:01.95 Cardinal Newman
Dawson, Decha 5:02.13 Cardinal Newman
Drake, Andrew 5:02.57 Ben Lippen
Alexander, Jaden 5:03.40 Lancaster
Manzi, Trenton 5:06.06 Northside Christian Academy
Livingston, Nate 5:10.29 Thomas Sumter
Ingram, Christian 5:13.21 Sumter
Edwards, Willem 5:14.00 AC Flora
Spilker, Trenton 5:20.15 Thomas Sumter
Kelly, Stephen 5:20.91 Sumter
Norris, Coley 5:21.25 Trinity Collegiate
Burnell, Justin 5:21.58 Lower Richland
Applegate, Hayden 5:22.41 Irmo
Dennis, Blake 5:23.09 Lugoff Elgin
Patel, Krishi 5:24.82 Fairfield Central
Baker, Klay 5:26.26 Trinity Collegiate
Delage, Finn 5:27.16 Hammond School
Bullock, Sean 5:27.51 Westwood
Singleton, Bobby 5:30.82 Westwood
Fuge, Zachary 5:32.41 Irmo
Cummins, Cade 5:34.12 Northside Christian Academy
Bryant, Andrew 5:45.71 Lakewood
McGrievy, Quentin 6:39.71 AC Flora
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boyd, Jayden 21.26 Fairfield Central
Crumpton, Devan 21.66 Spring Valley
Brooks, Deangelo 22.04 Blythewood
Montague, Elyjah 22.07 AC Flora
Mickles, Juelz 22.08 Lancaster
Brown, Nino 22.09 Keenan
Gidron, Jordon 22.09 Ridge View
Fields, Christien 22.37 Ridge View
Grier, Tydarion 22.50 Fairfield Central
Little, Isaiah 22.69 Dreher
Davis, Johnathan 22.82 Keenan
Howard, David 22.86 Blythewood
Copney, Taevian 22.90 Ben Lippen
Tejada, Jacob 22.90 AC Flora
Pearson, Lamarion 22.95 Lower Richland
Jenkins, Dasean 22.99 Lugoff Elgin
Johnson, Jontaue 23.00 Columbia
Davis, Dana 23.14 Lower Richland
Grant, Jarkese 23.18 Lugoff Elgin
Bentley, Christopher 23.24 Sumter
Shell, Alton 23.25 Spring Valley
Alexander, Avery 23.31 Lancaster
Sweat, Charles 23.35 Sumter
Boykin, Donte 23.36 Lakewood
Frank, Nic 23.37 Cardinal Newman
Teasdell, Tyler 23.40 Dreher
Willingham, James 23.42 Richland Northeast
Mack, Deangelo 23.53 Lakewood
Hydorn, Thomas 23.56 Cardinal Newman
Bell, Brandon 23.59 Irmo
Singletary, Ethan 23.61 Irmo
Chaney, Quincy 23.74 Trinity Collegiate
Brown, Cordell 23.84 Richland Northeast
Smith, Kamron 23.91 Westwood
Golden, Matthew 24.15 Heathwood Hall
Alexander, Bubba 24.20 Hammond School
Wilson, Jayden 24.34 Westwood
Loney, Derrick 24.49 Camden
Wright, Treyvon 24.81 Camden
Pearson, Caleb 24.89 C.A. Johnson
Bush, Johnathan 25.00 Columbia
Gisewhite, Ben 25.09 Heathwood Hall
Davis, Dolan 25.30 Ben Lippen
Norton, Eric 25.58 Wilson Hall
Myers, Clayton 25.67 Northside Christian Academy
Brooks, Anthony 25.69 C.A. Johnson
Zheng, Eric 26.87 Trinity Collegiate
Spires, Luke 27.10 Northside Christian Academy
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Simmons, Cole 10:21.57 Cardinal Newman
Robinson, Liam 10:22.55 Ridge View
McCrudden, Luke 10:23.18 Ben Lippen
Taylor, Noah 10:31.48 Spring Valley
Green, Isaac 10:31.62 Dreher
Alexander, Jaden 10:32.70 Lancaster
Gallagher, Matthew 10:48.04 Lugoff Elgin
Figueroa, Rickson 10:51.67 Irmo
Humphries, Sam 11:08.32 Dreher
Livingston, Nate 11:09.72 Thomas Sumter
Edwards, Willem 11:16.07 AC Flora
Joseph, Isaiah 11:35.60 Cardinal Newman
Joye, Wyatt 11:37.18 Hammond School
Kelly, Stephen 11:48.64 Sumter
Ingram, Christian 11:56.40 Sumter
Fisher, Ty 12:03.41 Thomas Sumter
Bullock, Sean 12:14.22 Westwood
Hinson, Reid 12:31.59 Lugoff Elgin
Washington, Bryce 12:36.06 Westwood
Basta, Chase 12:36.82 Trinity Collegiate
Ray, Case 12:45.10 Northside Christian Academy
Rice, Michael 13:11.12 Hammond School
McGrievy, Quentin 14:29.23 AC Flora
Powell, Jacob 9:42.26 Blythewood
Shealy, Spencer 9:46.66 Blythewood
Hitchcock, Brendan 9:48.49 Spring Valley
Willcox, Jack 9:54.88 Heathwood Hall
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Norton, Eric 1:03.00h Wilson Hall
Rekers, Ethan 1:07.11 Northside Christian Academy
Woods, Dallas 1:14.01 Trinity Collegiate
Crumpton, Devan 47.57 Spring Valley
Young, Dominick 49.05 Westwood
Brown, Nino 49.29 Keenan
price, darrell 50.15 Ridge View
Golden, Matthew 50.21 Heathwood Hall
Spann, Mounir 50.33 Ridge View
Pouncie, Ashton 51.09 Blythewood
Cooke, Kendale 51.17 Camden
Wesley, Ernest 51.45 Lower Richland
Wright, William 51.53 Thomas Sumter
Jenkins, Dasean 51.54 Lugoff Elgin
Brown, Jamie 51.59 Fairfield Central
Hydorn, Thomas 51.65 Cardinal Newman
Johnson, Jontaue 52.00 Columbia
Frank, Nic 52.23 Cardinal Newman
Ford, Maxwell 52.25 Camden
Grant, Jaylan 52.39 Blythewood
Chaney, Quincy 52.68 Trinity Collegiate
Bookert, David 52.93 Spring Valley
Smith, Dominic 52.99 AC Flora
Smith, Kaleb 53.10 AC Flora
Brown, Cordell 53.12 Richland Northeast
Koumas, Quinn 53.23 Lugoff Elgin
Dais, Quinton 53.25 Lakewood
Gisewhite, Ben 53.38 Heathwood Hall
Johnson, Corey 53.42 Sumter
Cannon, Alexander 54.00 Columbia
Clark, Demari 54.03 Westwood
Roach, Kenyon 54.12 Dreher
Alexander, Avery 54.33 Lancaster
Douglas, Kenyan 54.83 Fairfield Central
Jones, Anthony 54.93 Sumter
Williams, Aidan 55.20 Irmo
Crawford, Lakieh 55.35 Lancaster
Chestnut , Khaled 55.89 C.A. Johnson
Olatosi, Oluranti 55.90 Hammond School
Putnam, John Mark 56.30 Ben Lippen
Cooper , Kenyon 56.47 Lakewood
Turner, Jerrell 56.49 Richland Northeast
Gilmore, Cameron 56.82 Dreher
Roberts, Noah 57.75 C.A. Johnson
KOLP, Justin 59.14 Ben Lippen
Gilliord, Nevonia 59.80 Northside Christian Academy
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HS Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moody, Ethan Richland Northeast
Johnson, Jaciyah 1:00.10 Ridge View
Hendrix, Omari 1:00.47 Blythewood
Johnson, Jeremiah 1:02.21 Richland Northeast
Ngo, Alex 1:02.28 Hammond School
Scott, DeAndre 1:02.31 Sumter
Swick, Joey 1:02.61 Spring Valley
Council, James 1:03.11 Sumter
DAlberto, Rhett 1:04.30 Ben Lippen
Fennoy, Sean 1:05.25 Dreher
Smith, Marlon 1:05.91 Fairfield Central
Bushiri, Zaki 1:05.94 Blythewood
Burnette, Tucker 1:06.40 Wilson Hall
Curtis, Braedon 1:06.63 Wilson Hall
Loney, Derrick 1:06.81 Camden
Mack, Rodney 1:07.00 AC Flora
Gibson, William 1:07.02 Lugoff Elgin
Johnson, Christian 1:07.17 Lugoff Elgin
Essig, Peter 1:07.93 Ben Lippen
Hayes, Jaden 1:07.95 Camden
Brooks, Aspen 1:08.54 Hammond School
Armstrong, Dovonte 1:09.03 Westwood
Bethea, Le'Andre 1:09.59 Lakewood
Moorer, Jayden 1:10.00 AC Flora
Cunningham, Asante' 1:12.05 Lancaster
Spires, Luke 1:12.89 Northside Christian Academy
Coney, Josiah 1:14.21 Heathwood Hall
Reaves, Jemarious 56.00 Lower Richland
Grant, Quency 56.89 Ridge View
Joe, Amir 57.51 Spring Valley
Banks, Christian 58.64 Westwood
Croxton, Riley 59.01 Dreher
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 42.12 Ridge View
Relay Team A 42.71 Blythewood
Relay Team A 42.87 Fairfield Central
Relay Team A 43.28 Lower Richland
Relay Team A 43.50 Lugoff Elgin
Relay Team A 43.52 Spring Valley
Relay Team A 43.53 Westwood
Relay Team A 43.68 Keenan
Relay Team A 44.03 Sumter
Relay Team A 44.05 Dreher
Relay Team A 44.20 AC Flora
Relay Team A 44.67 Irmo
Relay Team A 44.84 Richland Northeast
Relay Team A 44.89 Lancaster
Relay Team A 44.90 Columbia
Relay Team A 45.07 Lakewood
Relay Team A 46.40 Ben Lippen
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Northside Christian Academy
Relay Team A 3:23.91 Ridge View
Relay Team A 3:26.11 Spring Valley
Relay Team A 3:26.23 Westwood
Relay Team A 3:29.61 Blythewood
Relay Team A 3:30.14 Camden
Relay Team A 3:32.91 Lugoff Elgin
Relay Team A 3:36.00 AC Flora
Relay Team A 3:37.15 Dreher
Relay Team A 3:38.65 Sumter
Relay Team A 3:40.00h Columbia
Relay Team A 3:41.42 Lancaster
Relay Team A 3:41.43 Lakewood
Relay Team A 3:46.59 Richland Northeast
Relay Team A 3:49.00h Ben Lippen
Relay Team A 3:49.73 C.A. Johnson
Relay Team A 3:50.00 Cardinal Newman
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Ben Lippen
Relay Team A 8:19.94 Spring Valley
Relay Team A 8:20.47 Blythewood
Relay Team A 8:35.75 Dreher
Relay Team A 9:07.10 Richland Northeast
Relay Team A 9:07.24 Lakewood
Relay Team A 9:10.50 Northside Christian Academy
Relay Team A 9:20.08 Lugoff Elgin
Relay Team A 9:20.74 Cardinal Newman
Relay Team A 9:27.42 Sumter
Relay Team A 9:31.93 Westwood
Relay Team A 9:56.71 Irmo
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roth, Eli 1:55.49 Dreher
N'twa, Macaire 1:56.39 Ridge View
Inmon, Jackson 1:59.24 Spring Valley
White, Hank 2:00.25 Fairfield Central
Manning, Graysen 2:00.33 Blythewood
Dodson, Griffin 2:01.21 Dreher
Koumas, Quinn 2:04.85 Lugoff Elgin
Smith, Kaleb 2:05.00 AC Flora
Famuyide, Adelolapo 2:05.92 Richland Northeast
Marshall, Jake 2:06.63 Thomas Sumter
Cammon, Derek 2:06.88 Fairfield Central
Rios, Jonathan 2:06.97 Ben Lippen
Brook, Dean 2:08.00h Heathwood Hall
Smith, Joshua 2:08.17 Lakewood
Black, Matthew 2:08.56 Heathwood Hall
Bowden, Jarvis 2:08.63 Lancaster
Willams, Caleb 2:08.84 Ridge View
Kinard, Davis 2:09.62 Camden
Rabon, Ben 2:09.66 Wilson Hall
Davis, Joshua 2:10.00 AC Flora
Horman, William 2:11.00 Spring Valley
O'Berry, Christopher 2:11.65 Blythewood
Verrett, Titan 2:11.81 Westwood
Dawson, Decha 2:14.42 Cardinal Newman
Redfearn, Noah 2:14.96 Camden
Drake, Andrew 2:15.90 Ben Lippen
Dansby, Arnez 2:17.28 Sumter
Patel, Aarav 2:18.50 Keenan
Brooks, Timothy 2:18.67 Richland Northeast
Spilker, Trenton 2:19.56 Thomas Sumter
Gratz, Jack 2:20.01 Wilson Hall
Martin, Hayes 2:20.60 Hammond School
Ferron, Elijah 2:21.09 C.A. Johnson
Austin, Leif 2:21.86 Cardinal Newman
Johnson, Jaden 2:22.39 Sumter
Davis, Thomas 2:23.15 Lakewood
Lee, Terrell 2:23.25 Keenan
Figueroa, Rickson 2:24.19 Irmo
Backman, Tyler 2:24.23 Lugoff Elgin
Watts, Quentin 2:26.18 Lancaster
Jones, Anthony 2:26.69 Irmo
Glenn, Cole 2:36.64 Hammond School
Peel, Sam 2:36.77 Trinity Collegiate
Poston, Trace 2:39.55 Northside Christian Academy
Johnson, Jaydon 2:43.31 Westwood
Gibbs, Ryder 2:43.54 Trinity Collegiate
Johnson, Connor 2:44.44 Northside Christian Academy
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HS Boys Discus Throw 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stokes, John 40.34m Hammond School
Williams, Elijah 26.05m Irmo
Hairens, Vernen 39.12m Irmo
Ramos, Jaiden 44.65m Lower Richland
Rhoden, Christian 36.99m Westwood
Canty, Jayvyn 34.66m Westwood
Peel, Sam 18.77m Trinity Collegiate
Corry, Oliver 15.62m Trinity Collegiate
Jeffcoat, Charles 49.00m Dreher
Broadnax, Jashaun 34.89m Dreher
Wright, Santana 44.22m Blythewood
Knight, Harrison 44.18m Blythewood
Brooks Jr, Angel 43.69m Ridge View
Campbell, Josh 40.63m Ridge View
Geddings, Cooper 39.65m Sumter
Anderson-Keith, Kedatriss 34.41m Sumter
Masincupp, Jackson 37.47m Ben Lippen
Huff, Austin 39.71m Ben Lippen
Amos, Joel 36.88m Spring Valley
McGriff, Robert 33.76m Spring Valley
Jackson, Edgar 31.93m Heathwood Hall
McKay, Mitchell 31.80m Heathwood Hall
Johnson, Richard 39.96m Lakewood
Ferguson, Messiah 23.32m Richland Northeast
Robinson, Tyler 19.79m Richland Northeast
Faiivae, Nelson 30.68m Cardinal Newman
Salas, Dave 29.97m Northside Christian Academy
Newsome, Mekhi AC Flora
Kennedy, Cameren 22.61m AC Flora
Myers, Aaron 22.30m Columbia
Brown, Antione 18.80m Columbia
Miles, Peyton 41.93m Lancaster
Boulware, Christian 40.49m Lancaster
Lucas, Noah 40.35m Lower Richland
Butler, Da'Kori 27.42m Lakewood
Outten, Khadophie 44.48m Lugoff Elgin
Hunt, Gabriel 31.34m Lugoff Elgin
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HS Boys High Jump 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Justin Lugoff Elgin
Long, Kaleb Lugoff Elgin
Brown, Zion 1.85m Westwood
Bell, Tavaris 1.80m Westwood
Alexander, Caleb 1.80m Irmo
Hepler, Mitchell 1.73m Blythewood
Kennedy, Jacob 1.70m Blythewood
Means, Brycen 1.91m Ridge View
White, Elijah Ridge View
Humphries, Hugh 1.93m Wilson Hall
Rogers, Victor 1.73m Ben Lippen
Cooper, Caleb 1.93m Spring Valley
Williams, Jameer 1.88m Spring Valley
Coney, Josiah 1.70m Heathwood Hall
Hughes, Julian 1.47m Heathwood Hall
Golden, Kristian 1.83m Fairfield Central
Ard, Emmanuel 1.80m Richland Northeast
Jean-Philippe, Enosh 1.75m Richland Northeast
Macklin, Tyrin 1.83m Camden
Oakes, Rj 1.68m Cardinal Newman
Sims, Tristan 1.52m Cardinal Newman
Ray, Case Northside Christian Academy
Tejada, Jasiah 1.78m AC Flora
Smith, Dominic 1.68m AC Flora
George, Lamareon 1.78m Columbia
Cunningham, Asante' Lancaster
Goodwin, Trenton 1.68m Dreher
Cooper , Kenyon 1.67m Lakewood
Green, Justin Lakewood
Robinson, Rashard 1.93m Keenan
Taylor, Shawn 1.70m Keenan
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HS Boys Javelin Throw 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bryant, Jaiden 34.52m Irmo
Hill, Jevonte 30.17m Irmo
Brown, Zaquon 38.71m Lower Richland
Ramos, Jaiden 30.78m Lower Richland
McNeil, Zahcario 33.73m Westwood
Jones, Darryl 33.30m Westwood
McDonald, Andrew 29.01m Trinity Collegiate
Baker, Klay 26.21m Trinity Collegiate
Davis, Tyler 38.23m Blythewood
Knight, Harrison 35.74m Blythewood
Brooks Jr, Angel 40.44m Ridge View
Johnson, Jason 35.82m Ridge View
Butters, George 31.39m Sumter
Lowery, Jordan 38.63m Sumter
Jeffcoat, Charles 39.22m Dreher
Essig, Jed 41.72m Ben Lippen
Huff, Austin 40.97m Ben Lippen
Amos, Joel 43.21m Spring Valley
Sexton, Liam 39.88m Spring Valley
Willcox, Charles 36.46m Heathwood Hall
Bradley, Davidson 29.03m Heathwood Hall
Nunez, Tristian 26.86m Richland Northeast
Robinson, Tyler 26.84m Richland Northeast
Jackson, Taylor 38.13m Cardinal Newman
Reagan, Harrison 30.48m Cardinal Newman
Smith, Jeremiah 24.09m AC Flora
Workman, Camauri 33.57m Lakewood
Wilson, Dwayne 28.76m Lakewood
Baker, Tony 30.57m Dreher
Thomas, Jaden "Jimmy" 39.57m Lugoff Elgin
Masslieno, Jaquarius 35.21m Lugoff Elgin
Newsome, Mekhi AC Flora
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HS Boys Long Jump 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blocker, Matthew 5.92m Irmo
Davis, Dana 6.25m Lower Richland
Alston, Booker 5.94m Lower Richland
Brunson, Courtlyn 6.70m Trinity Collegiate
McDonald, Andrew 5.12m Trinity Collegiate
Goodwin, Trenton 6.71m Dreher
Cruz, Luka 6.22m Dreher
Hepler, Mitchell 5.87m Blythewood
Means, Brycen 6.73m Ridge View
Mack, Jourdin 5.87m Ridge View
Laney, Judah-Ari 5.66m Lugoff Elgin
Masslieno, Ray'Mond 5.01m Lugoff Elgin
Coleman, Rashaan 6.20m Sumter
Wilson II, Brian 6.07m Sumter
Essig, Jed 6.10m Ben Lippen
Bostic, Jaylen 6.46m Spring Valley
Joe, Amir 6.44m Spring Valley
Simmons, Chase 6.43m Westwood
Macklin, Tyrin 6.24m Camden
Golden, Kristian 6.50m Fairfield Central
Hughes, Julian 5.36m Heathwood Hall
Gisewhite, Ben 6.31m Heathwood Hall
Johnson, Jeremiah 6.55m Richland Northeast
JEANPHILIPPE, Enosh J 5.83m Richland Northeast
Gillens, Fred 6.55m Cardinal Newman
Frank, Nic 6.38m Cardinal Newman
Gilliord, Nevonia 4.61m Northside Christian Academy
Ray, Case 3.33m Northside Christian Academy
Croffie, Joshua 6.21m AC Flora
Montague, Elyjah 5.89m AC Flora
George, Lamareon 5.88m Columbia
Young, Christopher 5.18m Columbia
Rhoney, Malon 4.95m Lancaster
Alexander, Brenden 4.95m Lancaster
Taylor, Ako 5.90m Westwood
James, Jayveon 5.87m Blythewood
Green, Jayden 5.77m Lakewood
Henry, Keondre 5.59m Lakewood
Guess, Jayden 4.85m C.A. Johnson
James, Antario 6.02m Fairfield Central
McNeil, Tyheim 6.10m Keenan
Davis, Johnathan 5.69m Keenan
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HS Boys Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Price, Torin 3.19m Lugoff Elgin
Hamilton, Myles 3.51m Lugoff Elgin
Evans, Vaughn 3.05m Hammond School
Walker, Michael 3.50m Sumter
Britt, Cameron 3.35m Sumter
Traynum, Hudson 2.29m Ben Lippen
Essig, Jed 3.20m Ben Lippen
Swick, Joey 4.27m Spring Valley
Ferrario, Matthew 4.19m Heathwood Hall
Whitson, Zach 4.34m South Aiken
Hagstette, Davis 2.74m Heathwood Hall
Newsome, Mekhi 2.13m AC Flora
Williams, Felipe 2.59m AC Flora
Bethea, Le'Andre 2.90m Lakewood
Jenkins, Micah 2.74m Lakewood
Clutts, Sam 3.65m Spring Valley
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HS Boys Shot Put 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stokes, John 13.54m Hammond School
Hairens, Vernen 13.88m Irmo
Allen-Hendrix, Jaden 13.19m Irmo
Lucas, Noah 15.67m Lower Richland
Brown, Zaquon 12.73m Lower Richland
Rhoden, Christian 12.37m Westwood
Canty, Jayvyn 11.70m Westwood
Corry, Oliver 5.65m Trinity Collegiate
Jeffcoat, Charles 15.19m Dreher
Broadnax, Jashaun 13.21m Dreher
Horne, Dylan 13.99m Blythewood
Little, Kemuel 13.28m Blythewood
Wright, Khalil 13.90m Ridge View
Brown, Ta'veon 13.82m Sumter
Anderson-Keith, Kedatriss 13.46m Sumter
Copney, Taevian 12.74m Ben Lippen
Huff, Austin 11.96m Ben Lippen
Reid, Shymiek 11.47m Spring Valley
Gidney, Donald 11.26m Spring Valley
White, Grayson 13.61m Camden
Jackson, Edgar 12.50m Heathwood Hall
McKay, Mitchell 12.62m Heathwood Hall
Moser, Markquelle 13.36m Richland Northeast
Pickett, Rashard 10.83m Richland Northeast
Jackson, Trey 10.83m Cardinal Newman
Faiivae, Nelson 10.74m Cardinal Newman
Salas, Dave 10.74m Northside Christian Academy
Black, Michael 9.73m Northside Christian Academy
Newsome, Mekhi 9.74m AC Flora
Kennedy, Cameren 9.60m AC Flora
Brown, Antione 11.81m Columbia
Myers, Aaron 10.08m Columbia
Boulware, Christian 12.04m Lancaster
Gist, Tristan 10.66m Lancaster
Johnson, Richard 12.35m Lakewood
Butler, Da'Kori 10.97m Lakewood
O'Neal, Victor 12.17m Keenan
Weldon, Tymorius 10.83m Fairfield Central
Hammond, Kelan 11.10m Lugoff Elgin
Lucas, Brian 10.76m Lugoff Elgin
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HS Boys Triple Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Simmons, Chase 13.82m Westwood
Blocker, Matthew 12.55m Irmo
Middleton, Daquan 11.45m Lower Richland
Kirkland, Eric 11.28m Lower Richland
Baker, Klay Trinity Collegiate
McDonald, Andrew Trinity Collegiate
Goodwin, Trenton 12.97m Dreher
Byrd, Rashawn 12.50m Ridge View
Staley, Davin 12.24m Ridge View
Humphries, Hugh 12.56m Wilson Hall
Hamilton, Myles 12.51m Lugoff Elgin
Smith, Gerold 12.31m Lugoff Elgin
Mack, Tyler 11.76m Dreher
Essig, Jed 12.24m Ben Lippen
Bostic, Jaylen 14.42m Spring Valley
Nelson, Josh 13.22m Spring Valley
Thigpen, Ivory 12.40m Westwood
James, Antario 12.85m Fairfield Central
Jackson, Christopher 11.89m Fairfield Central
Dais, Quinton 12.56m Lakewood
Gillens, Fred 14.12m Cardinal Newman
Hepler, Mitchell 11.50m Blythewood
Burrell, Jayden 11.50m Blythewood
llunga, Joseph AC Flora
Smith, Dominic 11.30m AC Flora
McPhearson, Elijah 8.78m Lancaster
Rhoney, Malon 8.78m Lancaster
Robinson, Rashard 12.19m Keenan
Taylor, Shawn 11.60m Keenan
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aiken, Bayli 11.63 Hammond School
Holmes, Sharmelle 11.70 Fairfield Central
Martin-Maybin, Ja'keyia 12.13 Westwood
Harvey, Zion 12.15 Blythewood
Ray, Janiya 12.33 Lakewood
Hammond, Mia 12.43 Columbia
Goodman, KaMara 12.44 Newberry
Horn, Destiny 12.55 Ridge View
Hobson, Teryn 12.57 Lugoff Elgin
Aarons, Ayanna 12.65 Westwood
Walker, Mya 12.65 Hammond School
Rose, Leiyana 12.69 Camden
Terry-London, Essence 12.79 Fairfield Central
Brown, Ka'Mora 12.79 Lancaster
English, Malayia 12.80 Thomas Sumter
Tilley, Mikay’lah 12.81 Dreher
Hannibal, Laurin 12.87 Keenan
Greaves, Jayalove 12.90 Ridge View
Trapp, Jasmine 12.90 Heathwood Hall
Byrd, Alexis 12.91 Spring Valley
Mitchell, Allyson 12.92 Lower Richland
Glover, Ineara 12.94 Dreher
Benson, Brittany 12.98 Blythewood
Binns, Daryn 12.99 Heathwood Hall
Brandon, Zamiah 13.03 Lakewood
Benenhaley, Claire 13.11 Ben Lippen
Traynum, Kaitlyn 13.15 Ben Lippen
Jackson, Amere 13.21 Spring Valley
Jefferson, Arion 13.31 Camden
Lucas, Layla 13.33 Lugoff Elgin
Carr, Kiana 13.36 Lower Richland
Ezeihuaku, Hannah 13.41 Cardinal Newman
Walkes, Asia 13.41 Richland Northeast
Sanders, Ronia 13.44 Thomas Sumter
Black, MiAngel 13.44 C.A. Johnson
Hopkins, Tamiah 13.50 AC Flora
House-Barr, Aniyah 13.56 Keenan
Thompson, MaLeia 13.65 Lancaster
Wilson, Destiny 13.65 AC Flora
Jones, Chloe 13.67 Northside Christian Academy
Johnson, Madison 13.69 Sumter
Morley, Fraea 13.72 Richland Northeast
Covington, Diamond 13.76 Sumter
Waites, Daeshana 13.99 Columbia
Spann, Zariyah 14.04 Trinity Collegiate
Evans, Harmony 14.28 Irmo
Chaney, Bri 14.45 Trinity Collegiate
McCarty, Zeyonna 14.90 Northside Christian Academy
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rhone, Aminah 14.81 Blythewood
Lisbon, Patience 15.25 Blythewood
Wells, Taylor 15.75 Lugoff Elgin
Evans, Niya 16.10 Hammond School
Berry, Sidra 16.31 Ridge View
Gordon, Kayla 16.60 AC Flora
Dingle, Jumori 16.84 Dreher
Lyles, Toni 16.95 Camden
Cook, Aubrielle 17.05 Camden
Sobel, Claire 17.35 Heathwood Hall
Samuel, Ja' Miah 17.58 Westwood
Moss, Chloe 17.79 Cardinal Newman
Davis, Allison 18.26 Heathwood Hall
Johnson, Laikyn 18.36 Lugoff Elgin
Huggins, Ellis 18.46 Ben Lippen
Baumgartner, Kay 18.50 Ben Lippen
Gibson, Pernise 18.54 Lower Richland
Neal, Deshae'la 18.76 Ridge View
Anderson, Shania 19.32 Lower Richland
Green, Malaika 19.33 Westwood
Proctor, Mia 20.27 Lancaster
Walls, Zatyra 21.27 Lancaster
Ellington, Mary Chellis 22.85 Trinity Collegiate
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spence, Jerniah Richland Northeast
Ward, Jais 4:59.82 Ben Lippen
Gomez, Madelyn 5:06.01 Heathwood Hall
Iseman, Mary Frances 5:08.09 Heathwood Hall
Ashley, Emma 5:20.14 Westwood
Coker, Kate 5:23.79 Trinity Collegiate
Timmons, Caroline 5:29.22 Cardinal Newman
Mines, Zarya 5:39.25 Keenan
Dargan, Emory 5:49.00 AC Flora
Murray, Kendall 5:52.00h Northside Christian Academy
Venn, Clare 5:53.04 Spring Valley
Vipperman, Emily 5:53.17 Sumter
Tyndall, Christina 5:53.97 Westwood
Smith, Molly 5:56.76 Sumter
Fisher, Abbie 5:57.85 Thomas Sumter
Dubas, Macy 6:00.44 Dreher
Pratt, Jael 6:03.79 Ridge View
Livingston, Jenna 6:05.85 Dreher
Spilker, Skylar 6:10.43 Thomas Sumter
Cameron, Lauryn 6:11.89 Ridge View
Cook, Hannah 6:13.80 Spring Valley
Applegate, Alia 6:21.71 Irmo
O'Bradovich, Hope 6:23.53 Camden
Prete, Sarah 6:26.57 Lancaster
Hewett, Ava 6:28.52 Lugoff Elgin
Carey, Ava 6:31.01 Irmo
Eaddy, Grier 6:34.76 Hammond School
Warren, Judeah 6:36.83 Blythewood
Menendez, Adriana 6:36.95 Lugoff Elgin
Von Plinsky, Kyleigh 6:50.77 Blythewood
Basta, Giada 6:51.17 Trinity Collegiate
McGrievy, Sabine 7:36.26 AC Flora
Londo, Kiara 7:39.56 Lakewood
Robinson, Aubrey 7:51.87 Lakewood
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Evans, Harmony Irmo
Holmes, Sharmelle 24.07 Fairfield Central
Aiken, Bayli 24.47 Hammond School
Staley, Dania 25.02 Ridge View
Harvey, Zion 25.04 Blythewood
Hammond, Mia 25.56 Columbia
Goodman, KaMara 25.64 Newberry
Moore, Ayrianna 25.78 Westwood
Lisbon, Patience 25.98 Blythewood
Aarons, Ayanna 26.1 Westwood
Gordon, Kayla 26.10 AC Flora
Hobson, Teryn 26.19 Lugoff Elgin
Hemby, Sydnei 26.23 Spring Valley
Horn, Destiny 26.35 Ridge View
Jefferson, Arion 26.44h Camden
Ray, Janiya 26.60 Lakewood
Praylow, Destiny 26.62 Richland Northeast
Story, Rheanna 26.73 Spring Valley
Tilley, Mikay’lah 26.77 Dreher
Terry-London, Essence 26.83 Fairfield Central
Walker, Mya 26.93 Hammond School
Hannibal, Laurin 26.93 Keenan
Lindsay, Leah 26.97 Irmo
Hopkins, Tamiah 27.10 AC Flora
Brown, Ka'Mora 27.17 Lancaster
Williams, Trinity 27.43 Lugoff Elgin
Brandon, Zamiah 27.67 Lakewood
Trapp, Jasmine 27.71 Heathwood Hall
Benenhaley, Claire 27.80 Ben Lippen
Mitchell, Allyson 27.81 Lower Richland
Samuels, Lacey 27.83 Richland Northeast
English, Malayia 27.97 Thomas Sumter
Schmieg, Josie 27.97 Cardinal Newman
Johnson, Madison 28.13 Sumter
Traynum, Kaitlyn 28.20h Ben Lippen
Coleman, Acajhaa 28.24 Lancaster
Black, MiAngel 28.50 C.A. Johnson
House-Barr, Aniyah 28.50 Keenan
Witherspoon, Brooklyn 28.50h Dreher
Backmon, Amari 28.56 Lower Richland
Ezeihuaku, Hannah 28.92 Cardinal Newman
Donhauser, Bayleigh 28.95 Thomas Sumter
Lowery, Trinity 29.09 Sumter
Goffi, Eliana 29.18 Heathwood Hall
Spann, Zariyah 29.50 Trinity Collegiate
McCarty, Zeyonna 31.40 Northside Christian Academy
Corry, Grant 32.62 Trinity Collegiate
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McGrievy, Sabine AC Flora
Gomez, Madelyn 10:55.05 Heathwood Hall
Kelly, Anna 11:32.06 Blythewood
Martin, Annabel 11:35.40 Heathwood Hall
Joye, Megan 12:22.53 Hammond School
Smith, Molly 12:26.14 Sumter
Crosland, Emme 12:48.60 Hammond School
Pratt, Jael 12:49.01 Ridge View
Fisher, Abbie 13:15.20 Thomas Sumter
Green, Vivian 13:21.89 Dreher
Basta, Giada 13:28.95 Trinity Collegiate
Vipperman, Emily 13:29.65 Sumter
Cameron, Lauryn 13:33.74 Ridge View
McLain, Ella 13:51.06 Dreher
Forrest, Abigail 13:54.00 Westwood
Prete, Sarah 13:59.12 Lancaster
Lawhon, Alexandra 13:59.40 Ben Lippen
Ratcliff, Tristyn 14:13.38 Blythewood
Nicks, Lily 14:37.25 Lugoff Elgin
Goff, Caroline 14:58.85 Ben Lippen
Butler, Ryn 15:23.77 Lugoff Elgin
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Katriel 1:01.16 Fairfield Central
Burton, Chaniya 1:01.30 Irmo
Greene, Ihliviah 1:01.82 Camden
Jones, Molly 1:01.84 Wilson Hall
Schmieg, Josie 1:02.07 Cardinal Newman
Story, Rheanna 1:02.16 Spring Valley
Burnside, Hannah 1:02.28 Thomas Sumter
Greene, Nahlivia 1:02.93 Camden
Wood, Reston 1:03.06 Heathwood Hall
Bailey, Diamond 1:03.25 Dreher
Spencer, Akia 1:03.33 Columbia
Ascari, Ines 1:04.20 Lower Richland
Ward, Ramah 1:04.25 Lower Richland
Jackson, Danabella 1:04.57 Sumter
Cosby, Janiyah 1:04.77 Richland Northeast
Parker, Rachael 1:04.90 Irmo
Bookhart, Carmine 1:04.96 Sumter
Balfour, Lilly 1:05.09 Hammond School
Wells, Logan 1:05.16 Heathwood Hall
Brown, Ka'Mora 1:05.57 Lancaster
Woods, ZyRiah 1:05.64 Keenan
Houssou, Alicia 1:05.67 Dreher
Hammond, Mia 1:05.73 Columbia
Wilson, Tyve 1:06.90 AC Flora
Chambers, Lamaiyah 1:07.02 Richland Northeast
Bates, Torri 1:07.56 AC Flora
Newton, Dannin 1:07.63 Lugoff Elgin
Manuel, Kennedy 1:07.77 Lugoff Elgin
Robinson, Tierra 1:08.86 C.A. Johnson
Gopp, Abigail 1:09.00h Ben Lippen
Cisse, Makayla 1:09.47 Lakewood
Saunders, Camille 1:09.55 Keenan
Lopiccolo, Mary Jane 1:12.08 Trinity Collegiate
Myers, Ken'Niah 1:12.68 Lakewood
McNellage, Symone 1:14.31 C.A. Johnson
Brown, Mason 1:14.36 Ben Lippen
Freeman, Haley 1:14.39 Northside Christian Academy
Vance, Zion 1:26.37 Lancaster
Hightower, Peyton 54.12 Blythewood
Taylor, Olivia 56.85 Blythewood
Staley, Dania 57.96 Ridge View
Goodman, KaMara 58.57 Newberry
Moore, Ayrianna 59.23 Westwood
Timmons, Caroline 59.54 Cardinal Newman
Hemby, Sydnei 59.72 Spring Valley
Valentine, Alahna 59.75 Ridge View
Davis, Thanna 59.89 Westwood
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HS Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stevens, Amari Lancaster
Rhone, Aminah 1:04.29 Blythewood
Cassidy, Caroline 1:04.48 Camden
Lisbon, Patience 1:06.20 Blythewood
Chisholm, Kelsey 1:07.76 Spring Valley
Williams, Brianne 1:10.02 Lugoff Elgin
Samuel, Ja' Miah 1:10.64 Westwood
Huggins, Ellis 1:11.48 Ben Lippen
Samuels, Lacey 1:11.58 Richland Northeast
Burnside, Hannah 1:11.69 Thomas Sumter
Moss, Chloe 1:12.05 Cardinal Newman
Smith, Miracle 1:12.64 Ridge View
Eure, Lauren 1:12.91 Ridge View
Ruskell, Mary 1:14.01 Heathwood Hall
Sobel, Claire 1:14.06 Heathwood Hall
Croxton, Ada 1:14.32 Dreher
Gibson, Pernise 1:14.72 Lower Richland
Belin, Laniyha 1:16.11 Keenan
Manuel, Erin 1:19.23 Lugoff Elgin
Best, Mahauni 1:20.32 Lower Richland
Green, Malaika 1:28.27 Westwood
Proctor, Mia 1:29.15 Lancaster
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 47.85 Blythewood
Relay Team A 48.25 Ridge View
Relay Team A 49.60 Spring Valley
Relay Team A 49.78 Westwood
Relay Team A 50.68 Lugoff Elgin
Relay Team A 50.79 AC Flora
Relay Team A 50.80 Lakewood
Relay Team A 51.66 Dreher
Relay Team A 51.86 Sumter
Relay Team A 52.05 Keenan
Relay Team A 52.10 Heathwood Hall
Relay Team A 52.16 Lower Richland
Relay Team A 52.19 Cardinal Newman
Relay Team A 52.51 Thomas Sumter
Relay Team A 52.78 Richland Northeast
Relay Team A 53.76 Lancaster
Relay Team A 54.06 Irmo
Relay Team A 55.60 Ben Lippen
Relay Team A 58.81 Northside Christian Academy
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Northside Christian Academy
Relay Team A Keenan
Relay Team A 4:01.19 Blythewood
Relay Team A 4:08.05 Spring Valley
Relay Team A 4:12.89 Ridge View
Relay Team A 4:20.00h Richland Northeast
Relay Team A 4:20.70 Heathwood Hall
Relay Team A 4:25.96 Camden
Relay Team A 4:26.76 Cardinal Newman
Relay Team A 4:27.37 Sumter
Relay Team A 4:29.00 AC Flora
Relay Team A 4:29.19 Dreher
Relay Team A 4:29.41 Lugoff Elgin
Relay Team A 4:29.99 Westwood
Relay Team A 4:32.48 Irmo
Relay Team A 4:33.20 Ben Lippen
Relay Team A 4:50.34 Lancaster
Relay Team A 4:54.42 Lakewood
Relay Team A 5:07.06 Columbia
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:12.44 Ridge View
Relay Team A 10:15.60 Heathwood Hall
Relay Team A 10:35.66 Westwood
Relay Team A 10:44.89 Lugoff Elgin
Relay Team A 11:01.68 Dreher
Relay Team A 11:04.10 Irmo
Relay Team A 11:05.49 Sumter
Relay Team A 12:00.00 Ben Lippen
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Timmons, Caroline 2:16.72 Cardinal Newman
Hightower, Hayley 2:17.38 Blythewood
Ward, Jais 2:20 Ben Lippen
Coker, Kate 2:23.22 Trinity Collegiate
Hogue, Mallorie 2:24.31 Blythewood
Smith, Lydia 2:25.99 Heathwood Hall
Aiken, Nyla 2:27.23 Ridge View
Hutchins, Dorothy 2:27.49 Heathwood Hall
Ashley, Emma 2:28.04 Westwood
Jones, Molly 2:28.64 Wilson Hall
Baumgartner, Kay 2:29.00h Ben Lippen
Mines, Zarya 2:30.76 Keenan
Chatmon, Alydia 2:31.70 Ridge View
Bell, Madison 2:32.00 AC Flora
Gustafson, Elizabeth 2:33.58 Lugoff Elgin
Dargan, Emory 2:34.00 AC Flora
Venn, Clare 2:34.20 Spring Valley
Spencer, Akia 2:34.99 Columbia
Carter, Jamiya 2:36.15 Westwood
Langley, Rachel 2:37.22 Dreher
Hall, Sophie 2:37.65 Irmo
Gabelman, Ava 2:39.87 Cardinal Newman
Manor, Kinsley 2:40.78 Lugoff Elgin
Fisher, Abbie 2:41.53 Thomas Sumter
Jones, Chloe 2:42.14 Northside Christian Academy
Brown, Kadence 2:42.57 Sumter
Jones, Eliza 2:45.00 Dreher
Murray, Kendall 2:45.00h Northside Christian Academy
Thompson, Aubrey 2:47.68 Camden
Jallab, Lujain 2:51.57 Richland Northeast
Graham, ArMonti 2:52.31 Spring Valley
Spilker, Skylar 2:53.55 Thomas Sumter
Guy, Hannah 2:55.23 Lancaster
Lopiccolo, Mary Jane 2:55.92 Trinity Collegiate
Freeman, Brenna 2:57.98 Sumter
Lopez-Gonzalez, Adriana 3:00.65 Richland Northeast
Stallings , Destiny 3:05.07 Columbia
Robinson, Aubrey 3:10.17 Lakewood
Hopkins, Laniya 3:16.10 C.A. Johnson
Londo, Kiara 3:37.36 Lakewood
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HS Girls Discus Throw 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burson-Wells, Karin 22.71m Irmo
Sumter, Jhnai 35.53m Lower Richland
McKinney, Isabella 33.32m Lower Richland
Simpkins, Jaslyn 26.12m Westwood
Graham, Jasmine 25.96m Westwood
Clay, Kemetyah 19.42m Irmo
Bell, Ella 22.86m Thomas Sumter
Burrows, Sylvia 19.38m Thomas Sumter
Pitts, Natalie 17.09m Trinity Collegiate
Brown, Madison 31.15m Blythewood
Adelere, Adedoyin 25.45m Blythewood
Craft, Nicole 32.41m Heathwood Hall
Jenkins, Dakota Heathwood Hall
Derrick, Madison 14.63m Richland Northeast
Milledge, Leeaira 13.47m Richland Northeast
Thompson, Bess 29.69m Ben Lippen
Alexander, Savannah 24.63m Ben Lippen
Reuben, Kendreana 25.80m Lakewood
Ezeihuaku, Rebecca 19.41m Cardinal Newman
Thompson, Zaria 18.75m Cardinal Newman
Salas, Abigail 18.90m Northside Christian Academy
Rogers, Megan 18.49m Northside Christian Academy
Mcdonald Craft, Jazmine 35.59m AC Flora
Kelley, Brooke 18.31m AC Flora
Thomas, Kaylee 32.26m Spring Valley
Thomas, Leilani 36.80m Spring Valley
Johnson, Simone 22.73m Ridge View
Williams, Emoni 21.21m Ridge View
Shaw, Iesha 25.13m Lakewood
Galimba, Amelie 32.31m Dreher
Robinson, Brianna 23.32m Dreher
Nichols, Olivia 19.83m Lugoff Elgin
Cooper-Hammonds, Sanyi 19.64m Lugoff Elgin
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HS Girls High Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Laikyn 4-9.87 Lugoff Elgin
Newton, Larkin 4-3.97 Lugoff Elgin
Stokes, JaNiyah 1.49m Irmo
Hill, Jenesis 1.30m Irmo
Donhauser, Bayleigh 1.63m Thomas Sumter
Hardee, Hannah 1.47m Blythewood
Anderson, Kennedy 1.44m Blythewood
Appleberry, Rayahna 1.57m Spring Valley
MONSANTO, Sabreya 1.57m Heathwood Hall
Wells, Logan 1.32m Heathwood Hall
Cebula, Sasha 1.47m Richland Northeast
Jallab, Lujain 1.37m Richland Northeast
Wells, Simone 1.52m Sumter
Jackson, Danabella 1.47m Sumter
Sanders, Kennedi 1.40m Dreher
Huggins, Ellis 1.37m Ben Lippen
Brown, Mason 1.22m Ben Lippen
Cook, Aubrielle 1.52m Camden
Macklin, Amia 1.47m Camden
Woods, ZyRiah 1.37m Keenan
Freeman, Haley 1.32m Northside Christian Academy
Gordon, Kayla 1.42m AC Flora
Bates, Torri 1.37m AC Flora
Casiano-Day, Neveah 1.37m Spring Valley
Robison-Hinton, Idaya 1.47m Lakewood
Cogdell, Lillian 1.37m Lakewood
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HS Girls Javelin Throw 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Luzzi, Anna 33.74m Thomas Sumter
Grandberry, GiAnna 15.65m Irmo
Sumter, Jhnai 31.90m Lower Richland
McKinney, Isabella 18.90m Lower Richland
Fennell, Destinee 16.40m Westwood
Davis, Eden 13.10m Westwood
Corry, Grant 26.65m Trinity Collegiate
Bateman, Keaundrea 30.62m Blythewood
Young, Alayna 17.77m Blythewood
Craft, Nicole 23.22m Heathwood Hall
Fogle, Zaryah 17.31m Richland Northeast
Glover, Ineara 28.18m Dreher
Lane, Kally 26.17m Ben Lippen
Woodard, Connie Anne 31.98m Ben Lippen
McCoy, Sullivan 31.70m Camden
Murray, Kendall 24.54m Northside Christian Academy
Pitts, Natalie 26.09m Trinity Collegiate
Best, Karmyn Heathwood Hall
Thompson, Zaria 14.86m Cardinal Newman
Moye, Kris 9.53m Cardinal Newman
Clay, Kemetyah 14.63m Irmo
Livingston, Cortney 18.77m Sumter
Wilson, Ta'lessa 23.42m Sumter
Parks, McKensley 22.07m Spring Valley
Rocha, Jaqueline 21.75m Spring Valley
Mazique, Ayanna 13.35m Ridge View
Williams, Emoni 16.28m Ridge View
Boykin, Nastasia Lakewood
Tutt, Abbigail 22.76m Lugoff Elgin
Lucas, Layla 22.53m Lugoff Elgin
Dreher, Kiema 24.12m C.A. Johnson
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HS Girls Long Jump 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Madison 16-6.03 Lugoff Elgin
Lucas, Layla 15-8.19 Lugoff Elgin
Spann, Zariyah 4.64m Trinity Collegiate
Harvey, Zion 5.33m Blythewood
Brooks, London 4.30m Westwood
Samuel, Ja' Miah 4.66m Westwood
Valentine, Alahna 5.41m Ridge View
MONSANTO, Sabreya 5.18m Heathwood Hall
Howard, Nadia 4.24m Heathwood Hall
Cebula, Sasha 4.67m Richland Northeast
Wells, Simone 5.27m Sumter
Witherspoon, Brooklyn 4.98m Dreher
Sanders, Kennedi 4.79m Dreher
Taylor, Olivia 5.51m Blythewood
Benenhaley, Claire 4.23m Ben Lippen
Brown, Claire 3.86m Ben Lippen
Gordon, Kayla 5.40m AC Flora
Wilson, Destiny 4.06m AC Flora
Hodge, Zakiya 5.02m Lakewood
Shaw, Ja'Nayha 4.78m Lakewood
Dreher, Kiema 4.65m C.A. Johnson
Rose, Leiyana 5.60m Camden
House-Barr, Aniyah 4.40m Keenan
Salas, Abigail 3.81m Northside Christian Academy
Lopiccolo, Mary Jane 3.99m Trinity Collegiate
Cuttino, Destini 3.78m Lancaster
Green, A'keelah 3.46m Lancaster
Tobin, Nala 5.53m Ridge View
Lankford, Hadleigh 4.71m Spring Valley
Garner, Trinitie Spring Valley
Moon, Haeyoung 3.23m Northside Christian Academy
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HS Girls Pole Vault 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flake, Hannah 2.43m Lugoff Elgin
Osgood, Christina 2.15m Thomas Sumter
Martin, Kelsey 1.98m Thomas Sumter
Tutt, Allyssa 2.13m Lugoff Elgin
Ramsdale, Harper 3.10m Westwood
Ashley, Rebecca 2.44m Westwood
Hutchins, Scarlett 2.85m Heathwood Hall
Howard, Nadia 1.83m Heathwood Hall
Irick, Allison 2.90m Sumter
Tomlin, Serenity 2.45m Sumter
De Boer, Ella 2.44m Ben Lippen
Barnes, Holland 2.29m Ben Lippen
Byrnes, Maria 2.59m Cardinal Newman
Cook, Hannah 2.44m Spring Valley
Myers, Ken'Niah 2.13m Lakewood
Kip, Annabellle 2.15m Dreher
Mathis, Margo 2.15m Dreher
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HS Girls Shot Put 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burson-Wells, Karin 10.91m Irmo
Sumter, Jhnai 11.25m Lower Richland
McKinney, Isabella 10.12m Lower Richland
Simpkins, Jaslyn 10.65m Westwood
Graham, Jasmine 8.65m Westwood
Adams, La'Miah 10.19m Irmo
McKinzie, Malaya 7.52m Thomas Sumter
Pitts, Natalie 8.17m Trinity Collegiate
Ellington, Mary Chellis 6.41m Trinity Collegiate
Fluker, Aniya 11.23m Blythewood
Craft, Nicole 8.94m Heathwood Hall
Fogle, Zaryah 8.40m Richland Northeast
Derrick, Madison 7.93m Richland Northeast
Wilson, Ta'lessa 10.36m Sumter
Williams, Zoey 9.86m Sumter
Brown, Madison 8.45m Blythewood
Thompson, Bess 9.98m Ben Lippen
Alexander, Savannah 7.54m Ben Lippen
Lawson, Christina 9.40m Camden
Mickle, Natalie 8.33m Fairfield Central
Shaw, Iesha 9.76m Lakewood
Thompson, Zaria 10.97m Cardinal Newman
Salas, Abigail 7.42m Northside Christian Academy
Rogers, Megan Northside Christian Academy
Kee, Kamia 6.48m C.A. Johnson
Best, Karmyn 6.86m Heathwood Hall
Moye, Kris 6.91m Cardinal Newman
Hall, Mikka 9.19m Lancaster
Thomas, Kaylee 10.60m Spring Valley
Thomas, Leilani 9.94m Spring Valley
Simon, Kirsten 9.22m Ridge View
Johnson, Aviva 8.45m Ridge View
Pinckney, Amari 6.84m AC Flora
Mcdonald Craft, Jazmine 10.50m AC Flora
Reuben, Kendreana 6.74m Lakewood
Albert, Asia 8.36m Dreher
Eaddy, Lacy 7.92m Dreher
Nichols, Olivia 8.13m Lugoff Elgin
Stone, Morgan 5.64m Lugoff Elgin
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HS Girls Triple Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Madison 35-0.08 Lugoff Elgin
Wells, Taylor 34-6.96 Lugoff Elgin
Benenhaley, Claire 34-5.39 Ben Lippen
Weaver, Jayla 10.69m Irmo
Corry, Grant 7.80m Trinity Collegiate
Sanders, Kennedi 10.80m Dreher
Broadus, Iyanna 9.61m Ridge View
Smith, Imani 9.22m Heathwood Hall
Jenkins, Dakota Heathwood Hall
Glover, Ineara 9.92m Dreher
Bolt, Dara 11.60m Blythewood
Garway, Romell 10.80m Blythewood
Martin-Maybin, Ja'keyia Westwood
Dreher, Kiema 10.46m C.A. Johnson
Hannibal, Laurin 10.06m Keenan
Belin, Laniyha 9.89m Keenan
Davis, Malaysia 8.05m Lancaster
Martin, Breionna Lancaster
Haygood, Chenoa 10.48m Spring Valley
Casiano-Day, Neveah 9.42m Spring Valley
Berry, Sidra 9.51m Ridge View
Lawson, Jazlyn 8.80m Lakewood
Rembert, HaiDyne 8.80m Lakewood
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